RR’s ’09 Best Albums: #1 Jay-Z “Blueprint 3”
January 5, 2010 @ 5:44 PM EST

It’s a no brainer. Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3 takes the gold for best album of 2009. Let’s talk facts: Last summer, Hov’s “D.O.A.” eradicated Auto-Tune while “Empire State of Mind” rejuvenated everyone’s spirits in the fall. Meanwhile, Kid Cudi’s melodies buoyed “Already Home” and “A Star Is Born” introduced us to one of the game’s promising upstarts. Elsewhere, Jigga found solace on “Real As It Gets” but still took time out to address you “Haters”. Just another great template from Roc’s architect.
Before: RR’s ’09 Best Albums: #2 Raekwon Only Built 4 Cuban Linx
WUSSOP?! (Jay-Z voice)
damn sure predictible…
and the sloppy Camel blowjobs continue…
: /
predictable list from rocradar.com
What else…
That’s BULLSHIT ! BP3 N1?? Really? Relapse, OBCLP2 and BISD were better. This is one of the weak Jay-Z albums. I don’t know how you could call it a N1 album…
Let the hatefest begin. Lol
Makes sense.
But here comes the Illuminati talk….
Oh COME ON. This was a dope album, but the best? Give that jigga dick a rest.
Predictable Bullshit! Hip Hop has officially gone pop! There is no way that BP3 is a better Hip Hop album than OB4CL2, BISD or The Last Kiss. Its all about sales, record spins, popularity…. but not about Substance and Creativity.
People can hate as much as they want to but at the end of the day Jay dropped a solid album and managed to do what basically no other rapper other than Eminem can do right now (sell records). Raekwon’s album may be more hardcore hiphop but Jay was able to balance mainstream music with great lyrics that appeal to everyone. That’s something that few artists can do and for that he deserves the gold medal.
Sonically, it was the hottest rap album. F*ck your feelings.
Did anyone expect them to pick something else? Jay-Z after The Black Album has been mediocore at best but gets so overrated because he makes pop songs that the radio plays. He didn’t even have the best verses on the album. J. Cole killed “A Star Is Born” and Kanye murdered “Run This Town”. Your artists can’t be outshining you on your own tracks.
bp3 = jay-z trying to be kanye for 15 tracks.
this site needs to do some soul searching…
“AWWGH” <—official BP3 ad-lib.
So Ambitious was dope too. and Thank You…(3rd verse was like prophecy on the destiny BISD….damn) What We Talkin' Bout too, dope.
i didn't like Reminder, nor Ye's part on Hater…but they're listenable within the context of the larger body of work.
i wonder what it is niggas want from Jay that they weren't asking for 10yrs ago. like i said before, you can always expect you share of bragging. but all rapper brag, one way or the other.
except maybe andre 3000. don't hear much of that from him.
If Elliot doesn’t dickride Jay, then he won’t be able to write his book on Hov. LOL @ you dummies thinking this has anything to do with the music. It’s about politics and money. YN fools you all into thinking he’s some highwater journalist. He’s not. He hasn’t been a real journalist in over 5 years. He’s a businessman. He’s corporate media. This site is owned by Eminem’s manager, who is one of the biggest corporate players at Interscope Records, for gods sake.
Fuck YN
This is just more Jay-Z dickriding from Elliot and his sidekicks. Just because RR can hit Jay on the jack, doesn’t mean BP3 deserves more than a 5/10. Deeper than Rap is the album Jay should have put out this year.
What a joke.
not sure about this, its one of the best of the year but not the best.. bp3 = pop
BP3 had great lyrics ??? Hahaha Pardon me but I had to laugh at that. I agree with Dan, Jay-Z has been and still is mediocre at best lately. His lyrics suck, they are as simple as 50’s (although I liked BISD), 99% of the real lyricists out there can write better rhymes. To me there’s no doubt that Eminem’s album was the most lyrical album of the year even though it fell a little bit short of substance but still liked it better than all I heard throughout the year (maybe along with OBCLP2).
Jus like the caption and other pple have said..it was the most complete album and unlike any other had the most effect on culture..whether it “doa” that became the theme song to what alot of people where feelin about the overuse of autotune and hiphop becoming stagnant to “empire state” which rejuvinated ny and has since become a national (wit over 100 remixes from diff cities across the country) to internationally becoming the most iconic song about NYC since Sinatra..it combined not only great lyrics and subject matter but the progression that hip hop def needs..as for the sales numbers him and eminem were the ONLY two to move real units..alot of these other artist will be gone soon and not stand the test of time..which in any genre makes you a legend especially in rap where the shelf life is short..pple can hate but they kno hov ain’t slowing down
nigga what?! nigga please, thats some bullshit
cmon son stop lickin hes ass and be objective, yall gotta look at the music not just the guy who is makin it, bp3 doesnt deserve top 5 thats true!
I agree with most people here. Album wasn’t that special. It’s only getting good repsonses cause it’s Jay. He needs to sit his old ass down somewhere. I’m tired of that nigga already
I do not agree with this list. You can take my best friend Gucci Mane off the list if Jay-Z is the best of ’09. This is one of those albums I tried to get into and it just did nothing for the ear or the mental. He’s still a good lyricist, but the rest of the content is below average. Poor beat selection, poor features. Lame.
Jus like the caption and other pple have said..it was the most complete album and unlike any other had the most effect on culture..whether it “doa” that became the theme song to what alot of people where feelin about the overuse of autotune and hiphop becoming stagnant to “empire state” which rejuvinated ny and has since become a national (wit over 100 remixes from diff cities across the country) to internationally becoming the most iconic song about NYC since Sinatra..it combined not only great lyrics and subject matter but the progression that hip hop def needs..as for the sales numbers him and eminem were the ONLY two to move real units..alot of these other artist will be gone soon and not stand the test of time..which in any genre makes you a legend especially in rap where the shelf life is short..pple can hate but they kno hov ain’t slowing down
smartest shit i read all day. For all these people that hate YN, i find it funny how the COME back to the site repeatedly. Shouts to Big Homie, YN, Bdot
lol,don’t u motherfuckers act suprised lmao….right on Bdot!!
Thanks Captain Obvious for the suspense… Leave it to Jay-Z Number 1 Fan Site to crown BP3 as the best album of 09 when the album was mediocre at best. BP3 did not live up to the hype. There are only 4-5 songs you can actually enjoy. OB4CL2 was clearly the fans’ favorite of 09 but Team Ri Ri for whatever reason has it ranked as 2. Your site is less than credible with this continuous Jay-Z groveling and dick licking (pause)
A hundred million to the good and I’m still talkin’ yayo
At a snail’s pace I won this race that y’all still trail/
Uh,uh,Blueprint’s for sale/
Followin’ my footprints you can’t fail/
Set sail,I used to duck shots but now I eat quail/
I’ll probably never see jail/
Each tale contains more of the truth
Of the statue allows me to go into detail/
Uh,close your eyes you can smell/
Hov’s the audio equivalent of braille/
That’s why they feel me in the favela’s in Brazil/
And water-house ’cause real recognize
Jay-Z tried too hard to keep up with the Kanye West “Hipster” Generation on this, I couldnt get into it, but, to each their own………Its not like their were very many strong albums this year anyway
Yeah, it’s arguable that OB4CL2 was better, but it really isn’t that much of a difference for people to be hating like that. They’re both solid albums.
Here’s my list.
10. Royce the 5’9 – Street Hop
9. Eminem – Relapse
8. Wale- Attention Deficit
7. Fabolous – Loso’s Way
6. Clipse – Til The Casket Drops
5. Mos Def – The Ecstatic
4. Rick Ross – Deeper than Rap
3. Kid Cudi – Man on the Moon
2. Jay-z – Blueprint 3
1. Raekwon – OB4CL2
really? no wale?
Oh shit… Rocradar.com! hahahahaha
Anyway, I enjoyed this album. However, it was far too commercial. Example:
Whitegurls at my college were overplaying this shit in class, yet when I asked them to name Jay’s first classic album they had no fuckin’ clue.
Jay’s part of the pop scene now if he likes it or not… just like that faggot lil Wayne.
what about WALE?! he deserves to be in there… innovation, originality… you guys suck. No, literally you guys suck….
Not mad@your pick YN.I must say OB4CL2 was a close 2nd.AS far as BISD-please. KISS>BISD,Slaughterhouse>BISD,hell I would even take War Angel over BISD.Sorry 50 stans, your boy curtis is done!!
wow i can’t believe 90% of the respondants on this page are mindless!! BISD is better than BP3???? get the fuck outta here…..”thank you” is more lyrically potent than 50’s whole album..lol..serioiusly….i jus’t dont understand kids these days….cuban linx 2 was ok but rae is trying way to hard to rap like hes still in the fuckin 90’s…..its 2010 mother fuckers!!!get with it…..if we judge these albums based on criterion like any fair competition should be judged BP3 wins hands down…
Thanks Captain Obvious for the suspense… Leave it to Jay-Z Number 1 Fan Site to crown BP3 as the best album of 09 when the album was mediocre at best. BP3 did not live up to the hype. There are only 4-5 songs you can actually enjoy. OB4CL2 was clearly the fans’ favorite of 09 but Team Ri Ri for whatever reason has it ranked as 2. Your site is less than credible with this continuous Jay-Z groveling and dick licking (pause)
Funny how a shmuck like u comes to a site to hate…and will probably be back tomorrow as well. Save all ur dick fantasies. Go to nahright or some where else with that bullshit
Whitegurls at my college were overplaying this shit in class, yet when I asked them to name Jay’s first classic album they had no fuckin’ clue.
sad, but good at the same time. you wanna reach new fan everyday. I’m sure if Raekwon or some body else got that love, they’d be happy the hear that
@Cunning Link Quest
Yeah, I don’t know how Wale didn’t make it. His album is fire all the way thru, even the Gucci joint.
“Beautiful Bliss”
“World Tour”
“Mama Told Me”
Man, the whole joint is dope. Well written, great production, great concepts…And Gucci and 50 made the list?
“I’m the new Sinatra”
Nigga please…
Bp3=Best Album of the year Hands Srry 50 fans curtis has offically been Ja-Ruled out of the Game. Run This Town, Empire State Of Mind, On To The Next One, DOA, Thank You, Already Home, What We Talkin Bout, I can keep going but its pointless His Lyrics are the best this year. Only ones close to him is Raekwon Em n Fab
lol imma keep to my word.. farewell RR u did me wrong
very very very Predictable
QUIT HATING ON HOVA! he isnt his fault he gets great promotion n radio play. His shit is HOT! and fuck the nonsense HE CAN SPIT! rick ross & 50 cent = FAKE and simply cant make good music. Both have no lyrical content … Gucci doesnt even rhyme half the time! he sucks as well … I love jadakiss n think hes nicer than jay but he didnt have a better album … all the Rae n Wu supporters u gotta respect that 2 spot. OB4CL2 was legit but bp3 was better. Im telling u in like 5 years ur gnna go back to bp3 n say wow hov killed this. realtalk
“So Ambitious” is my anthem… and “Thank You” is fuckin crack!!
im dead ass serious…
Before I Self Destruct > Blueprint 3
and im not saying it was a better album then BP3…but NOBODY has mentioned Malice In Wonderand?
i know yall hip hop niggas not sleeping on Snoop Dogg…
Hov stays winning lol. This will upset some people for sure but why?
I hate how people say 50 don’t have any content when all Jay did was talk about himself and how’s he’s better than everyone. This is crazy BP3 is worst album hands down. So in 10 years ill look back at BP3 and say “damn this album is still trash”
Funny how a shmuck like u comes to a site to hate…and will probably be back tomorrow as well. Save all ur dick fantasies. Go to nahright or some where else with that bullshit
^ In response to Mike
Dude I can count how many times I made a comment on this site so you need to stop being emotional and catching feelings. Rap Radar has constantly supported Jay-Z either right or wrong. The one time they could have gain some credibility, they failed. I made a valid argument why BP3 wasn’t album of the year. It’s not necessary to hate when every post concerning Jay-Z is favorable and bias. You need to stop being a cheerleader and ask yourself why this site so gracious and praise worthy for anything regarding Jay-Z. Unlike some people who can actually respond with some criticism you need to get a life and stop being a fucking groupie
Man, I remember when whoever YN, Big Homie, or B. Dot, whoever, said MTV’s list was bullshit. It was. but this ain’t not much better. RapRadar rides Jay’s dick worse then Drake rides Waynes.
Oh yea in 2010 can people stop saying “don’t hate my opinion” that shit is gay. Lol
usually hate on jay but nothing stood out as a clear #1 this year for albums so fuck it. but personally i just didnt feel this album or jay at all and i kept tryin to give him chances. most overrated rapper of all time
This album is garbage !!!
Dude I can count how many times I made a comment on this site so you need to stop being emotional and catching feelings. Rap Radar has constantly supported Jay-Z either right or wrong. The one time they could have gain some credibility, they failed. I made a valid argument why BP3 wasn’t album of the year. It’s not necessary to hate when every post concerning Jay-Z is favorable and bias. You need to stop being a cheerleader and ask yourself why this site so gracious and praise worthy for anything regarding Jay-Z. Unlike some people who can actually respond with some criticism you need to get a life and stop being a fucking groupie
favoring or covering? There’s a difference u dick head. Jay-Z is one of the few big artists in the world, of COURSE he’s going to get more shine than other acts. as soon as someone likes jay-z its dickriding. grow up. bdot made his case as to why its the #1 album. i think he’s right. 5 years to come, the tracks on jay cd will be more notable than anything else on this list
rapradar making blueprint 3 album of 2009? would’ve never guessed it (sarcasm)
get off Jay”s dick RR. BP3 was the let down of the century. Prob in my top 15 worst albums of all time.
3am shits on every song on the BP3
the only reason BP3 is any good at all is because of the FEATURES and some of the beats. EVERY guest outdoes Jay. You think Run This Town and Empire State Of Mind would’ve done so well without Ri-Ri and Alicia respectively??? Fuck outta here.
Dear Yellow Negro aka Ol’ Yella,
I’ve frequented your website since the summer of ’09 and enjoyed some of the content and exclusives on rapradar. In fact, I had it in my website favorites for the last 3 months or so.
However, your bro love for Hov is beyond ridiculous. I understand that you are entitled to your opinion but for whatever reason (What!!! Free entry to the 40/40 club?) you cannot separate your personal relationships with actual content.
I even checked Rizoh’s blog, who is in the top 50 of hiphop blogs, and he didn’t even put that CD in the top 10 of 2009!
B. Dot..much respect.. Big Homie.. much respect.. But YN…you gets no respect!
B. Digital
u just sound dumb. i wish i could see the numbskulls that post comments on this shit.
and don’t forget that jay only does about 1.5 hooks on the ENTIRE album. and they are both wack. just sayin the same line over n over. wack. the day you need a feature on your singles to make it hot, your career credibility is done. I have no respect 4 Jay as an artist any more. the dude is wack as fuck.
YN must have swallowed last night…..Jayz gott’em dick whipped.
my bad, that was for @ prop…do people know that bdot posted this, not YN? but who’s rizoh.
Fuk dis Freemason ass old nigga! = Gay-Z
hen Jay-Z dies, watch how many of u people start crying. u hate on him now, and ppreciate him when he’s dead. see mike jackson
“its a no brainer.”
^ Yea, obviously you guys at RR didn’t put much thought into how bad BP3 was.
YN i wonder if your jealous of what timbaland thinks of jay
“its a no brainer.”
^ Yea, obviously you guys at RR didn’t put much thought into how bad BP3 was.
u sound as dumb as ur user name. What’s so bad about it? BP3 has a NATIONAL Anthem on it.: Empire State of Mind. Name a song better?
Hov wins. Stop crying.
@Mike Soooo 3am is not lyrically better than the whole BP3?
And are u comparing Jay-z to MJ?
The RR crew need to whip Hov’s cum bubbles off they top lip this instant.
favoring or covering? There’s a difference u dick head. Jay-Z is one of the few big artists in the world, of COURSE he’s going to get more shine than other acts. as soon as someone likes jay-z its dickriding. grow up. bdot made his case as to why its the #1 album. i think he’s right. 5 years to come, the tracks on jay cd will be more notable than anything else on this list
Ignorance is bliss and you’re groupie Mike… I know there’s a difference between coverage and bein bias, which it doesn’t seem you can comprehend. Also from your response, I can tell you are uneducated which is very sad. I never said anything about the coverage of Jay-Z. My complaint is in regard to amount of favorable reviews with no sign of objective criticism compared to other artists on this website. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings… You need to channel your anger into something more constructive instead of being a Rap Radar groupie.
No. But since u asked, Jay-Z is like this generations Mike Jack. The same way people got at him when he was alive were the same people crying when he died.
Same thing will happen god forbid jigga were to pass. The dude made a great album and whenever u give props people say oh ur a dickrida, blah, blah. It’s so stupid.
@detroit dally
My complaint is in regard to amount of favorable reviews with no sign of objective criticism compared to other artists on this website. I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings… You need to channel your anger into something more constructive instead of being a Rap Radar groupie.
groupie? how grown. Jay made a great album and u cant deal with it. I’m on this site everyday. Show something that justifys what ur saying cause u sound dumb
@mike what was great about this album? I mean Jay has classic but not the BP3 come on son
Empire State of Mind is a classic. and like bdot said doa shut down auto-tune. who’s making new records with that shit? noone!
Two songs makes this album classic and DOA is no where near being classic well the beat is but that’s it. And A Keys makes ESOM good I never hear anyone singing Jay verses EVER….
I Gotta Respectfully Disagree Since Every Mans Entitled To his Own Opinion, But i Dont Get How You Came To The Conclusion That Having 3 or 4 Outta 13 Dope Songs On A Record Makes It The Best Of The Year. Slaughterhouse Was The Best Album Of The Year, Regardless of Sales.
I Gotta Respectfully Disagree Since Every Mans Entitled To his Own Opinion, But i Dont Get How You Came To The Conclusion That Having 3 or 4 Outta 13 Dope Songs On A Record Makes It The Best Of The Year. Slaughterhouse Was The Best Album Of The Year, Regardless of Sales.
Like u said everyone is entitled…so with that i can respect where ur coming from.
As for the review, I’m not going to highlight EVERY song, but look at what the album did for the game. Empire is a freaking classic record. Period. Alot of people probably didnt list to rap or Jay-Z for that matter b4 the BP3, but now they might.
As for Slaughterhouse, they didnt make the right records. To be honest, it’s a forgettable album. I doubt 5 year from now, some1 looks back at that album and can name 5 hot joints off there. But like u said, every1 is entitled to their opinion.
this is clearly some conflict of interest type shit. yn is penning a book on jay-z and whether this is a case of ‘reciprocity’ or being a groupie, it is gutter reporting. i’ve noticed the change of tone re r pedofuck kellz since the listening session invite as well. in terms of credibility, rapradar is slowly becoming the source mag (under benzino’s crew) of hip hop sites. a fucking shame too, because it had potential.
I never said I didn’t like Jay-Z or thought BP3 was trash. I said OB4CL2 was better and should be album of the year. You can do any Jay-Z related search on this site and notice how bias the articles are towards Jay and his associates. I’m not trying to hate on Jay’s accomplishments. He’s a superstar but in all honesty and fairness, if it wasn’t for Empire State of Mind nobody would remember BP3.
this is clearly some conflict of interest type shit. yn is penning a book on jay-z and whether this is a case of ‘reciprocity’ or being a groupie, it is gutter reporting. i’ve noticed the change of tone re r pedofuck kellz since the listening session invite as well. in terms of credibility, rapradar is slowly becoming the source mag (under benzino’s crew) of hip hop sites. a fucking shame too, because it had potential.
ur one disgruntled Canadian. I checked ur comments, u love this website. u clearly have a heart on for kellz..and Beanie Sigel. Anytime we post something on kelly, u tend to comment. Credibility is something we’ve never had a problem with. And as long as u kee checking back, we’ll be a-ok. Happy New Year!
if there was some kinda politics at play wouldn’t em be #1….. people don’t even think anymore
While I don’t think that this was jayz best album, I have to agree…only because the rap game has put straight trash out this year, 50cent put out such a shitty album it is a joke he still has a record deal!!!! The clipse put out a mediocre product, jada while being one of gthe greatest of all time failed to deliver, and rick ross put out the same album as maybache music. Which was solid but not great. The only other rapper with a descent album was eminem, everyone else failed me this year. And for anyone who thinks gucci mane is even half way descent???? Your credibility as a hip hop fan is in question…..
Fuck tha HATERS!!! BP3 is a masterpiece. Jigga had the best album hands down! PERIOD! There is not a rapper this year who dropped a better quality album like Hov did. He had the best beats and lyrics I’ve heard this year. And most importantly Jay’s rhymes are REAL!!!!. What makes him different is he”s rapping about things he’s actually done. Jay dropped the biggest hits this year, “Run This Town was # 1 in the UK and “Empire State of Mind” was #1 in the U.S. I’m sorry you can knock Jay this year. He LITERALLY OWNED HIP HOP.
P.S Thanks for another CLASSIC album Jay!!!!!
BP3 came through and killed autotune. Thats enough to be crowned album of the year. That said,
BP3 = DTR >>>>> BISD.
I enjoyed jays album for the most part. What people forget is that he’s 11 albums deep and 14 years into his career and accomplished more then many rappers before his time and currently. What you are forgetting is that the reasonable doubt jay that you guys want WONT HAPPEN anymore. Many people still expect Jay to drop another Blueprint or RD with each album announcement and I can tell you now, you will be disappointed. I mean for what? A 40 year old rapping about the same subjects he once did 14 years ago? He’s a pop culture icon worth damn near a billion dollars. What sense would that make? You grow, you mature, you change with times.
So I can hear other people saying, fuck jayz, quit then. Why Quit? because his critics dont approve? He still loves hip hop and its about the passionate journey.
and yes, I agree with another user here, jay will be immortalized when he dies,
There are other greats in this game…nas, Em, Pac etc…with jay, its just different man. Hes done shit and continues to do shit that I just dont see another rapper doing in my lifetime (im 33). A 14 year rap career, still goes platinum, sells out arenas across the globe, not to mention trendsetter….Why hate man?
Its like people hate shit thats popular just so they can be “different”…this is worse then being a stan
Raheed mike and bdot in my opinion have it right…I think what pisses people off bout jay is that he raps bout reality..of course every rapper talks big money and how they have a huge followin or has Huge amounts of money..the fact is that most if not all when compared to jay are jus fabricating…it’s like people like it better when the artist doesn’t have what they say they have or have not attained what they claim to have attained..the fact is that jay is one of the few artist in mainstream spotlight that keeps looking forward artiscally..any artist of any genre of art that is now considered a legend comtinued to push the boundaries and at the time may have been crticized by some bout it..the fact is those who say jay don’t rap about he used to actually answer your own question..the reason you can even make a comparision from reasonable doubt jay to bp3 jay is because he didn’t make a career out of doing the same thing..to still be rapping about hustling and shootin pple as if he was still doin it would be false…but how many of these other “artists” do jus that..jay did have the most complete album..and if you don’t agree that’s fine..nobody is saying that obfcl2 wasn’t a good album…but some of yall act like rooting for jay is some kind of sin…all these ridiculous homo references show that some of yall got issues way beyond who made a better album..if this site is owned by em’s manager and is sooo bias then how come Marshall didn’t even crack the top 5…I do feel Wale shoulda made the list especailly in place of gucci mane…but I’m not gonna go all kamakazee over it…come on…on to the next one
And also shout out to “another mike”…I think some people have forgotten the times when hip hop wasn’t even allowed at madison square garden…people gotta realize that a 14 yr rap career where u sell out arenas all around the globe..move units in spite of heavy downloading.is completly rare..i don’t y pple hateso much but hate him or love him the game matter fact music in general needs jayz
@bdot..happy new year too. funny how you did not address any of my comments re ‘reciprocity’. i’m merely being reduced to a disgruntled canadian? not every criticism is the product of hateration, brother! also, just because YOU say you don’t have a problem with credibility, does not make it true. like others, i did like and respect the site.when yn spoke about the huffingtonpost of hip hop, i was really excited and happy for him (given the shit that went down with other publications he was involved in). sad to say, rr is like a morbid fascination at the moment. and don’t get it twisted, attracting traffic (the online equivalent of moving units) isnt the only thing that counts. vanilla ice went platinum!!!!
yes, i am on your case re pedokell (as well), because unlike other sites this site initially took a moral stance against this fucker and didnt seem to co-sign his shit. i respected you for that. who knows, e-payola might have changed tunes, so to speak.
you know whats funny? people will say “well hes from NY, of course he will sellout MSG”….LMAO
I can tell you now that Nas, LL Cool J, Jadakiss, Fab, etc are not going to sell out MSG…and remember, its jay by himself….sure there is an opening act, but its not a tour filled with stars like say a ruff ryders/cash money tour that was done like 10 years ago….
One rapper sells out an entire arena….impressive considering how wack and boring rap is now.
Yea man, rap to me is like the NBA…takw away lebron and kobe and viewership will go down….people wont care as much…NBA is already struggling….compare that to rap…you take away say jay and say eminem..and what do you have? wayne? ross? jeezy? sure, they will entertain you, but whos out for greatness? rap is already boring and wack….
@another mike
Exactly the game wouldn’t b the same especially since Jay has influenced each artist you jus named..and yea being from ny or not I don’t think that there is another artist that can sell out madison square at all let alone within 8 minutes..not to mention having the same effect in arenas around the world…I was at the 9/11 concert.. I was at the heart of the city tour at the garden (and Nassau collesium)…been to other concerts …but it’s jus the same…hip hop is always goin to need that go to player that brings and draws that type of energy…not everyone liked Jordan…but there was no such thing as an empty arena when he played
complete joke, breathtakingly bad.
10 features, half the album full of boasting with almost no storyline in the songs and it’s the best album of 2009. insane.
i’m not 50 cent fan, but the talk of the 50 cent album being better than blueprint made me jump out of my chair in disbelief…but then i realized, the 50 cent album was better than jay-z’s album, it had lyrical content, grimey beats but most of all it had a plot, the songs from the album built pictures for you. shame it didn’t sell, although karma hit 50…his last 2 albums sold when they were average while a good album didn’t, pure karma.
anyway, blueprint 3 wasn’t even a good album let alone the best album. seriously, these guys are a joke, they criticize rakims album yet say jay-z’s was the best… do these guys have any balls to go at the big corporate guys at all?
yall should check out our list of the top 10 albums:
we got a couple overlaps with rap radars but lotta different good stuff too. make sure you comment adn tell us what you think!
I wouldnt call it hate…its just people tastes are different. I mean do you really expect someone who loved raekwons album to love bp3? Those 2 albums were so different. Its mixing apples and oranges. Its like comparing a de la soul album to a NWA album. I mean are you going to go to a young jeezy concert passing out talib kweli cd’s? They are going to say fuck this garbage.
Jay is gone man. The RD, HNL, american gangster days are so over. What is there to prove at this point? I mean you guys want him to drop reasonable doubts forever? thats weak….
I dont think anybody here is saying jayz sucks. They just wanted RD and when it didnt happen, they put jay on their shit list.
to each his own
Haha gotta love it. Recently every Jay Z post has been gathering 100+ comments … Whether Good or Bad What We Talkin Bout?
I’m not saying that jay is the only dude to sell out arenas..wat I am saying is that Nobody has been this large and this much of a draw..LL wad great in his heyday but he didn’t sell out shows within minutes the way jay continues to do..that what makes jays particular success so unprecidented..so no disrespect but you don’t go there..further more..if ur argument is guys rap to make it out of poverty and that he is past that level…guess what…so has everybody else on the list…none of these rappers on this list are still wondering where their next meal is comin from..so that argument really isn’t sound..of course hip hop will always be street because there are still impoverished neighborhoods…but as these guys progress in their careers the question is whether their art will be a true reflection of their experiences or jus street for the sake of being street..so why should jay stop? Why cause somehow he is blockin other people? Get out of here wit that..jay don’t block common’s shine or lupe’s shine..there is more than enough space for creative and original music..if jay had to move on to let someone else shine then there should b no such thing as kanye west..complainin bout jay still bein around is like NBA players complaining bout Kobe or lebron..step ur game up work harder/make better music that will last
So the Ecstatic didn”t come out in ’09. With no due respect Kill yourself
You’re fucking kidding me right? Oh, I guess not. How big is Jay-Z’s dick because everybody’s sucking it-HARD!
TRUE. Good job Rap Radar!
Where that Slaughterhouse at?
its not a surprise dude on this sit e loves Jay-Z i aint going to lie either Jay has had at least 1 song on my last 4 mix cds Shit that On To The Next 1 been Going hard for a while now
and That Brooklyn We Go hard been getting bumped lately
I think Raekwon shit was hotter but Jay was to be number 2 or 3 but number 1 is alrite becuz you cant get them alrite I mean Tim Duncan did win MVP in that season where Jason Kidd average damn near a triple double its politically correct to give it to dude
NaS is lyrically better than Jay on his worst day! Jay never influenced NaS…NaS is the GOAT!
DAMN my comment comes after all the Illuminati bullshit. But I have to say it, RR u are on Hov’s dick more than Beyonce herself has ever been! DAMN…SHIT…DAMN!!
lmao!! rapradar never fails..stay on jays dick b…his album is already forgotten…no realness in it….buncha commercial songs full of features…jeezy,drake,kid cudi,j.cole,rihanns,kanye i mean comme on…jay lookin like dj kahled….50 cent n raekwon n em had thr top 3 rsp albums this year with fab comin in 4th…hatersss
that dumb nigga said nas is better than jay on his worst day… okay.. what about his alright days and best days. Shut the fuck up. This was the best album cus every track was dope, if you dont see a message in each song your stupid.
Nigger > BP3
This wastnt nothin but a commercial ass list and they just put Rae in there cause all the everybody else had him on they list
Nas livin’ off the hype of one album that dropped 16 years ago. Let me spell that shit out, sixteen, sixteen, sixteen years ago, homie. Stillmatic got five mics because it was all promotion, all because of the Jay beef. It wasn’t that special. The Blueprint, however, is a flat-out classic. Jay has done more in his career than Nas. And Nas still thinks he’s too good for everyone. Like he’s god or some shit, yeah, the god doin’ tracks with Officer Ricky. Nas and Top 5 is fantasy nigga, you niggas is still street dreamin’.
Jayz album is wack hes there cause he paid off RR xxl n every othere mag, he needs to get da fck outta town
I think I agree with this although Till the Casket Drops, Relapse, Slaughterhouse, and Attention Deficit are extremely close!
Wats funny is that, if you only listen to the first verse of each BP3 song, it’s mad disappointing but each track ends strong and leaves you with a good impression. Whether that’s good or bad, I’ve never seen that.
***btw, i KNOW that we all HATE it when ppl try to promote their own ametuer music on these sites! 99% of them are straight garbage MCs that have $20 mics….
BUT…. I know that this is a RR post that will have lyrical hip-hop heads looking on it!
I’m going to be a hypocrite and tell ya’ll to download my FREE mixtape, “The Beat Killer”!
If u wanna see the promo video for my CD: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yhOEELZPvM
****Sorry about the shameless plug but I promise that it’s phenomenal!***
Jay z is smart.
Idk bout illuminati but he is a freemason. Ppl who klaim he can’t be beckuz he is so public with it are stupid. They don’t hide anymore.
Look at baby aka birdman. He alwayss talk about freemasons and shit like that. But nobody seem to ever bring it up. But jay dnt actually say the words so ppl conspire against. Weird
fuck jay with his new shit, i dont get why rap radar ride his dick. relapse no.7? and where the fuck is slaughterhouse’s album?
The funny thing is, a lot more people agree that Blueprint 3 is the album of the year. You just gotta see the turn-out at Jay-Z’s concerts and see the visuals they made for the album. Who cares how many features are on the album, fans just want great music, when was a feature limit established? Has Jay-Z not proved 11 times plus that he can hold his own on the mircrophone? Top 5 dead or alive.
Haters are always quick to shoot their dumb opinions, these comments are the same premise they use to hate on everyother artist. I.e same content, it’s not like the old album, e.t.c lame comments yo real talk. People love to flood that dumb shit whether it’s Jay-Z or 50 Cent.
Jay-Z & Nas Beef been over a long time ago, some people just ain’t got the memo. You gotta have a low IQ to still be poppin that bullsh!t in 2010.
50 Cent did NOT have a great album, it was predicatable, he pays bloggers too much attention he doesn not make honest music anymore. He tries to give fans what they want rather than creating a great concept he thinks adds to the hip-hop culture. He has the best marketing e.t.c but the product is mediocre. Nobody is going to buy his music coz he dissed a Jay or whoever shit is corny. “So Disrespectful” & “Do You Think about me” are close to authentic 50 Cent music the rest are album fillers.
As for the freemason shit why is it? This secret society shit is the worst kept secret? LOL! What demographic actually believe that stuff to be true in relation to Jay-Z. Anybody over 18 saying that shit is lame and set to be a bum for life. At this point if you can’t understand the method to Jay-Z’s success, there is no hope for you.
Sidenote just because some artists sell low does not mean people don’t get it, i.e Slaughterhouse, the truth is that not a lot of people care that much.
They are dope spitters but, if you ain’t making club bangers or hardcore/hustler/street music fuck what you talkin bout! Slaughterhouse bore me. Production is lame as fuck, all that corny rock shit, worse than that Blackroc shit Dame was trying to do, I seen that brick coming a long time ago.
All that Asher Roth, Ace Hood, Lupe Fiasco shit is mad funny thats like buying music from kids who used to get picked on in school and Kanye is their big brother. LOL!
Eradicated auto-tune?! Didn’t make one darn bit of difference to auto-tune
I’m not really suprised at YN picking Jay’s Album for #1. He’s always been a front runner ass nigga! when he was at XXL he was jockin 50 hard as hell. Jay’s Album was decent [I gave it a C+/B-] but no way was it the best album of 09
Fuck that dude, he is a good rapper and maybe he earned to win it, but he looks like shiit and i dont know what beyonce are doing with him ?
Wait min. Hold up– these niggas haters n I made my self so easy to love– jigga voice. All this mans music is ground braking n his videos different. The dude is on some mic Jack shit making hip hop bigger than before. Let’s not forget the world is watching this man. So he have to make music as he grow as a human. 50 don’t drink, don’t smoke but he make hard music? What y’all dudes talking about. Jigga do all that but don’t make hard core music haha. So who is more hard. N jays word play still can’t fuck with him. U listen to his album then have to listen to it again and again to get.. Ontothenextone people. 50 makes the same music the same videos. U can’t compair him to Jay unless u talking money. 11 #1 Haters and counting.. No flops. So what yall talking. Ps. Check out the man new video “yall should be afraid of what he gone do next” oh n he put Young Jeezy in that vid just to press buttons for beans.. Haha smart move. Brooklyn!!!!!! All day..
wow YN but i cant say im surprized
even though OB4CLII IS way better it is what it is
like the homey sayz men lie women lie numbers dont also the estatic was audio crack
watch rebirth be number 1 next year
YN you must floss with Jay’s pubics, cause you stay on his D*CK…LMAO!
BUT I still love you guys…RR is the best….NO HOMO!
In the end it took this nigga 11 albums to get a number 1 single
watch rebirth be number 1 next year
y not?
Shit might fuck around and be klassik
thats wat da fuk im talkin about!!!!! BP3 killed dat shit this year nd all u hatin ass niggas kno it!!!!
I’m so sick of these bums comparing 50 to Jay…50 Cent is a figment of his own imagination! You can compare BISD to BP3…the songs and lyricism are better on BP3, Jay raps circles around dude…BISD is full of nonsense from a guy who is on his 4th album still talking about nstuff he did when he was heavy in the street…ya man lives in CT he is not out there slapping dudes up and knocking people out cold being this gangster that HE claims typifies what REAL hip hop should be…get out of here with that…people need to grow up…im not sayin BP3 is the best hip hop album of the year but it is a great album from a dude too many people like nitpicking on becasue of hsi greatness…and NO im not a hater, I support 50 i have all his albums he dropped two great mixtapes this summer which we bangers but im done with the gangster nonsense man…you cant be selling the same nonsense of beef every album and think people gonna support it…theres no growth and no growth in your music is what gets you 150k the first week….LOL
All i see is facts being spoke on about this album, the rest of the shit ya’ll is spewing is opinions, not facts….
and Sin, people should applaud how crazy Jays success is WITHOUT a number 1 single and still having 11 #1 albums instead of pointing out he never had one before Empire State…who else is doing that? how dso you have 11 #1 albums in a row and never have a chart topping single? think about that for a second
lol @ dude saying Rebirth will be a classic, it leaked a while ago…maybe you heard it, TRASH!
Eminem is number SEVEN and this bullshit is number one? Jay’s bloated lyrics have become nothing but narcissim over radio-friendly beats. What values is he promoting in his music? Sure, the music sounds great, but how much does Jay-Z have to do with it? Empire State of Mind was originally by someone else if you don’t believe me look it up in the New York times, there is an article about the songwriters who wrote the melody and the chorus and Jay wrote the RAPS! I think it is the duty of a true artist and rapper to send more than semi clever raps referencing material things into his “number one” album. Pssssh.
Eminem however, had a complex album where he’s doing the best rhyming of his career, perhaps the best album EVER, and he talks about serious issues he’s gone through with substance abuse, the issues with his mom, and all in a crazzzy rhyme scheme! And he and Dre are a tight musical production team. I’m interested into how Eminem secures the melodies/choruses/ideas for his album because if it were different than I think it would radically change my view. But it seems to me that Eminem focus on more of the CONTENT of his lyrics. He’s not talking about how great it is that he lives in Tribeca after all that hustling. What does that teach kids in the ghetto, that if they rap and associate themselves with the right people they too will one day be married to Beyonce even though they’re ugly? Ahem.
Even though I think for certain reasons I can relate to Eminem’s content more, I still find it problematic that Jay-Z spends so much of his raps promoting material things and his lifestyle. As we’ve seen from the recent deaths of Johnson and Johnson heiress Casey Johnson, just having money and the finest things does not equal happiness. I believe that Eminem raps about more complex issues, sending an interesting message, while doing it over great beats, hey maybe not the most radio friendly choruses but sometimes, and goddammit you can’t tell me that Jay Z RAPS better that Eminem. Dude won’t even freestyle. What kind of excuse is that? You can tell that Eminem still practices his flow and it’s very important to him. What’s important to Jay-Z, talking about how he doesn’t have to do anything he doesn’t want to because he’s a billionaire? Great message to send to the youf you guys! In conclusion I say – go listen to Ether and ask how much of those criticisms have changed. That is all.
Also have you noticed how much help Jay-Z needs to make a #1 album? had it been jay z alone would it have been successful? If not, you need to reconsider calling him the “GOAT”
wow why is everyone dick riding Jay Z? HE proclaims himself to be the goat.. not the fans bp3 licked nuts compared to obfcl2… SO fuck jay he overated
MeggieP you are wilding..that was NOT Eminems best album..i think plenty people would say its a toss up between Eminem Show and Marshalls Mathers…its a decent comeback album but thats it…i know Eminem fans who call him the best rapper EVER who dont even like this last album so I don’t know what your talking about…at the end of the day, everyone has their opinion…we can sit here and go back n forth all day everyone has a prefernce of who the like..you have people who say Nas is the best rapper yet i dont think anyone would disagree his last few albums have been flops…i dont know anyone who likes the last one and yes i am a Nas fan as well and i do think he murdered jay on ether but overall no i dont think hes a better all around artist hes not consistent enough..his albums are hit or miss…again this is my opinion it is what it is
when it comes down to it, Jay should have it.
I normally wouldn’t say this, but I’ve been readin elliots writing for a long time on diffrent mags, posts, and websites. And one thing I can say is…..u r the biggest j dickrider evar! I love j, but ur stupid if u concider that to b the best album.shit, j wouldn’t call it the best album. U stay suckin that mans dick. Was it good? Yes. The best? Hell no! Aren’t u writing the unofficial biography of this dude? Isn’t every post with u in it a pic of u huging a xxlmag with j on the cover that u wasn’t even apart of when it came out cuz u was workin for the source? U take takeover over either. Call nas the “lil homie” and try to shit on anyone who has anything negative to say about j. Come on man. I’m a big fan to, but dnt let the nut all over ur eyes block ur vision. I just came on this shit cuz y’all one of the few sites that update on a regular basis( big props) but damn ngga, tighten up!
Bullshit. RR, you’re transition to the dark side is now complete!
lol @ dude saying Rebirth will be a classic, it leaked a while ago…maybe you heard it, TRASH!
heard it..it was trash save for maybe 4 songs.
but i highly doubt they gon release that version
fuckin mooley
and goddammit you can’t tell me that Jay Z RAPS better that Eminem. Dude won’t even freestyle. What kind of excuse is that? You can tell that Eminem still practices his flow and it’s very important to him.
He said all he really know how to do is rap
and no Jay Z will never be better
i find that idea awkward
RAPRADAR OUT OF TOUCH WIT HIP HOP HEADS OBFCL2 Everybodies knows is #1 Relapse#2 JayZ#3
Let’s talk facts…Hov’s “D.O.A.” eradicated Auto-Tune…rejuvenated everyone’s spirits in the fall…buoyed…but still took time out to address you “Haters”…another great template from Roc’s architect
Let’s talk facts…Hov’s “D.O.A.” eradicated Auto-Tune…rejuvenated everyone’s spirits in the fall…buoyed…but still took time out to address you “Haters”…another great template from Roc’s architect
riddled with sucking sounds
[…] RR’s ‘09 Best Albums: #1 Jay-Z “Blueprint 3″ It’s a no brainer. Jay-Z’s Blueprint 3 takes the gold for best album of 2009. Let’s talk facts: Last summer, […] […]
Ok let’s get his straight, BP3 was the most overrated album of the decade. Jay should of came with new flows and try to mix it up with his first BP style. The radio killed the best song to come off this album which led us to listen to “onto the next one”. Cmon that song is fuckin whack. And when compared to Eminem, Jay looks like and sounds like every other rapper out there. Em is definetly the best rapper alive because of flow, lyricism, and overall making sense in every fuckin verse he lays! Nas was right, Em did murder him on his own shit. Speaking of Nas, I can wait to hear the collab album he did with Damien Marley…and Relapse 2 will blow your fuckin minds, no question.
[…] #1 Jay-Z Blueprint 3 […]