New Music: PreZZure “Exhibit Me”
December 19, 2009 @ 9:20 AM EST

Nepotism be damned. Me thinks baby bro went in on this one. And I’m not just sayin’ that because he kinda got at me on it. Ha!
Props: Rock The Dub
Shit is mad amateurish
’08 was great, 09 was fine’?!?!?!? Are you fucking kidding me?!?! Nepotism is THE ONLY thing that could get this garbage played! You just started a new site, you’re making moves again in the industry… You should be MUCH more cautious about destroying your credibility homie… This is a bad look all around… And for the record, imo dude (preZZure? how the fuck is that even pronounced?!) is below average lyrically an sounds like he’s literally asleep in the booth… Have we really reached the point where just being the brother of an editor is enough to get somebody in the door?!?!? SMFH
Wasn’t the greatest shit Ive ever heard, but it was good. Worth listening to.
Not baaaaaaaaaaaaad, I actually liked it. YN I’ve seen Bull Shit music posted on this site, alot from mainstream artiste (eg. that song with Beans saying boy a million times and All of lil Waynes new songs) so I don’t see no prob in posting something you feel deserves to be up there regardless if it’s your little brother.
He did his thing man. Cosign with Thatdude, it was good , worth listening to.
I like it, I like his flow, although he is not saying anything mind blowing. I ain’t mad at you posting his music, just don’t start giving him free advertising space/ and unwarranted props al a dem dudes from one time “Hip-Hop Bible”
08 & 09 was NOT fine. made me abandon hip hop. maybe for good.
he sounds like a 09 Grand Daddy IU somehow. not so bad actually!
^^^ Yeah MAINSTREAM rap was not fine but its been PLENTY of good music to come out in the last 2yrs……
[…] specific posts, so anyone browsing has to visit the original blog/post.) This post originated from Rap Radar on December 19, 2009. leaked byRap Radar go to […]
ummm ok. I think he needs to re-record this and say it like he means it. not bad, just sounds like he is practicing.
vocals didn’t sound very good… Needs to be recorded by engineer that knows what there doing..
he was cool…. BUT! Please ban all Exhibit C freestyles!!!! Mainstream & Underground!!! I will go as far as to say Lil wayne and Jay-Z can Kick rocks!
Nice! Def do not regret pressin play…lol. Actually going to give it another listen after I give my 2 cents here. Dude got my attention and will b checkin for new ish n the future from dude. Keep it up brotha.
I’m sorry but i don’t care if the dude was the son of rakim, nas and dr. dre… he’s still dripping with wack juice… just embarrasing … no flow.. no confidence.. no voice control.. go back .. listen to jay elec a couple thousand times.. and then you’ll know what confidence sounds like (cos appearantly you didn’t hear the first couple of times).. and maybe in like a year you will know what rapping is about.. but for now.. just stfu… don’t bother your brother.. make it on your own.. if you dope you dope… and nobody will question nothing… but it’s gonna take at least a couple of years before you’re there.
This shit blows :-O
Are yall kiddin’ me ?? Yall wouldn’t give your baby bro a chance to see what the masses think of some of his stuff so he can gage for himself where he’s at ?? Get outta here!! He’s obviously already grindin’ and tryin’ to see what he can do . Why not ?? It’s not a feature in a Jay song, it’s a post.
YN didn’t turn off comments so nobody could leave their opinions . The comments will help his bro one way or the other . Either way it’s a chance to touch a worldwide audience on his brothers blog, good for them . Family unity is what it’s about . Every other culture looks out for their own why can’t we ?
Now to the flow . It was cool IMO. It was actually pretty slow starting , but you could tell from the middle to the end dude was starting to find his groove . In my humble opinion it was more a delivery thing which means another take or two with the same intensity from beginning to end would have come off a little better . But overall worth listening to and checking for in the future. If he keeps working hard , he could be good. Best of luck, as you can see by this comment section , it’s tough out here .
fuck ya’ll prezzures dope, he been dope… i knew him for minute… nigga can rhyme his ass off… i know ya’ll gon say you just saying that cuz you know him lol. but nah he’s a good artist.
Wack Sauce! This is garbage! Don’t ever post no shit like this and tarnish the original! The vocal is even too loud. I hate to be harsh but I don’t wanna hear nobody else on this track unless it’s TOTALLY OFFICIAL! Maybe Prezzure is dope compared to OJ The Juicman but this definitely is far from Dope on my scale. More like Weak BABY FOOD! Young cats out here need to get their weight up before posting this crap!
This almost messed up my Merry Christmas!!!!
One Love,
To the defense of Prezzure. I don’t wanna steal anyones joy. Everyone must start somewhere. I know I’m not the best.
I will say be prepared for criticism. This is how you grow:)
Still, that song aint it:) Don’t do that (smiles)
[…] night, baby bro took the family flip cam and pretty much recorded the entire Joe Budden concert in NY. This was […]