Joe Budden Debuts New Song At S.O.B.s
December 29, 2009 @ 8:15 AM EST

A lot of great shows went down last night in NYC. At S.O.B.s, Joey debuts an untitled track. Possibly off his upcoming album, The Great Escape. After the jump, Joey talks about Mood Muzik 4 before the show.
BH! i was gonna correct you about the great escape but you’re too quick lol!
PROPS my nigga
Joe Budden is my favorite rapper out right now, real talk…………If Great Escape and Mood Muzik 4 live up to expectation he’ll be on my all time favorites list
Peronsally, I don’t understand the fascination with Joe Budden. Yes, he can rap. But i think he’s an underachiever that never lived up to his hype. I mean, look at his catalouge for further proof.
Joe Budden’s catalouge is tight to me……….Mood Muzik 2 and 3 are better than most peoples albums………And Padded Room would have been a classic with better beats……I wont even mention Slaughterhouse, that speaks for itself………And I’m pretty sure his Def Jam record went gold
But he is kind of an underachiever, he even said himself that he turned down alot of major label deals and that he likes being independant better…….
I’d have to disagree. I think he appeals to a very small niche. Off hand, I couldn’t name 3 songs off either of those mixtapes.And they’re just that, mixtapes. I just think he sucks as a songwriter. There’s no disputing that he can rhyme his ass off, but that’s only one dimension.
Disagree with B.Dot, if you can’t name 3 songs off either of those mixtapes that tells me you probably don’t have enough knowledge of Joey to say whether he does or doesn’t suck. Just saying…
As far as not living up to his hype…who’s to say? He’s still rapping, still selling records, and still getting better…all three of those can be supported. Was there more to his hype in 2003 when he came out? What other rappers debuted that year and are in better standing with themselves and their audience than Joe Budden is? I can think of only one: 50 Cent.
And as far as appealing to only a niche, well that’s arguable. Appeal as a whole is arguable, actually. Look at Maino, for instance. The guy had 3 radio singles, two of which charted for multiple weeks on end. He came out and sold less than both Joe’s last solo album (Padded Room) and the Slaughterhouse debut. But, based on performance, Maino as a rapper appeals to more people, no? If that’s the case (which it would seem)…then who you appeal to really doesn’t have any correlation toward how you perform. Budden went 6 years without an album on shelves or a song on radio and still sold more than a guy who had a machine behind him.
As a random side note, I think RapRadar has certain guys they pull for and certain guys they don’t. Budden is within the latter. Pull a chair up next to Lupe, Joseph.
@ B dot
To Each their own, my opinion is that your missing out, cause to me Joey is one of the best songwriters in the game……..Always has a point to his songs, check “In My Sleep”, “Are You in that Mood Yet” or “World keeps spinning” for starters
google “joe budden lines” and read some of his lines/verses….real deep…dude is dope as fuck
I admit, he can’t put out good songs but then again what do you expect when you are working with low budget producers. He works with what he has and up to this point, hes done ok.
Hopefully the Shady deal works out…then the he and the group will have some money in the budget to get some A list producers to work with….
That Shady deal is almost a lock. Them SH niggas be saying it subliminally in their rhymes. Then them niggas is suddenly sticking up for Em. Except Royce since he been really having bro-love with Em from day one.
the thought of slaughterhouse tracks produced by em, alchemist, just blaze…..AHHHHH….hopefully my dream will true
Joe Budden, get it in babe!! -She Ra
Disagree with B.Dot, if you can’t name 3 songs off either of those mixtapes that tells me you probably don’t have enough knowledge of Joey to say whether he does or doesn’t suck. Just saying…
As far as not living up to his hype…who’s to say? He’s still rapping, still selling records, and still getting better…all three of those can be supported. Was there more to his hype in 2003 when he came out? What other rappers debuted that year and are in better standing with themselves and their audience than Joe Budden is? I can think of only one: 50 Cent.
And as far as appealing to only a niche, well that’s arguable. Appeal as a whole is arguable, actually. Look at Maino, for instance. The guy had 3 radio singles, two of which charted for multiple weeks on end. He came out and sold less than both Joe’s last solo album (Padded Room) and the Slaughterhouse debut. But, based on performance, Maino as a rapper appeals to more people, no? If that’s the case (which it would seem)…then who you appeal to really doesn’t have any correlation toward how you perform. Budden went 6 years without an album on shelves or a song on radio and still sold more than a guy who had a machine behind him.
As a random side note, I think RapRadar has certain guys they pull for and certain guys they don’t. Budden is within the latter. Pull a chair up next to Lupe, Joseph.
Let me take it from the top.
I’ve listened to a bulk of joe’s material. Again, I’m not disputing his skill set. I think HE CAN RAP. He’s never made a record that’s transitioned from the mixtape circuit to the masses. ie: Cam’Ron, 50 Cent, Drake, etc.
Lastly, don’t think i like everyone I put up on this site. I have favs and dislikes like everyone else. But as i said the other day, I gotta job to do.
For all these Joe Budden fans out there, he should be triple platinum, selling out the Garden. Maybe he’s content with selling 3K-6K copies of his material.
In terms of the Maino comparison, he’s a success story. Maino was billed as another “mixtape rapper”. But, he beat the odss. Made a hit record, “Hi Hater” (Got Oprah’s BFF talkin bout it) and made a platinum single “All of the above”. Joe’s debut sold lil less than 500K. Why hasn’t lightening striked twice? Don’t give me that “machine crap” neither. The machine isn’t in the booth making the records. Maino sold 18K by himself, Slaughterhouse did that as a quartet.
“But he is kind of an
underachiever, he even said
himself that he turned down
alot of major label deals and
that he likes being
independant better …….”
I dont really see anything wrong with that. It seemed like def jam didnt care about his artistic ablities and they just wanted another “pump it up” out of him. He knows how majors work and as a solo artist he doesnt fit in.
BUT i do think Slaughterhouse could have the potential to blow with a machine behind them. Strickly because its 4 minds wrkn togetha rather than just 1.
@ B-dot
What do you mean he never made a record that transitioned from the mixtape circuit???…..
“Pu-pu-pump pump it up”
lol, they played that during the world series in 03 man……..And his track Fire with Busta Rhymes did pretty well too
And he sells more than 3-6K………Padded Room sold I think 30K, which is pretty good for an Independant release…….And if you compare Buddens numbers independantly to Mainos numbers on a major, JB probably getting more paper, cause he has less middle men to pay off
lol. you’re right, but that was 6-7 years ago. Don’t tell me he’s reached his peak, already! He’s never capitalized off his previous success and in turn, will be known as “the-pump-it-up” guy. As for padded room, that shit aint do 30K bro..I’m a look up soundscan #’s tho.
I just checked wikipedia and it says 23,441 copies.of PR got sold….But I was close,lol
Hey, at least he has Pump it up tho, better than alot of cats got……Being Independant is better these days anyway……Only Rappers who get any mainstream love are the dudes like Gucci Mane who sound like they have Downsyndrome………..And even those cats cant find there way to a gold Plaque……..Only rappers pushing platinum are Em, Jay(to vets with a decade of history), Wayne, T.I and Kanye……..
If I were a rapper, I’d go independant
Never. Ever. Trust Wikipedia. I’ll get a verified #. Independent is good depending on your level of artist and fan base. certain acts are guaranteed to clock a million sales: Jay, Em, Kanye, T.I., so the return is going to be great. But thats all how negotiate ur contract
Outside of those acts tho, who else is making it these days??
50 cent, Rick Ross, Ludacris..All these guys are huge stars and there last efforts bricked……..And I’ll tell you who’s gonna be next is Drake…….Even with all Buzz, he’s not going platinum, I’d bet money on it……….
Nope. Ludacris has consistently gone plat. I believe Theater of Mind is gold or nearly gold. With Drake, only time will tell.
Ludacris is a prime example of what I’m talking about…………Was always a guaranteed Platinum artist or better………..Now, its not clear as to whether or not he’s new one is even gold yet
Side Note: “Theatre Of the Mind” was a great album
Everyone slips here and there. But i didnt like it too much tho. Check back later to see what albums i did like of the decade tho…oops, did i say i that out loud? lol
Maino sold 18K by himself? Wrong, Maino sold 18K because he got a T-Pain hook, a Jeezy verse on the remix, and a major co-sign. But why are we trying to figure out the positive reasons why Maino sold 18K? 18K is a flop, solo or with a group, when you’re signed to a major. Dude made pennies on every album. Padded Room did 16K the first week and was at 33K a week and a half later, according to HiphopDX’s charts. Now I’m not saying that’s good, but when you consider Maino has sold 47K to date…Joe overachieved, Maino underachieved. Especially when you consider Joe did his numbers on a basically unknown digital imprint (Amalgam).
And are you really going to justify Ludacris by saying his last album is almost/might be gold? Almost or might be? The album has been out for for over a year. Is this really an accomplishment?
Maino’s a solo artist. He isn’t in a group or in a crew. Yes, 18K is a flop. But on the flip side, he got a platinum single out the deal. From the beginning, Maino was career was fitted for a toe tag. So for him to defy those odds, put out a decent album and have a plaque is an achievement.
I think Joe’s allergic to making hit records. (or univesral good records). He hasn’t had one since 02-03. For Joe to be touted as some sort of “Rap God” he doesn’t have much to show for it.
Ludacris is dope. That goes without saying. The last i check, that album was at 400K. In these times, thats great!
@ B.Dot
We’ll see what happens if that Slaughterhouse/Shady Deal goes through………look at 50, people thought he was gonna be known forever as the “How to Rob” guy………..Stranger things have happened
I guess that’s where we differ then B.Dot and I’m alright with that. You gauge an artist on the amount of hit records that they have as well billboard performance. I gauge them differently. To each his own.
Joe might not have a billion sales but he still has an audience that hangs onto every word he raps and supports him selflessly, which is more than a lot of these fly-by-night rappers can say. Don’t believe me? Dig this: Joe just sold out back to back nights at SOB’s. By comparison, back in May during the Hot 97 sponsored showcase, there were still tickets available for Drake’s show at the same venue minutes before he took the stage. I know because I bought one. I stood only a few feet from YN, ironically enough. The venue itself said that Joe sells they club out faster than a lot of the buzzworthy names do. Why is that?
I’ve never liked Budden either. His head is too big, I mean, he wen’t through a fuckin’ bracket and picked out every rapper he thought he was better than. What the fuck? Did Method Man give a fuck about that shit, nope, he didn’t even know that list existed. Does Method Man twitter? Nope. Budden is an internet rapper, plain and simple. And it pisses me off that four rejects are about to sign with one of the biggest rap labels. Seems like Em likes to ride every rappers dicks these days, he even gave props to Jim Jones and Asher Roth,. sighhhhhhhh
@ Metal Lungies
Joe has a very large following despite what the numbers say……….Shit, alot of his material you cant even find in stores(Escape Route, Halfway House)……..So it doesnt surprise me that he can sellout the club like that, especially up north………
I saw Slaughterhouse on Rock The Bells and no lie they had one of the best crowd reactions of the night
@ Budden
I dont see why people got upset about that, everybodies entitled to their opinion…….I’m a huge Wu fan from back in the day to so its no bias
Nah, one of my fav artists of all time doesnt sell shit these days [insert Ghostface]. Good songs are good songs. That’s universal, no matter their performance. But i respect ur opinion.
I dunno bro. I was at that Drake show and that shit was packed like a slave ship. The line was literally around the corner. I’m not denying Joe has a fan base, but it’s very niche IMO.
And Slaughterhouse on Shady would equal some great Music………Royce and Em, we already know what that is………..Plus, if any heavyweight in the game is gonna understand Joey’s “Mood Muzik”, it’ll be Eminem………I dont see how anybody who listens to Em wouldnt like Joey……Outside of the funny singles, Budden and shady have alot in common……..
If you liked “The Way I Am” or “Cleaning Out My Closet” or “Lose Yourself” by Em, then you really should go downlaod Mood Muzik 2, Mood Muzik 3 and the Escape Route EP………Joey puts it all out there you just dont like budden straight up…. and yes its me again. i put money that you just look at his music from the surface. padded room does have a good selection of well written all around good songs along with bad songs.
oh and please dont do that machine or not its still the same crap…. because if we step out of the online world theres atleast double the hip hop fans still paying attention to radio and bet 106 for whats hot. im sure theres a difference between joe budden’s online free promo compared to maino’s online promo, radio promo, bet video promo… which is all pushed by his label giving money of course. if joe budden was major he would atleast sell double what he did. at this point we can say the numbers he’s doing is based on just him and thats it.
only reason he isnt more popular is due to his actions like dissing method man for no reason or getting snuffed by raekwons etc etc… because when it comes to music he does puts it down. padded room which does have a lot of shittytracks has 3 songs from the top i can name which are 3 well put together songs… do tell, angel in my life and pray for me.
the pump it up thing is also something that’ll haunt him too… and all the songs after that promoted on def jam. his image on def jam was similar to flo ridah’s image now. so someone like that coming back out to this new internet market as a “real lyricist” is looked at by many people as a joke.
I dunno bro. I was at that Drake show and that shit was packed like a slave ship. The line was literally around the corner. I’m not denying Joe has a fan base, but it’s very niche IMO.
so was joe’s show yesterday at sob’s. and the one tonight will be even more packed.
you just hate the man i could tell.
thats b dots opinion…hes not into budden…so he keeps it movin…there are a shit load of artists im not into either…very popular ones…just not my cup of tea….I have never ever been into Outkast for example (let the bashing begin…YAWN)
budden has his own lane for what he does and he does it well…..especially with no machine behind him.
Why cant people just respect that.
@ jafijoe
Umm im not a drake fan at all but I have seen first hand the large number of people he brings out and I agree with Bdot, its rediculous….no really, it is. Im from MD and we have a club called LOVE which is a megaclub….in the 8 years that place has been open and the number of A+ celebs and artists that came through and performed (jay, LL, beyonce etc) I have never seen that club as packed as when drake came through…you would have thought it was a michael jackson concert….me and my boys looked at each other like wtf?
SH selling out SOB is NOTHING compared to the huge crowd drake brings/brought out
Shouts to LOVE! i love that spot…but that’s another story. Jafi, you’re a JB fan, so i know ur gonna defend him. I can respect that. But seriously, what has Joe done beside join a group in the last 6 years? Not much. Specifally in terms of evolution and catalouge. All he says is “these mixtapes are LIKE albums” sorry Joe, they’re not. imagine if Jay-Z said that about the S.Carter collection tape.
SOBs really isnt that much of an achivement to sell out. I think if u have a nice niche fan base like joe, thats a great place to perform.
mike im not really comparing drake and joe’s fanbase. drake has the best thing a guy could wish for when it comes to fans which is the females since at the end they do matter most when it comes to selling. im just saying said what he said to say that budden’s fans arent much…. well budden’s show yesterday which wasnt the show he mainly promoted had a long line outside and tonight the show he’s doing is even bigger.. thats nearly 2 sold out shows.
i agree can have his opinion and so can anyone… but is arguing this like he has a point. especially comparing joe to maino.
Well if you arguing why joe budden thinks he’s better than everyone when he doesnt have a catalogue to prove it then he would say he’s talking about lyrics and he thinks lyrically he’s above many. there i can agree with him and argee to the opposing side since he has yet to put out that album to make people say man this guy is good…. at the same time though he can put out his greatest album and if it doesnt sell people will look passed the content and look at the numbers it did and argue it sucks because it only sold 10k or w/e. it all has to do with the exposure you get… because idk how many people commented on youtube on the bet cypher saying “budden went in but why doesnt he spit like that on his songs” when anyone who actually hears him knows thats a typical joe budden rap.
joe is good with song writing. he has a bunch of songs i can name that are well written songs. when it comes to production though i can agree with you there. royce da 5’9 said it himself one day that joe is more on the cheap side with his music seeing as he uses his own budget to make it… which is why the majority of beats are always okish and the mixing sounds bad on a lot of his music.
joe’s next project though has a lot of all around good music from what he’s been previewing so that might be the ‘it’ album.
all this talk bout numbers irks me. i understand what you mean when you questioned the hype… mainly cuz the numbers don’t add up. for somebody that would have a whole blog on the defense when his name is mentioned… the only time he broke 100,000 was with slaughterhouse.
this is what e nuff and quest and even YN was saying not too long ago. where’s y’all receipt of your last purchase? all that hype with no support means nothing.
“I’ll tell you who’s gonna be next is Drake…….Even with all Buzz, he’s not going platinum, I’d bet money on it……….”
that fights fixed homie. holla at ya bookie.
So how is it that my post gets deleted…all I was saying is that yea dude can rap but unless he put out a higher quality of songs on a consistent basis then we will continue to be Mr.Pump it Up
@ Ricky Retardo
Slaughterhouse aint break 100,000. But i aint even talking about album sales. I’m just talking about pure catalouge. Ex: compare Jeezy to Joe. Now, b4 anyone gets their panties in a bunch:
YES: Joey can rap circles around Jeezy. However, Jeezy’s makes doper and albums records. U cna disagree, but i think we ALL can agreee that it’s not just about the actual “rhymes.” its the whole package. I think Joe lacks in alot of other departments.
The only area I think JB lacks are in beat selection and hooks………As far as his content goes, He’s one of the deepest in the game and his flow is tight……….But Hey, opinions are opinions, and we’re all entitled to them.
Alot of my favorites are never gonna make it to the top, especially not in todays game where you have to be Borderline retarded so these illiterate as kids can feel it…….A rapper like Joe Budden uses to many big words for a Gucci Mane or Young Jeezy fan to understand,lol
Budden is nice but in my opinion I think he’s greatly underestimating his skills. Reading the comments above to which you guys went back and forth I saw some mention of sales. Now we all know sales mostly have to do with fanbase. I mean name sells. Right? If a joe budden fan hears joey’s got a new album, he/she is gonna iTune that shit ASAP. But if budden signs with shady his fan base is going to see a HUGE spike. Trust me. Eminem is thee guy to pull out all the potentials that are locked up inside a person. Especially since em is great friend with Dr. Dre. Who else better? Budden is good but I believe it all comes down to fanbase. Nobody cares much about lyricism anymore except people like, drucifier, YN etc. Joey here has some good lyricism, but I think he’s not pulling everything out. Eminem is going make budden into a better lyricist and a little more mainstream with his audience etc.
Reading over what I just said I saw I scrambled my opinion left and right so I’m going to make it short: Joey signs with shady->Shady makes Joey sharpen his skills->Shady introduces Joey to a wider audience through mainstream and underground promotion-> Joey’s fanbase grows immensely. Budden is good but eminem can make him great.
Oh and did I mention “Life ain’t nuttin’ but Bitches and Money” ? Zing!
First off how can you even compare a rapper like budden to jeezy? thats like apples and oranges dude. and to say jeezy makes doper albums and records is just opinion. you like stupid south shit, over lyrics and meaning and think sales = success?. ok argument done
ok w/e is being written is not how i feel. i still stand by the last thing i wrote which imo is the truth.
budden does write great songs if you do bother to dig deep between the hate and listen but his production does suck which can be worked on. in a way he’s like canibus with more potential imo.
I love that RapRadar put this up. We rooting for you Joe!
I agree with Bdot. I don’t get the fascination with Joe Budden either. It’s not a question of skill at all. The notoriety he gets just doesn’t match the catalog and that Slaughterhouse album was forgettable let’s be honest.
Either he’s allergic to making hits or he’s not a good songwriter. Good rapper absolutely, good songwriter? Maybe he just doesn’t want to blow up. He sure enjoys pimping his life through social media at times, more power to him – its his life. If he wants to get past the “pump it up guy” label he’s gonna have to create more interesting music.
In the famous words of YN; make a hit record.
Budden’s weakest link is mainstream appeal. He is NOT a very good at song structure. He’s like Cassidy before Swizz Beatz. Dope rhymes but the song as a whole isn’t really polished. Now he got a chance to learn how to construct a song.
(ok punch lines) + (repetitive, sensitive rap ballads) – (Good Production)= Joe Budden
I’m late as hell but I’m shocked at B.Dot. More than YN, more than that other Big Homie person, I always respected your opinion. But you’re saying Joe Budden sucks because he doesn’t sell? I’m curious to know if you like anyone else that came out in 2002 – 2004. They’ve ALL fallen off musically minus Kanye and Joe Budden. Here’s a short list:
50 Cent
Young Chris
Lloyd Banks
All these guys have failed to evolve with their talent while Joe’s best days are probably still ahead of him. He may never become Billionaire Hov but the guy is in quite a few peoples top 5….of all time.
I’m late as hell but I’m shocked at B.Dot. More than YN, more than that other Big Homie person, I always respected your opinion. But you’re saying Joe Budden sucks because he doesn’t sell?
Never said that.
everyone one of your comments had some talk about numbers or mainstream success. like you said a small niche likes joe budden, the people who appreciate songs from the heart with meaning and lyrics/real hip hop