Dr. Dre Hewlett-Packard Commercial
March 11, 2010 @ 6:07 PM EST

Computer maker HP just released this new ad highlighting Dr. Dre’s Envy laptop. The clip is part of their $40 million “Let’s Do Amazing” ad campaign. Featured is the good Doctor himself and a cameo by Stat Quo. Sorry Raaaaaaaandy, no verses here.
Woooha via Surebeatswork
Yo Dre…I understand that you want to make money but put out the damn album son!!!
“How Bout Some Verses By Dr. Dre Verses” RAAAAAAAANDY
Dre is still the realist nigga even in his old days. Can’t wait for the album if it drops before I’m dead. Lol
@ Dr. Dre
whats that beat right there??
Most anticipated album in hip hop history.
Ain’t go be nothing after that.
2010 statquo statlanta (no aftermath but still good to see a dope first album cuz it will be it, trust that)
eminem relapse 2 (aftermath). maybe Bishop lamont (no aftermath but we want this album also)
end of 2011 ———> Detox
BEFORE the end of world
thus until 2012 !
i worked on this project. the beat is from detox.
haha fuck, rhys darby.. NZ
was that avante rose at the start? heard he was the dude that got tila tiquilla pregnant
i dont care what anyone says. dre still the best producer in the game. he doesnt drop bullshit joints. everything he does drop, is fire. he got air tight quality control. that being said, im seeing andre in the press more than im hearing him through the speakers. take over 2010 dre. life is good, but dont tell me dre isnt kinda bored holed up in his studio. i know hes making heat, but hes not serving it to the custies. stat quo better get some dre beats for his album. he been loyal den a muhfuckaa. what yall think is the first dre beats well hear in 2010? eminem, stat quo, the game, or what? dre needs to quit being scared of and drop some tracks, his legacy is set in stone. his worst beat still better then 90 percent of niggas best beats.
btw that snippet of whatever beat dre was playing in the commerical was fire. sounded like a smash single. i know dre is making bangers and throwing them away. throw em out over here.
yeah, the snippet is fire.
You can tell Dre will move on from the 2001 Symphony like sounds, and that’s good thing cause homie tend to set trend beat wise.
That’s my word if it were for this album in waiting i would completely stop listening to hip hop. Once it drop I’m done with hip hop, really.
That beat right there is fuckiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing Crazzzzzzeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!
Damn, Dre did it again. Tease the whole world for another decade why don’t ya, Rommelle?
On a side, is it just me or does that beat sound like some roc la familia shit? #justsayin
Dr. Dre Detox I can’t wait. But I guess I’ll have to. Whaddown, Stat?
BB$. Work. Play.
i can tell ya people the beat u hear at the beginning is a Dre beat. It wont be on detox…Dre put it on just to gave yall a taste. I only heard the instrumental (no verses). shit is hot
funny how one of Game’s homeboi is in the beginning of the video lol. wassup with Fif dre??
we need that DETOX. nobody in the building heard some songs. i dont even think Jimmy heard some shit lol. crazy. I’ll hit ya up if i ever hear something
Pidipdipooouuu…dope beat boxing
that dont sound likehe detoxin from shit.. same old crap
shit is sick!
This shit is hilarious! And so is the dude beat boxing…That beat was crazy too. But I’m not gonna stress over Detox. It’ll drop when it drops.
And that HP computer is gonna be high than a mufucka in price…shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttttttttttt….
That’s Stat Quo in the booth? Does anyone else think it looks like Bishop Lamount? I know Bishop was dropped from Aftermath, but so was Stat so I can’t tell. B.Dot’s guess is better than mine, but what do y’all think?
NVM, looked up Stat’s picture…now I can tell it’s him. But it is weird considering Stat talked a bunch of shit about how Dre never works with his artists or anything…
^^^Can’t tell if it’s Stat or Bishop? You must not be black. #justsayin
BB$. Work. Play.
Stats been back w the math for a second now.
Detox will come out in 2016.
Yo that beat is fuckin fire and its better then anything i heard in a fuckin minute…ya’ll know the R.E.D. album and Detox gonna be a problem…can’t wait to hear Game on this classic production
hahaha thats funny at 0:22 “how bout this for your new album?”
ma nigga dre back in da studio!!!!
and unreleased detox tracks, shits fire
imma cop those sick ass spins the minute they come out
also whiteboi in da back takes off da spins at :06 and next second he has em on his head all gangsta like… nice editing
AFTERMATH and nothing AFTER THAT (slim shady voice)
wasn’t that nigga wih the wife beater on..The Game’s homie ‘AR’ ????
<3 stat quo!
Im pretty sure thats Slim Da Mobster in the booth.
No wonder Detox is not done he busy wasting his time making adverts or hanging with Gaga and her dick
rhys darby is a fuckin legend!
Damn that bass is sickkkk
“Yeah. We tore the computer apart, rebuilt it so my music can sound like it’s supposed to.”
It’s not lost on Dre. He knows people are waiting on Detox. The commercial pokes fun at that.
And at y’all.
was that Game’s homie ‘AR’ ?
Stat in the Stu’.
Ha!… I was thinking the same thing…
Its Stat Quo.
How many years has Detox been set to come out? Exactly.
who is the red headed guy that is in these new HP commercials?