Chris Brown Faces His Fans
November 12, 2009 @ 6:57 PM EST

At the end of the day B, Chris Brown appeared on 106 & Park today before a live studio audience. Rocsi puts Chris through the ringer as he reacts to Rihanna’s 20/20 interview and proves his penitence.
Cam is still the king of “at the end of the day” tho…
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I didn’t know Rocsi was going to try and get her Barbara Walters on. For a minute there I thought she was the one that got slapped. The questions about smiling and public perception were irritating !!! I mean most fans love artist for their art not for who they really are. Public personas are just marketing tools to draw interest to their art. A BET host talking about perception and the negative impact this incident could have on the youth is laughable. 106 and park should have interviewed him from the perspective of entertainment. Going so hard on CB like she did seemed awkard !!!!
When did Rosci turn into Oprah Lite Lite Lite? When did 106 & Park become serious about anything for that matter? And who’s idea was it have Rosci interview Chris Brown like this? It’s really weird to have her all Oprah on Chris Brown. I mean how many times can the guy address the issue and apologize before people as a whole will give it a rest and believe that he really is sorry for what happened?
I did not like how Rocsi handled the interview. She could have asked some other questions about his music and everything instead of strictly focusing on the incident.
He freaking said sorry about a million times would people move on already~!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sooo sick of Rocsi.. never really liked her before.. but this ish is straight irritating. Sow go on somewhere.. if dude wanna smile damn.. She want homey walking around looking suicidal.. this did happen over 6 months back sheesh.. I’m just praying i dont bring in 2010 to this mess
He seemed more worried about his public image and what his fans thought than anything else. How about everyone else you hurt. He still never says Rihanna’s name and always calls it a mistake or the incident. Still don’t think he takes it seriously or is sincere.
someone have a 1 on 1 with Rosci on how to not steal a woman’s husband..
dont like what Chris did but damn the whole interview was about the Rihanna incident
Fuck This fuck boy, and fuck Rocsi too!
Rocsi wants a talk show..I can see it in this ‘interview’
Why are you all mad because the whole interview was about the incident? It does say that the interview was going to be about that and the consequences! And who cares if the incident was like 6 months ago? People say to let go like if they don’t care about what happened and they actually approve what Chris did! It’s not about letting go or not, it’s about what’s wrong and never forget it so it won’t happen again. You should all see the video of Chris Chrocker talking about CB fans and how they are the worst fans in the history of fans!
-“your choice of clothing, the slouching down”
-Rocsi was reading her Thesaurus before this interview.
-Do you see any similarities between you and your stepfather? that had to hurt.
at the end of the day, I would’ve been upset if I was in the audience. This interview set such a somber mood. Ugh.
Why is everyone worrying so much about his image he is honestly probably still worried about his image but we shouldn’t have to be i mean us fans never really are. With other black artist or artist period do we think so much about what they did instead of there talent. We never do so don’t start now because he is young and slipped up once. I mean almost everyone is a lil wayne fan and lets face it he is not a good role model at all. But that doesn’t mean everyone is gonna go get a drank with puprle stuff in it (sorry still love u wezzy). And people wanna be like him cuz he is a grammy award winner and has everything chris brown is basically the same you can wanna reach his level of sucess thats how people look at lil wayne and everyone else. His music is great and yes crawl is about rihanna no denying that but its still agood song so stop hatin. His music and how good it is should have nothing to do with his personal life thats his business and no one else’s not our’s. The music he makes is are business. Now lets look at it this way again you love lil wayne and his music and she him with that deadly purple drank butmost of us have the since not to go drink it and just because his behaivor isn’t the best doesn’t mean we don’t listen to his music now thats how it should be with everyone but with chris his music is geat has never slipped up once and is mad sexy but he makes a big mistake and we let that interfere with what we think about his music. Now you see where im going purple drank is lil wayne’s personal life doesn’t affect his fans at all chris’s mistake was his personal life butit affected some of us why is that. Its really the music that matters he is probably still a good person. Why should something personal mess with what we thnk or thought of him and the answer is it really shouldn’t cuz his music is some of the best kinda like mj’s. Remember how we made fun of him and now that he’s gone its like awww he’s the best we will miss him. Well don’t do that with chris yall gonna miss him when he’s gone so love him now when he is still here the probably with most of us is we never know what we got til it gone so realize what we have when its right here in are face.
So us chris brown fans are some of the worst fans huh. Im not even gonna bother to watch the dumb ass video because i kno this dud is gonna be whack and im really tired of all these whack people that always go something to say. Your not him you can’t say he’s not sorry or whatever because you don’t know that. This man even looked into the camera and said sorry with a straight face. I know he is an actor too but you can tell when things are true and when things are fake if your a real person. See fake people say everything he does is fake thats only because they must think everyone is like them. But we are bad fans because we like to remain loyal and support him even through the hard times? If something is wrong with that then this world has totally became a horrible place to live. Yea we support someone that made a horrible descion and it was absolutely wrong but all chris fans understand that he is human and none of us are perfect we maybe don’t do things so terrible but we do bad things. I think the real problem is that 2 much was expected of him we all wanted him to stay that perfect lil angel and he let us down. There is only so much a person can do to say there sorry and i wish you haters would realize that. But hey what comes around goes around and when you need people by your side and no one is there just remember how you never wanted anyone by chris brown’s side when he needed just cuz he messed up. That day is gonna come for everybody so help this man through his cuz you know you would want the same thing. Us breezy fans aren’t the worst. I think people just saying that cuz they can’t take the fact we are good people that can remain loyal and like to help others and others can’t take that. But its time to start cuz chris ain’t going no where no matter how many times he gets put down. Even if grafiti doesn’t go so well (which i have a feeling in my gut since its his come back album and i heard lots of people say they already pre ordered it) he will keep going because he is a good person and a strong person and no matter how much we try we can’t take that from him if we try so stop hating cuz he’s trying to be a good person its just so petty.