Will Smith, Wyclef, & Toby Keith’s Rap Attack
December 14, 2009 @ 7:11 PM EST

At Barack Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize after party in Norway, Will Smith and Wyclef kick a freestyle before seguing into “Rapper’s Delight”. Will then passes the mic to country singer Toby Keith to cap off the song. Hip-Hop rules!
this is dope…just have fun. hiphop isnt supposed to be a job. but we can thank def jam for turning into one.
This was great! Gotta love Will & Wyclef for the randomness of it all and Toby Keith for knowing the lyrics
It was fun until I watched it the second time and Toby Keith does the “slant eyes” when Will says “and yellow”. Asshole.
will smith is that dude… thats the way hiphop should be jus having fun.. fuck all the WWE shit.. good look RR
fuck this video, Barack didnt deserv that prize. Niggas need to leave that black pride shit alone.
yo is that natasha bedingfield?
looks like it woulda been dope to be there
take it zman is a republifuck.
anyway, that looks cool. will is that nigga.
That was awesome!
[…] RR […]
btw wtf was with the random white chick lmao
(not to mention toby-fucking-kieth)
Slightly impressed that Toby Keith could do that.
Well I don’t know, the performance was still dope regardless of Obama not deserving the prize. And the party pride needs to end too. Obama is a democrat and hasn’t done shit for black people either besides winning the presidency for himself. The U.S. government is still fighting wars against brown people and he is the Commander in Chief.
Wow. That was dope! I was hype as hell watchin it on my laptop. Can’t imagine what it would feel like to be there live.
Hip-Hop Rules!
[…] Video via:Rap Radar […]
Obama deserved the prize. Yall are quick to give your loyalty, quick to take it back. that = dumb stupid.
That slant-eyes gesture was pretty screwed up but i seriously doubt he meant it to be racist… he just wasn’t thinking.
@So that “Random white girl” is Natasha Bedingfeild, a really dope singer.
Anyway, this woulda been the coolest thing ever to be there! Will Smith is one of my favorite ppl ever, if not #1. This is true partying. I host a freestyle Open mic and I will now probably throw on some really classic songs so we can sing the hook for fun and freestyle over the verses.
People want Obama to perform miracles in 11 months…where George B. took 8 years to destroy! Give Obama time…damn!!! People are so impatient and quick to turn their backs on the man!
When did Will turn into Carlton?
@ B.dot Chris Breezy closed his twitter account.
yo will is that dude…always a fan of is music cuz he keep it fun and lite and jus make shit to hav a good time too….i cant go a summer wihtout hearin “summertime”
[…] because all real celebrities politicians, have after parties….smhVideo via:Rap Radar google_ad_client = "pub-4712347241205563"; google_alternate_color = "FFFFFF"; google_ad_width = 160; […]