40/40 Club Security Fired Over Beating
December 11, 2009 @ 10:29 AM EST

According to the Press Of Atlantic City, bouncers at Jay-Z’s AC 40/40 club were fired after footage surfaced of them thrashing two patrons a few weeks ago. Police say charges will be filed against the assailants. That’s not how it’s supposed to get in the club.
Huh!!almost 10 guys against one!!and the funny thing is that he took out the first one so easily!!keep ya head up man!!
Anybody know why the hell these niggas were getin trashed?
[…] Here is video footage of the 40/40 melee. Be sure to read the full story after the jump! Courtesy of Rapradar. […]
[…] According to the Press Of Atlantic City, bouncers at Jay-Z’s AC 40/40 club were fired after footage surfaced of them thrashing two patrons a few weeks ago. Police say charges will be filed against the assailants. – BigHomie […]
Watch every one of these pussies get fired, sued, and locked the fuck up over this shit! All that time in the gym is twisted these niggas minds… How you gonna be on that kinda power trip cause you got the word ‘security’ painted on your shirt?! An how’s this mob of punk niggas gonna go THAT HARD on two dude?! TWO DUDES!!! Hope ya’ll faggots enjoy the fall out over this one…
what punks! 10 against 2. hope they all go to jail
10 on 1? and none of them fools can throw a proper punch? it should say “insecurity” on the back lol
Fuckin’ pussies. lock em up.