50 Cent Regrets “Pearly Gates”
November 10, 2009 @ 3:16 PM EST

Chopping it up with Rolling Out, 50 says he regrets recording “Pearly Gates” with Mobb Deep on their album, Blood Money. Although the disc carried a Parental Advisory sticker, P’s verse was censored for his blasphemous lyrics. Thank you, Jesus.
Just listening to Prodigy’s verse will send you to hell lol
that shit was so disrespectful
When I was 12 I went to hell for snuffin’ Jesus.
The track itself was amazing, Lyrical content was amazing.
Prodigy has always acknowledged the Illuminati underground Societies
this should be a good question to ask him when out of jail….
What was the point of this verse?
Keep up the great work to everyone in this awesome page!!!
Wow and 50 you say that Jay has changed because of the position that he’s in now. How you going to be “ganster” say all the shit you say and then have regrets because P an artists who’s always challenged traditional religious thought said a line like that? Now that’s pussy.
I thought this was going to be about his teeth. lol
That’s to bad that he said that stuff about God, he’ll change his mind someday…maybe he already did
Never once have I ever made a comment on anything in here and I come here all the time but I have to say this. God is real, hell is real and Heaven is real. Death is appointed to every man and after death is judgement, whether you choose to worship God or not just know on that day every knee will bow and every tongue shall confess.
Now homey if I go to hell and you make it to the pearly gates
Tell the boss man we got beef
And tell his only son I’m a see him when I see him
And when I see him, I’m a beat him like a movie
For leavin us out to dry on straight poverty
For not showin me no signs they watchin over me
i dont blame prodigy for writing that shit..its true..isnt it weird that theres NO proof that god exists
Yes, to anyone who has never heard that verse, don’t listen because it’s so blasphemous, it will make you question if your listening to hip-hop alone would send you hell. To anyone who has already heard it, you understand why Prodigy’s “luck” turned bad after joining the Unit. One silver lining: Havoc’s verse was classic and appropriate.
Prodigy was frustrated with living with Sickle Cell. I don’t know that pain so I can’t judge his state of mind. I would never, but then again I’ve never felt like God forsaken me. His basic frustration is “Why Me?” from living a hard life. He didn’t ask to be born. Can somebody with sickle cell chime in because us outsiders shouldn’t touch this one
that song went hard P had a point and if there is a such thing as hell we living in it rite now all that shit thats suppose to happen in hell is going on rite now
but yea I dont think they shouldv censored it becuz Prodigy believes in that illuminati shit me i believe in God but if those commandments are real im know im not getting in
but this is like a jewish person speaking his feelings you cant get mad its not like dude dont believe in nothin I believe the song had a beautiful concept tho a rap version of what if god was one of us
i bought dia album 1 of the best fukin trakz
Freedom of speech…..
Now all of a sudden ya’ll niggaz r Athiests…such a fuckin shame how ppl change up on this website. That verse was terrible as fuck. Blasphemy wise and lyric wise. The fact that he has sickle cell doesn’t justify his reason for questioning God. Dumb ass. U don’t c otha niggaz talkin bout what they’ll do to Jesus when they see him…smfh…
1 question why wasnt this the lead single for that album LOL that shit hot
i dont like it remember PRAISE GOD
Wait wait wait:
All of you people have NO issue with murder, drug dealing, womanizing etc in your musical content, but the SECOND someone challenges traditional religious concept, its a problem?! I lost alot of respect for 50 on this one.
Jesus was against religion and its traditions if you wasnt aware
Man that was messed up, what prodigy said. Im so very sorry he feels that way. Im sure it hurts God too, cause he is watching over him, and He loves him dearly. I hope he recants his statements before its too late for his lil bitter ass. LOL. I’ll tell you dis much prodigy God is such the Man that he is that he will even forgive you for your ignorance and even let you in those pearly gates if you let him in your heart and ask him for forgiveness, and on top of that heal you of your sickel cell. I will be praying for you my brother. To Christ be the glory! 1. and p.s. quiet storm is the best.
AND to the athiestMC yes we will overlook the murder, drug dealing, and womanizing, etc. cause thats the kind of people who chose to have the most influence in hip hop “GENIUS” NOT AVID FOLLOWERS OF CHRIST. God doesnt associate himself with such foolishness hip hop does. So why would you include a comment like that in your rhymes, something that has nothing to do with the hip hop culture or the developments of it. Thats like insulting a farmer in your verses. Does Farming have anything to do with hip hop no so shut UP. It was out of order for him to bring GOD into his mess, God didnt do him nothing. And who cares if you lost some respect for 50 who are you has anybody even heard of you. I dont think so, you’re probably someone nobody even desires respect from.
@Lee Lee–
I agree that -as you so eloquently put it- “God didn’t do him nothing”, because God doesn’t exist. That’s beside the point though. Suppose that this God does exist and is omnipotent, why does he get credit for creating Prodigy, but no blame for a disease he was BORN with?! Riddle me THAT. Genius!
Lee Lee– why the insults? So NOT Christ like, buddy. Be a person, and have a conversation.
@ athiestMC
well athiest mc God does exist sweetie and you will find that out sooner or later, hopefully for your sake before you die. But Im not going to argue you about that. And because you are ssssoooo ignorant i will riddle you this Genius. God iiiisssss omnipotent as we all know but try desprately to deny. And dont try to blame God for no diseases God is perfect and all that he creates is perfect, so dont try to hold him responsible for something as imperfet as disease. Disease is man made. So why dont you try reading a book. But as my God so eloquently puts it in the bible Mans knowledge is foolishness to him (If you could understand God that wouldnt make him a GOD just human like u & me), which is why the bible tells you to “lean not to your own understanding”.God is a master of creation not death & distruction, you should know who is resposible for that because if you are not serving God then you are serving the 1 who is responsible for death & and disease they call him lucifer(aka da devil). Disease is a result of man not following God’s laws. And if prodigy wants to blame someone for his sickle cell he needs to blame his parents cause one of them should have known they had the trait and made sure they didnt mate with someone else who also has it(which is how sickel cell is passed on to child), but who knows right, his parents probably werent married when they concieved him(which is why God asks us not to have premarital sex), and probably didnt even hardly know the person they were having sex with(which results in fornication, something else God asks us not to do). “But hey lets not take responsibility for the parts we play in making our own lives miserable lets just blame God” IT does seem easier right?And P.S. We could do this all year “buddy” have our own lil blog beef.LOL! I just lllloooovvveee spreading the gospel of JESUS CHRIST. And about the insults very christ like you see my God has wrath aswell. I can voice my opinion about you, just cause you dont like them that doesnt mean im not being a person. I like you though athiestmc lol you’re quite funny.
This is…just wow…how can this nigga say that shit when he got gold albums and alots of money…YET GOT AINT WATCHING OVER HIM AND BLESSING HIM?…this clown…its people with FAR WORST conditions then him….and people who dont have 2% of what he has…YET…god has showed no signs that he is watching over him?….HE NEEDS TO GO TO CHURCH ASAP.
nushay…there is more proof for existence of God then against. Simply put how did we get here? The the theory of evolution makes no sense and its pretty clear we had to be put together by an intelligent being. If you read the Bible, Quran, and Torah there is at least something in those three books that would be considered proof.
@ lee lee, let GOD use you love!!!! You hit it on the nail. We forget to take responsiablity for ourselves. It is so much easier to blame GOD and play the victim. My nephew is only 6 and has cancer, and everyone of his nurses and doctors LOVE him and shower him with gifts and attention. WHY? Because he refuses to be a vicitm and he is only 6! He always has a smile on his face and even when he is hurting We can all learn something from children! My heart goes out to P because I only can imagine that it is tough for him. I think 50 is growing up and I admire him for that!
crazy good verse man i swear i feel him. he was spittin real shit. god dont save people from the hood or LOTS of bad shit thats happened. he didnt save people in slavery they were fucked up. he didnt save anyone in the Holocaust i dont care if they were jewish. if god is real he wouldnt let that bullshit happen