Rihanna Covers GQ
December 15, 2009 @ 9:26 AM EST

Alright newsstand stans, Rihanna lets her top down on the latest issue of Gentlemen’s Quarterly. Your coffee table will thank you later. More in store after the jump.
Props: Rihanna-Daily
All I can say is damn she bad!
not to bag on whoever just added this shit,but your a shithead…FUCK RIHANNA…alrite?..I understand this is RapRadar (truly a different meaning when you cover soap opera shit), but this isn’t Rap nor is it appealing. Okay, she naked, so?..you fuckin’ pervs get jolly as shit when you see a woman naked, like you’ve never been in the room wit’ one before…fuck wrong wit’ u…2ndly, I think the caption on the magazine should be a little (fuck that), ALOT more note-worthy than this bitch. Scientists call it The Singularity…When PC’s become smarter than humans, wtf? cover that!
she’s gross
y she always topless these days.. its like her fashion alone doesnt make enough statement
@JamesBond lol
[…] can find the rest of the featured photos of Rihanna’s sexy ass after the jump! Spotted at Rapradar, Courtesy of […]
@james bond
wait, so don’t cover rihanna because she’s not a rapper
but cover computer news?
oh okay
You know the world is full of “SWITCH HITTERS” when you got men complaining about Rihanna being on a cover of GQ…but get excited when Drake, Cudi and Wale are features in GQ…Rihanna is pretty and as a beautiful woman myself…I can appreciate her look and flirtacious manner!!!! Rihanna is a young 20 something year old woman who is living her dream, finacially stable and sexy! I appreciate anyone (man or woman) who can accomplish their goals via education or entertainment!!!
[…] Spotted on RR […]
Too bad she has masonic connections……oops did I just type that?
she hot
ri ri is fine, but if she was to quit hiding that foot long forhead, she’d look weird. i’d smash her long legged ass though:)
@james bond
Chris, that you?
I just added another pic to this post. I wish I was her hands.
[…] RR via RD var linkwithin_site_id = 39282; (function () { var elem = document.createElement('script'); […]
yo, thats chris brown snoopin’ around under the james bond i.d.!!! hahahaaa
CO-Sign Yvette! SMH… 3dollarbillgameproper ninjas!
masonic connections or not.. she is bad.. good girl gone bad..word up!!
Damn Rihanna get kinda thick!!
This is cool, but I found a new pic of a fully clothed Sade at her listening party last night that was way sexier than this. Sometimes less is more.
lmao james bond you trippen. sounding like a rejected sucka4luv azz busta. dude Ri is 1 of tha Baddest! cb lost alot behind that girl n he still losing. that should tell you something bout her. SHE PUTS IT DOWN!
I would do anything
Damn RiRi bad as hell & got kind of thicker! CB is so dumb he couldn’t have found something else to hit! I bet he feels stupid as hell right now! I could only imagine how great she’s in bed! Giggity Giggity! “I-I-I-I’m So Haaarddddddd!”
just like beyonce, the more publicity and attention rihanna gets, the more she looks LESS like a black woman in magazines spreads, and MORE like a white woman.
i swear there must be a melanin dial they turn down on photoshop with these pics.
she’s still a beautiful girl though, no doubt.
Damn I wished I hadn’t missed her call last night…
All I can say is WHOA!!
she always half naked on these covers she might as well jus go nude already
Lookin right yeszir
nah..yall missed the point, apparently…niggas ooh and ahh over a bitch 99.999% of you niggas won’t even get to touch…let alone have a talk wit’…seeing her naked fulfill’s that thirst tho huh?..yeah I know…nah I ain’t rejected..it’s just much more goin’ on then this hoe on GQ…Wale bum ass, Cudi and Drake on GQ. THAT’S FUCKIN’ RAP, atleast I thought…this bitch get beat up and become a star..oh Taylor Swift ass saga shit….I don’t get it tho…still my point is, the other caption on the magazine, fuck coverin’ her…hell yeah, THAT’S worth coverin’, soon all you retards ‘ll be oohin’ and ahh’in at the thought of, well, thinkin’ for yo own self…get real man. Big ups to this bitch wit’ the Jay-Z affiliation tho…
@james bond
c’mon son…u kno the bitch is fine, ok she not RAP, but she in the category of hip hop a lil bit, and she affliated so fuck it and i undersatnd that the “rappers” is on the mag but they aint sellin they aint sellin the mag….its bizness
y yall hatin on Rihanna..how is this gross?..this girl is hott!..look at her sexy self..umff..!
I’d go in that wart infested pussy quick
Nice tits and legs and stomach, I’ll eat her pussy out all day :).
that 1st pic she look good idk I Like when girls leave some imagination to it like seeing a naked body aint as good as seeing a body with lingerie on
She had to hit Chris 1st like how else can you stomach up hitting a face like that
@ Eminem
@ james bond watch ya bitch mouth son
[…] a press conference in Paris, Rihanna says she loves her GQ magazine cover. To date, she says it’s one of her favorite photo shoots. No disagreements […]
Eh Amber Rose already did this look for a shoot… no originality
[…] like her previous cover, Robyn sports her birthday suit on the front of Gentlemen’s Quarterlys annual “Men Of The […]
[…] a press conference in Paris, Rihanna says she loves her GQ magazine […]