Drake Named “Jew Of The Year”
December 19, 2009 @ 9:22 AM EST

Every year around this time, my partner PR and the fine folks at Shade 45 do a special program called “Hanukkah Radio”. This time, they really lucked out cause rap’s next superstar just happens to be Jewish. Besides admitting he was Bar Mitzvahd in a basement at an Italian restaurant, Drizzy reveals that while in Houston, he recorded several songs with Bun B and will soon be headed to Hawaii to finish Thank Me Later with you-know-who. The album’s still slated for March 2010 and he says it’s coming together cohesively and his bars is up. L’ Chaim!
Sidebar: No Hebrew, but you knew Jay Elec-Hannukah had to join the fun.
End of March?
They should have banged out the album and dropped it on the 21st. To make the most of his buzz/seasonal sales.
[…] Drake is “Jew Of The Year” on Shade 45 Hanukah Radio Posted by ip Filed in My Dudes, Stan Ipcus, Westcheddar Radio Leave a Comment » […]
i think drake will sell 300-450k 1st week
blackpeople are they @ jews
maan, i always used to wonder why this nigga is so ugly… now i kno
Degrassssssi ass nigga.
Ugly overrated mo’fucker
“niggas” need to stop hating
Now I know why is ugly ass is been over hype
i thought lil wayne said he finished it..
Judah-Judah best, Judah-Judah best…
[…] Shouts to RR. […]
[…] Drake ist “Jude des Jahres” […]
So many Haters on that nigga….
i don’t know why .
Somebody can explain to me???
No wonder they pushin this guy so hard, They finally found a rapper who’s half black yet still one of their own……Jews in the rap game aint been this happy since The Beastie Boys dropped
lol, I’m clownin, but really, what the fuck is up wit “Jew of the Year”??
Can I get a “Cuban of the Year” award from ya’ll???
I figured out Drake is just gonna be 1 of those dudes that gets love from 1 side and hate(& I rarely use that word) from the other. Not a fan but dude aint all that bad.
Also his “background” doesnt sit right wit alot of cats.The fact he was on a tv show &had money b4 da rap game,which alot of rappers cant relate to,means he doesnt know struggle.Cormega was getn @ dat
Fucken jew !!
I hate Jews! Matter of fact, gimme back my pennies. Thank God that Eminem ain’t a Jew, props to him being German.
Read The Bible!
What are all Black people originally?
“Jews” – We should know this fact, like we know the one about all human kind orginating from Africa! Go in your bibles, and read about the Black Hebrew Isrealites. If you didn’t know many things can determine a Jew, such as ethnic background, religion, language and stop waiting on the next Nas album to discover the facts. The facts may not be on a major label album, because as a culture of people some of us are brain washed by the higher powers of these companies. We need to start pimping these people, who stole from are cultures and wash away our souls.
We need to get ourselves back. There isn’t a perfect human on earth, but we can definitely bring ourselves back. Play the game, and don’t let the game play you.
Leave Drake alone. Until you discover what is truly in blood and hertiage!
@terrence hanton – yeah cause we all know that the fucking bible is a great source for FACTS… Jack ass… Talking all this shit about these companies an shit… Who do you think wrote the bible?! SMFH
Hey, I’ve never commented on here before, but I feel it necessary as a Jew to say how sad it is to see the comments of hate. Blacks, Jews and other minorities need to stick together and stop hating. It isn’t right to hate any group. Thank you Terrance for what you wrote, you are a class act. For the rest of you, please stop being so ignorant, you are better than that.
nigga putting in overtime in damaging my name yet this remain the hottest in the game lol
The post’s title made me chuckle. That’s all.
I should be in the Twitter 100, btw. But hey.
i thought lil wayne said he finished it..
him and his homies write raps that kum outta his mouth.
fuckin jew !!!
My nigga Terrence Hanton is on point. Really, who is this BITCH, blogging using a name LIKE OBAMA! REAL NIGGAZ LIKE T! PAID ATTENTION TO 2PAC N OTHER FAMOUS BLACK AUTHORS! PAC REPEATED IT ON “KEEP YOUR HEAD UP” — “the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice”! So even if he is another TIGER WOODS – (DRAKE) = A FEW DROPS MADE HIM BLACK………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
yO! T
Yo old BOSS J!
like you use to tell the kid “and if you don’t got knowledge, how much will you get from college”
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fukk wheelchair jimmy , drake aint shyt , they need 2 quit giving these people that , already have money , fukkin record deals . Its time 2 let someone who needs the shyt repp and get sum recognition . KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
And i coud give a fukk bout him being a jew , I just dont understand how the fukk an actor of a kids show that teaches morals can turn gangtsa by spitting fake lyrics and lying bout what he does . KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
I cant believe u people listen 2 his bs music . Guess all frauds stick 2gether . fukk , this shyt pisses me off . KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
Im a struggling real muh-fukka thats cold on tha mic but i cant get shyt . Then lil gaywayne goes and co-signs for a fraud that alredy has an entertainment carrer and nobody notices that this fagg dont really live , or do the shyt he raps bout. Fukkin Canadian .KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!! http://www.myspace.com/originalsmokesouljaent
So what he is a Jew? Who cares? And you broke ass wannabe rappers are mad because you can’t get a deal. The reason why, is that your content is WHACK!!! It’s too many rappers anyway and they ain’t saying shit. Who cares about your hood? Your hood ain’t no better than the next hood. It’s all Ghetto dumb ass…Speaking of Ghetto, that’s where Jews lived in Germany during the Holocaust….dumb ass. And why everybody has to put rims on their cars…..WHACK….And wear chains….WHACK…….and flash their fake Jacobs (who is a Jew)….Everybody on this post is a dumb ass…..FUCK YOU ALL BE-OTCHES!!
^ get a life you loser. damn, you got some issues. weirdo.
(to SmokeyThaBandit)
And why everybody has to put rims on their cars…..WHACK….And wear chains….
shit if the kar right then y not?
terrence hanton has cause a frenzy as the teacher. i see fuck jay z did his homework . drake is nice. if he does or doesnt write his rhymes (you know the rumors) , but if he does he is really dope! all u’s urban folk need to stop the hating, and let that dude handle his bizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzness! y’all some dumb muthafuckas!
Fuck All Yall !!! KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
YALL are THE idiots FOR believing THIS fraud ASS muthaFUCKA!!!! Like I said , they need to quit all this actor turnt rapper shit . I dont care if he makes good music . HE IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH ON HIS RECORDS !!!!! So yall gon’head and keep riding this fraud , jewish canadian emcee’s dick over there in your make believe world..KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
Studio Ass Gangsta . KILL WHEELCHAIR JIMMY!!!!!!
When have you heard aubrey graham poppin sum gangsta shit..
most i heard was “if im wit the right niggas you kan skoop a OZ”
someone needs hand smokey his medication.
fuck jews I hope they all die
@SmokeyThaBandit i dont even have to listen to your music (which i wont) to know why you cant get anywhere.
1. you sound like a very ignorant person and being ignorant or dumb are not good characteristics when you want to become part of or start A BUSINESS which is EXACTLY what the music INDUSTRY is. lol.
2. You wanna get “in the game” and your first move is to go on blog sites and talk s**t about the hottest rappers in the game??? lmfao. And i don’t mean hot as in “the best” necessarily. I simply mean the most profitable, the most powerful, and the most influential right now. If you wanted to get in the locomotive business would you go online and talk s**t about Warren Buffett? lmfao. Love em or hate em, if you want to become one of their peers when you aint DOIN SHIT you BETTER RESPECT EM. Dumb move. If you EVENTUALLY get some power and status, than MAYBE you can feel like comin out the side of your mouth. But until then, its just stupid homey.
3. You OBVIOUSLY have ABSOLUTELY NO understanding of rap and lyrics?? If you did you wouldn’t be calling Drake a “fake?” JUST BECAUSE HE WAS ON A so called MORALISTIC TV SHOW ACTING it doesnt mean hes a fake or what he’s talking about isnt real?? That is an incredibly closed minded and ignorant statement? He doesn’t rap about “gansta s**t.” He raps about real life, the things he is doing now, relationships, his dreams and the road it took to get to there, and many other subjects. IRONICALLY enough this makes him ONE OF THE REALEST niggaz spittin, cuz he isnt just doing the same ole generic bulls**t that alot of rappers do JUST to get a name. He’s being REAL. You might wanna give up on rapping homey. I could go on for days with what you would have to learn to make it.
oh. and the FOURTH and MAYBE the most important reason you want make it…..ur a hater. lol.
haters never prosper.
smokey I just listened to you rap (can’t be sprayed with no lysol disinfectant, beware of this houston texan) / nigga please no faggot in their right mind in the industry would sign you/ Sylvia Rhone would probably tell you “miss thang please”/ J Prince would ask “while you rapping (really whacking) who fucking you in the ass”/ Puff would be like ” i had mase, go sign with ru paul”/ la reid gone say “you disrespecting southern slang” (then dial 911 on you ass, before he faint)/ and lyor and his crazy ass (would definitely pull the guns out!)/ in other words you would have to suck the cum out of a dick and lick the balls to get a deal/ + faggots flopping anyways ask will smith and busta rhymes……………………………bitch ass nigga………………………….move on………………………………!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m Jewish and hate Drake. He’s one of the whackest rappers I ever heard of. Paul Rosenberg is kind of a clown too.
Also the original Jews aren’t black, sorry to burst your bubble. They were semitic similar to Arabs, and they heavily interbred with Europeans and are mostly caucasian now. A very mixed people due to the fact they have basically lived in every area of the world at one time or another. Israel is mostly a white country now.
Black people calling themselves Jews are being fools. Black people obviously come from Africa, and some were removed and sent to America. Now as freed Africans in America cut off from their own heritage for centuries they search for culture and identity in bizarre places. For a few nutjobs Judaism is one. I’m sure black people have invented many useful things, Judaism is not one of them. “Black Hebrew Israelites” need to get a grip on reality. You can be whatever you want to be, it’s not necessary to rewrite a fake history and be racist towards everyone else. It reeks of insecurity and low self-esteem, you can accomplish a lot on your own without having to delude yourself to believe you created a 5000 year old culture that it is historically impossible for you to have done. You don’t need to have invented Judaism to have intrinsic human value and be a creation of G-d equal to everyone around you. You know in your heart the whole black Israelite things is a load of crap. Let’s all move on as human beings and stop with such childish nonsense.
For all the people talking about rich Jews running the world and all that nonsense. An interesting fact about Jews is that 3 generations ago over 95% of Jews lived in extreme poverty. It was common for Jews to own 2 pairs of clothes, one for worship and one for the rest of the week. Many families only had one pair of shoes for the whole family. The word ghetto is an italian word for Jewish areas in Italy. I have living relatives including my parents who lived in ghettos in Italy and other areas of Europe.
As black people you should be particularly interested in that type of story. Because when minorities become successful they are met with all types of hatred over it. A lot of people don’t express hatred towards minorities, until they become successful. Then all types of bizarre shit is spread like they are all crooks and cheat lie and steal. How else could such inferior people succeed. They must be evil. That will be the justification to kill you and take everything from you to try and put you back in your place, like during the holocaust.
Blacks, Jews, hispanics and poor whites don’t need to be putting eachother down. It’s important do educated yourself about things like this because they directly effect you to the present day.
damn kyke
I absolutely love, love, love, Drake, especially since he’s the probably the only Black Jewish Canadian out there- and I love that he is proud and vocal about his pride in being a Jew! Drake: please stop dating the chicksas and get with a nice Jewish, Canadian girl like me!
OH AND to Jackson- go back to the f-ing hole you came from, you ignorant idiot.
Oh and to JewTang-
youre absolutely right- i hate when people say ghetto like its a cool thing and think its their ‘word’ or ‘world’ not even knowing where the word came from! what jews have accomplished for themselves in the last century, getting out the ghettos and away from poverty is amazing. the reason people hate on jews is because theyre jealous.
ducci splurt
well im sorry but jews do the run the world and yes 95% of us are rich mann
As a Jewish Canadian I love Drake and I love that he’s Jewish, Canadian and proud. As someone who has always felt an infinity to black culture, I say Drake is the perfect Jewish black man and I want to have his children. Seriously Drake, why do you feel the need to date these strippers, video hoes, and escort girls (ahem Malia Michel) who just want to get pregnant so you will pay their child support for the next 18 years. Why don’t you get with a real Jewish woman, and make your Bubby and mom happy?!? Just because some snobby-ass Jews in Forest Hill treated you as different, doesn’t mean all Jews feel that way. Some Jews want a real chocolate Jew.
Oh, he’s a fake Jew no wonder he so successful.
terrence hanton is point, obama get a real name. you a fake gangsta!