1. So Icy Boi! says:

    FLOP! Jaime still tryin to get a hit ….all his new somgz been TrAsH!

  2. Thatdude. says:

    wtf that white girl looks dirty. Whats Jamie partyin with that for!? Oh theres a song.. pass

  3. DJ Full Effect says:

    is that Jillian Barberie in that picture???

  4. BIG BAWLS says:

    Nah, imma hafta pass on dis one!

  5. Will says:

    O yeaa…….. Naw that song is wacc idk it seem like when he do songs with lil Wayne they just be terrible fillers that he just try and use Wayne Name for the promo becuz that song on intuition with wayne was wacc too

    @ DJ full Effect I think that is Jillian Barberie i been out of LA so long i forgot what she looked like

  6. Jamie Fucks says:

    you hating ass niggas

  7. dickinyamom says:

    No Jamie…. Just no I will not head straight to the dance floor, there’s garbage juice from this song out there

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