New Music: Kanye West “I’m So Appalled” (No DJ)
November 26, 2009 @ 9:57 AM EST

This was posted 2 weeks ago, but here it is without DJ tags. By the way, this verse will be appear on Diddy’s Last Train To Paris too. Appalled?
this nigga crayons!!!!
THIS IS BORING!!NO FLOW NO GOOD RHYMES!!Even his voice makes me nervous!!
Beat sounds like it was made by him. Sounds dope. Jus wish we coulda got the version where the beat was mixed and turned up a lil bit more. Otha than that, this should be dope.
He shoulda titled this track “I’m so tired”.
[…] Well ta da! Kanye keeps his G.O.O.D. Friday series going strong and released this again with a few good friends added in this mix. This shit is fuckin’ […]