J.Cole’s Three Favorite Debut Albums
November 17, 2009 @ 1:32 PM EST

After speaking on his own debut album, Cole names his favorite inaugural LPs. Good things come in threes.
After speaking on his own debut album, Cole names his favorite inaugural LPs. Good things come in threes.
He fucked it up.. Alicia Keys? Because of your crush? LOL.
Biggie, Nas, Jay-Z. that’s **it** for debuts. Maybe snoop.. Kanye and 50 get a nod but they’re not the best.
So, he can’t like Alicia Keys’ debut album? It’s not good enough to be on HIS LIST because it’s not hip hop? Because she’s a woman? I’m confused…
^ bitch please. we on the subject of HIP-HOP ALBUMS B/C THE NIGGA IS A HIP-HOP ARTIST? does your kentucky fried ass comprehends this? has nothing to do with your feminist bullshit.
correction:^ bitch please. we on the subject of HIP-HOP ALBUMS B/C THE NIGGA IS A HIP-HOP ARTIST! does your kentucky fried ass comprehends this? has nothing to do with your feminist bullshit.
^ bitch please. we on the subject of HIP-HOP ALBUMS B/C THE NIGGA IS A HIP-HOP ARTIST? does your kentucky fried ass comprehends this? has nothing to do with your feminist bullshit.
okay wtf.
anyway on to the issue at hand. this nigga loses for not mentioning “illmatic” —the greatest hiphop album period let alone the best debut.
i think it says his favorite debut albums. he coulda said got damn off the wall. not “the best debut rap albums of all space and times!”
his favorite debut albums. alicia keys, so what? its a dope ass debut too. and its HIS FAVORITE. how do niggas have a debate on whether they agree with another niggas favorite debuts?
“i’m somewhat brain boggled” -snoop dogg ….from one of my favorite debuts. (oh nigga u a bitch for that u fuck ass pussy, how dare u not say ______is your favorite like i think it is)
smh, never cease to amaze me, u bloggers.
lol…The Slim Shady Lp wtihout a doubt..and maybe Jay and Biggie
My Favorite Debut Albums….
Nas – Illmatic
Lauryn Hill – The Miseducation
Jay-Z – Reasonable Doubt
I think the question was what’s YOUR favorite debut albums.. wtf is wrong with some of you. lol
ok best debuts not favorite albums…
illmatic – duh
college dropout – closet thing to a new classic this generation has
ready to die – c’mon son
honorable mention – reasonable doubt – one of the dopest albums of all time, but it wasnt a “game” changer.