Drake On “Thank Me Later” Features
December 3, 2009 @ 5:53 PM EST

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After learning about his Grammy nominations, Aubrey spoke with MTV on the collaborations on his debut album, Thank Me Later. Shooting for a March release, he’s already locked down: Jay-Z, Wayne, Jeezy and Kanye. He also alludes to a mystery guest.
“It’s this other one I’m excited about that’s kinda left [field],” he demurred. “It’s gonna be a great project — well-rounded.”
Hopefully, everything is squared away.
Wouldn’t mind another Drake collab with Shady.
Drake needs another mixtape to create that buzz again.
Just giving another view….
I think a debut album should have maybe 1 or 2 collabs and it should mainly be about the new artist. This is like your introduction album and you only get 1 of those. You will have plenty of time in your career for big name collabs.
Just my 2 cents…
march release?
people are already getting sick of him…
The feature is Andre 3000, I’ll put money on it. He was riding Andre’s dick for a while, practically begging for a track from him.
yeah its either eminem or andre 3k
whats with the DEF JAM features??? you need a feature from Interscope or its guaranteed flop
better have Eminem on your shit son!!!
Money says that its gonna be someone else. But 3k and Em isnt a bad idea.
The hatred makes me sick…
THANK ME LATER, March 2010. #ShouldBeGood
I think Em will probably be the 5th wheel and will renegade Drake (i.e. destroy him on his own track).
Drake is such a corny dude. I hope he does well, though. He better not get Em or 3 Stacks or he’s going to get schooled on that track.
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[…] So Far: No Release Date For Drake | Drake Reveals Thank Me Later Opening Track | Drake On Thank Me Later Features […]