How To Make It In America (Ep.4)

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This week’s episode comes early and once again, Yardie was there to pick it up. On demand, damn it!
Heads Up: Eskay and dem
Previously: Episode 3
In the first episode I ain’t knw it was victor rasuk until he spoke. I fuck wit him tho his roles be natural.
What in the world? How is this out already?
this show is fire
Good show.. Kid Cudi needs to work on his acting but everything else is straight.
@ B. Digital
I Cosign that, I’m a big fan of Cudi but…he should try harder on this one!
I am tired of the love story.
na, yall are over analyzing his aacting cause you KNOW him not to be an actor, and when u heard of the show you heard KID CUDI, when u thought/THINK of the show u See KID CUDi,
so when his delivery is off itts just shitty cuz he is obviously the only one you are watching and critiquing act.
cuz to be frank, their are a lot of misses in these 4 episodes and they aint all cudi, in this episode he finally seems comfortable with his character
and lets not forget he didnt write the script,
id like to see will smith pull off saying “bee’s knees” meaning business, and fuckin dinner with auntie and her turkey meatloaf, and not sound fucking retarded
tell me yall gonna repost this next monday? i came 2late…sigh