New Music: 30 Seconds To Mars x Kanye West “Hurricane”

Mr. West takes a 30 second trip to Mars with the rock band for their December 8th release, This Is War. This is nice! Yeezy gets his 808 on at 3:43.

Props: Herfection

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  1. Henry says:

    This is awesome! kanye is amazingg at anything he does 🙂

  2. JC says:

    perfect blend of sounds

  3. koa9 says:

    Love it….always liked 30STM , nice collabo. Hope this is released as a single, i see it blowing up

  4. yaboitone says:

    kanye is a common day mozart, bach, etc. Sheer genius.
    Contribute his sometimes “eccentric” behavior to THAT fact. Those that condemn him are robbing themselves of the opportunity to witness a shooting star before they can correctly gauge his brightness. Those who understand and except him will forever have their spirits illuminated by greatness.

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