Ice Cube On Good Day New York

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Ice Cube rocked his avaitor shades this morning while promoting his new documentary Straight Outta L.A. on Good Day New York. The film debuts today at the Tribeca Film Festival.
“Julie was a disgrace to hi-hop” LMAO
Looks like Today was a Good Day New York…
LOL Ice Cube acted strangely to the Dr. Dre question.
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lmao cube waz finkin r u seriousssssssssssssssssss wen she sed hiz lines!
yo foreal fam. i dead serious.
this chick really did her research…she really thought she was doing something.
[…] Spotted- RapRadar […]
I wanna bang that kung fu ho
Grey Poupon Ass Nigga (lol)
I think B Dot is saying be an artist that create a buzz and be on the radar of rap (no pun) and you will be on here for free.
shes hot. i bet she could make his ice cubes melt. ooooooooooo
yes? no?
Is it sunny in the studio ? lol
Nice to see him though.