Joe Budden “Pump It Up” (Demo Snippet)
January 5, 2010 @ 7:48 PM EST

Justin is still cleaning out his Baseline Studios and look what he came across. An early take of Mouse’s big breakthrough hit. Of course, he isn’t given us the whole thing. Don’t you kids know by now, Mr. Smith is the Snippet King. SMH.
Sidebar: Warning! Turn your volume down if you wanna hear all about why Jump Off dumped his post-Tahiry jump off. Riveting stuff.
well that was worthless
did this nigga just rapped about why using his hand is better then fucking his jumpoff
Fuck this old ass nigga Elliot…faggot. Let this commen “irk” you. *mocking* Ha! */mocking*
lol @ the names posting
Nigga get yo ass in the studio and stfu!
LOL not gonna lie that shit was funny though.
you and YN are both bum ass niggas
Hova, how bout taking Jay-Z’s dick out yo ass to enlighten yourself? Oh wait, you listen to too much Hova yall get blind by the light huh?
Didnt that nigga own ya bumass for 3 years? fuck outta here. Crackhead
Ahhh, the Pump It Up times. The time where mouse tried to hit mainstream and flopped. Then he said he said he don’t want mainstream, and now he’s getting a deal with Shady. What? Nickel is the only nigga in that group worth signing and the nigga is a snake in the grass, so that nigga is irrelevant. If you ain’t real, you ain’t shit, rap sklils is irrelevant after you cross your homeboy
lol, Fuck the haters, Joe Budden is Crazy with the lyrics……..
*runs that back* what?? my hand never ask why i go out so much? wow, just wow