RR’s ’09 Best Albums: #3 Kid Cudi “Man On The Moon: The End Of Day”

The sometimes rap purist inside me pretty much ignored the Kid Cudi CD after a few first listens. It’s so emo, you have to almost be in the mood for it. Then I started to peep the praise from some fellow critical colleagues that I respect and they were right. Man On The Moon should be sellin’ enough to keep Drake up at night. But even though it isn’t is no reflection on how good it is. Yeah like the funny-dressing dude from OutKast and Wyclef’s ex in her prime, he hits notes more than he puts bars together but the songwriting is strong throughout. Whether recallin’ his childhood (“Soundtrack 2 My Life”) feelings of isolation (“Mr. Solo Dolo”) or his future ambition (“Pursuit Of Happiness”), the singing stoner blows the proverbial fresh air into the rap game. The first freshman to fully deliver. Nice work, Scottie.
Before: RR’s 09 Best Albums: #4 Clipse ‘Til The Casket Drops
create… but over hyped. kinda missed the mark though.
I wouldn’t even consider it hip-hop to be honest. As far as the quality, I thought it was terrible personally, but I can see why other people would like it.
That lady hes standing with has dropped sooo many rappers lol.
yesir. this seems to be a lot of people’s reaction. For some, it takes some gettin used to. My fav album of the year.
Well said. Took a minute to be in the mood to listen to it, but once adapted, it’s a great album with one skippable track. Drake > Cudi, but good album, I just wish he wasn’t a screw up.
Well-deserved. He’s G.O.O.D.
creative. i liked the unique approach, the production was damn near flawless…so lush…common narrated it.
but cudi himself didn’t deliver. he had all the makings of what could have been some groundbreaking shit, but he just…doesn’t come through. i think his writing sucks, and so does his emceeing, if you can call it that. nothing is tight and concise on that album…it all seems so random.
then he titled it man on the moon to imply that he was just out there…yea you are cudder…but not in the way i think you wanted to convey. thats just my take.
Very solid debut album. My favorite of the year
if OB4CL 2 aint n°1 i’ll have to whoop a yellow nigga ass…
great album
#2 is WALE & #1 is BP3
i think this album should be #1 listen to “Hyyerr”
Is it a “Rap Album”… IMO No.. Is it a very good album… Yes
This Album is DOPE, glad to see it get some light… I love that he did him, he took a big risk making that type of album but in my eyes it set him apart
I’m really proud of RR for stretching you niggas imagination. Now stop posing Joe Budden completely and you might be headed somewhere…
Yes, this does deserve to be on the list. Great call!
What Bjack said
I agree with this one… Dude made the Hip Hop version of “Dark Side Of The Moon”
And I remember you hating on the cover before it ever came out.
Silly you.
That album was dope. Point blank
garbage album!!! shit was so corny.
Great album. One of the best this year.
[…] Before: RR’s ‘09 Best Albums: #3 Kid Cudi Man On The Moon […]
very good album, deserved.
he has his own unique style, very imaginative.
gotta give kid cudi a round of applause.
“That lady hes standing with has dropped sooo many rappers lol.”
it’s sylvia rhone. and she’s put on as many. lol.
yall should check out our list of the top 10 albums:
we got a couple overlaps with rap radars but lotta different good stuff too. make sure you comment adn tell us what you think!
one of the best albums of 09, it’s dope, it should have sell a lil more
yeah this album was super dope.
pop artist nigga gay with tight jeans wearing kilt 3 good song on album to much singer cudi garbage
Yeah yall seen his faggot ass wearing a skirt he got problems or yall do if u think thats hiphop #3 GTFOOH
The best of 09 every song evokes a human emotion and is so relatable
[…] #3 Kid Cudi Man On The Moon: The End Of Day […]
Amazing Album, but yeah if your a RAP fan look elsewhere. Cudi isn’t gonna wow you with metas or wordplay, but as a fan of music its the shit!
This NIGGA, man. Quite character. I did fuck wit day’n’night, but when further research and i heard his mixtape shit i was highly disappoint his flow, delivery, and lyrics were extremely weak to me.
BUT i did just recently listen his album however and my perception of him completely change. really surprised, front to back it was a very artistic ablum i fucked with it. i do now respect him as an artist but as far goes rapping is very below average, i wouldnt even consider him a rapper.
But yea i guess son aight he little different but he cool with me.
this disc is by farrr #1 of the year, if not top 20 alltime, yea this might not be rap, but he is creating a completely new genre of music, how many other “artists” can claim that? not many. He might not be as respected in the rap community as rappers such as Drake but does that really matter because he is respected around the world more than prob any other rapper besides hova n’ kanye. Idk bout u but im tired of that same old boring repetitive rap bullshit recycled over and over