Rihanna To Release Book This Summer
January 3, 2010 @ 10:52 PM EST

It’s official! Rihanna has figured out how to start writing a book and if she has her way, it’s going to be a hot summer with the release of her new book, Rihanna: The Last Girl on Earth. With the assistance of Simon Henwood, the title is set to drop this June. No details as to what will be discussed, but you can already pre-order it here.
50 DOLLARS?!!! wtf?
must be a photo-heavy picture book
lol,they’re grasping at straws now since that last venture(album) bombed…
why would we pre-order a book we have no details about? yes , im the wanker man
This is an easy ass book for her to “write”-
Chapter 1- How I fucked Shawn Carter to Get A Record Deal
Chapter 2- How The Biggest Song of My Career Fell Into My Lap Thanks to Britney’s Meltdown
Chapter 3- How I Gave Chris Brown Herpes
Chapter 4- How Chris Brown Fucked Me Up
Chapter 5- More Naked Pictures of Me
^^^ LMA0
Wrong her album has sold over 1 million copies worldwide, and 460,000 domestically so far, will be gold by next week, just wikipedia: Rated R (Rihanna Album). Wikipedia has all artists discography and has accurate info because it cites the sources.
On the other hand though, Chris Brown has sold less than 30,000 copies of Grafitti worldwide, and only 200,000 domestically haha, his album flopped hard as a constipated shit.
Keep in mind RIhanna’s album has been out for like 5 weeks now, gold in 5 weeks isn’t that bad, considering it only has 2 singles and 1 promo out right now.
Chris album has been out for about 1 month now (coming up on that now) and that nigga only sold 200,000 domestically lol? His international sales are in the crapper though, they don’t like his hogwash image now, in other countries behavior > music. In America we are more forgiving tough :P.
Rihanna has been pretty much humble though so it’s no wonder Rated R is such a big hit worldwide bringing her total sales to 1,013,000. Plus she’s going on tour starting in April, called the Mad House tour, that nigga Chris ain’t even been on his own tour yet, he’s just been an extra act in some other people’s tours (he’s been an extra act in Rihanna/ Beyonce’s tours). That nigga is finished man.
This is her second world tour too, her last one made multi millions, and even had a certified gold DVD. Artists make most of their money on tours, i.e. Tina Turner still made 150,000,000 on her most recent world tour (hell she didn’t even have an album out recently). Britney Spears made 95,000,000…Beyonce made 56,000,000+ million (her tour’s not done yet), and U2 made 300,000,000 million dollars.
Albums aren’t their main source of income they just enable people to listen to the artists music and helps promote them so they sell tickets during their world tours.
@Vajra. I never thought of it that way I agree with u
[…] To Release Book This Summer […]
Oh God………here we go again with this sh#t……….make it stop Rihanna, please….
JiHAD, Rihanna is so powerful, look how she have you beating up yourself….lol. you are such a sad soul. God Bless You RIRI