B.o.B. Previews New Track In Atlantic City
April 10, 2010 @ 11:58 AM EDT

Bobby Ray and Lupe were in Atlantic City last night at the House of Blues. During B.o.B.’s set, he performed a new song called “Letters To Vietnam”. The track doesn’t appear on the his album’s tracklist, so its origin is anybody’s guess.
UPDATE: Bobby Ray performs the track accoustic style at Power 99 in Philly.
b.o.b is dope live
this has to be my most anticipated cd of the next few months other than relapse 2 if that drops.
god damn what is with everyone reciting new joints live.
Cosign. I saw him last year w/ 88 Keys, Asher Roth, and Cudi, and he put on a great ass show. I can’t wait for the album, and I can’t wait for next week’s show here in Detroit. Got my tix beitchez!!!
Eminem will be there
Talented dude, surprised no homophobes commented yet
[…] Bobby Ray’s debut album is finally in stores today and below are two iTunes bonus cut. Earlier this month, he performed the first joint in accoustic style. […]