Eminem “3 AM” (Voodoo Festival)
November 7, 2009 @ 9:39 AM EST

Here’s another one from Marshall Mathers’ Halloween Havoc show. Seriously, when is my Jewish partner gonna come up off his HD quality shit? There’s no I in team? Oh, but there’s an I in Win. And I’m YN. Ha!
Sidebar: Oh and Em got EMA’s too!
3am is crazy amazing live!
Cheers for the info rapradar
Em you my dude!!!
It’s been a good year for Shady. Way to go, Em!
Dang…Silent promotion for Relapse 2 i guess
crazy performance
I hope he comes with something special..i mean i want to hear something new!!not his old rhymes i want some new creative shit i want him to go at people…i hope he does it with his R2!!
I hope there’s more footage like this of the concert. Luv Em live…can’t wait for R2!
Em is my nigga!!!!!!!!!!!
about time he starts touring with a band. nice.
Эм рулит!!! как всегда на высоте….. Но самый лучший его альбом The Eminem Show .
em a beast, g.o.a.t tha greatest of all time ifck haters!
yea im patiently waiting for R2 mos deff….i think its gona b more rap, more MM LP type shit…