DJ Premier’s Guru Salute Mix
April 24, 2010 @ 3:00 PM EDT

YN was in the house last night during DJ Premier’s tribute salute mix on Hip Hop Nation. You can download the entire segment or listen to the stream below. Beneath that, is an unreleased interlude from Moment Of Truth.
[vodpod id=Video.3485710&w=425&h=350&]
Props: DPB
Not to sound like a dumbass, but people make this HUGE deal outta Jay Dilla, but I never heard the guy untill he died. But now he’s the greatest producer that made a 4-bar loop. So i guess next week ill see, “was Guru the greatest rapper ever”
@ madubbl
The thing is when people say pac n big were the greatest ever, the question has always been would they still be considered the greatest if they were still alive? Death of good rappers always elevates them to a level that is seen as unattainable by others. I still don’t believe there’s such a thing as ‘greatest rapper EVER’. Guru will be remembered as one of the MANY greats tho.
^SMDH @1st comment. #GTFOOHWYDBA
It’s only right that Premo did this Guru mix. No matter what the deal was between the two they were brothers throughout the struggle to represent for real hip hop. Honor that if nothing else.
BB$. Salute.
WHATEVER, act like this guy was the shit and be fake to urself..
@ BK- who ever said this guy was top 20 all time, while he was alive..was he in vibes rap bracket…i really dont know and dont care, i am reminded everytime i hear a ol’ school rap head who was great…slick rick, kane, etc… who said gangstar?
Guru’s the greatest monotone rapper of all-time. Greatest rapper of all-time…as incredible as he was, no one will give him that title. But he’ll always be considered one of the best lyricists ever. The greats never get their due until their 6 feet deep.
The industry and fans gotta recognize who the greats are. Let’s not recognize DJ Premier as the greatest when he’s gone…dude is the greatest Hip-Hop producer of all-time!
How great is that unreleased instrumental? It sounds more fit for Hard to Earn rather than Moment of Truth. Then again, we haven’t heard the other two parts of the interlude.
B4 guru died top 5—-atleast for me
Know your history fuck boys… Guru might not of been g.o.a.t. But Gangstarr have always been kings of the underground.. Wish i could of heard the tribute mix..was too busy gettin’ faded last nite..
Interesting that Premo started the set with “Betrayal”, “So called friends try to set you up”, looking at you Solar
Gang Starr best duo ever an stringer yes I think premos mix did the talking for him
@ madubbl
Sounds to me like it’s time to learn a bit of hip hop history. Never heard of Dilla? Never heard of Guru/Gangstarr? WTF are you listening to? Don’t answer that. Rhetorical question. Learn.
And another thing…
There’s no such thing as the greatest rapper ever. It can’t be concluded, period. One thing that is universally accepted… Solar is the biggest douche-bag in the universe!
I think Premo is the coldest in sampling, and so does everyone else….
But when J. Dilla died, (who?) everyone is like “Do It for Dilla”
No disrespect but how the heck did these guys change the game…
if guru dropped a cd today you all would see a YN Editorial similar to shynes… the guy dies, now he’s better than shawn fuckin carter…
im sorry for his death, but u guys are fake as fuck
@madubbl Maybe you should stay out of grown folk business, you sound like a mad snot nose lil kid with comments like that. This post was for the real Hip Hop Heads who live and respect the culture. Not for the average listener. Kids take this shit for granted. Why don’t you head over to some other blog and stop talking out your ass. Matter of fact why dont you go download Gangstarr’s catalog and for that matter J Dilla’s catalog and educate your self before you talk out your ass again. SMH! YN or B.DOT should revoke some of these kids passes to RR.
J. Dilla’s catalog was downloaded whn he died, i wanted to know what the fuss was about…
it was just way too many unfinished beats, that sound just like 9th wonder, or premo-the beats that collected dust… what classic did he produce….
what ill rhyme did guru spit thats repeated today??
and I bet i know more about quailty music than you..
sorry i didnt think he was a great like rakim or chuck d or ice cube or scarface
@ madubbl
Please tell me you don’t base your hip hop knowledge on what VIBE magazine prints??? Son they have no authority whatsoever to be putting rappers in brackets of any kind and judging their talents. They don’t know shit. Yes dead rappers get publicity but no one is asking you to say he was dope. Fuck that’s the great thing about music; it’s diverse. If u thought he was dope and enjoyed his music acknowledge it like all his other fans on this site, if not move the fuck on.
I can’t fathom the disrespect for dilla or guru……gang Starr to me is a Pete and cl which are two greatest duos in my era……dillas work with de la to guru and for
the youths jay electronica…—–dilla premier pete rock GZa buckwild finesse all raised me dj Clark Kent all dem eric sermo.
so primo sneaked into the hospital while guru didnt want him there
i love premier but thats disrespectful
Wickedwack u live up 2 your name
Not to go off topic but did anyone hear moment of truth on the 24/7 show on HBO
yeah – I heard that last night….. no matter what ya do ya gotta watch MF’s around you . . . . I made that connection too
“Flick: Dr. Dre & Ice Cube In The Studio”
Go to Ice Cube site rapradar!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Premier’s lawyer Owen Lamb was about to let the real story about what happened betweeen Guru and Premier out the bag but they shut him down with the quickness LOL.
Nice mix tho. R.I.P. Guru.
Premo was definitely firing shots at Solar by cutting up those “Betrayal” bars at the beginning! Guru is one of the best of all time. RIP
@madubbl: i guess ur one of those kids who started listening to hip-hop b’cam Hip-POP …..dnt waste ur time on dis blog cos its 4 pple with knowldge of d essence. A stone can neva absorb n so u are whn it comes to hip-hop…there’s no reason for u wastn ur time..wait for soljaboy’s death den u and ur pips can have fun ratin him one if ds greatest…sorry boy i advice dt u head back to watchn MTV cos ur bout to miss the next britney video…R.I.P Guru one of the best yet!
[…] Previously: DJ Premier’s Guru Salute Mix […]
this is no diss to guru in his passing, but in honesty he was not really that dope at all. and this is coming from someone who couldnt wait to buy a gangstarr tape (yes tape and not cd). but why? premiers beats. everybody of that era knows that premier was the man, pete rock coming in second. i used to jump on anything that premier produced. nas’ “memory lane”, jay-z’s “one and million questions”, mop’s “firing squad”, groupo home’s “supastar”, d’angelo’s “devil’s pie”…you name it, i was on it. and it was that producing that made me and you (if you honest w/ yourself) want a gangstarr tape. as hard as i have tried, besides dwyck (and not really even that), i cannot recall a 16, even a verse from guru. nothing. and as dope as the the concept of jazzamatazz was back then, and eventhough i bought it (the 1st one), the only thing i remember was n’dea davenports hook!?! and trust, i got (unwanted) archives of lyrics in my head from “planet rock”, “king kut”,”straight out the jungle”, to “who shot cha, separate the weak from the obso-lete hard to creep”. i can even rattle off almost the whole best battle song of all time, in which one rapper destroyed 3 rap careers…..”what is a animal that kills; im like a shark w/ blood comin out the gills. you could never in ya wildest dreams get a piece of this gangsta lean straight from queens…..” all this comin from cat who aint listened to hiphop formally since 99. so i concur, in a more respectful tone w/ the above cats who feel the same way. i just didnt wanna lead the pack by saying it first.
p.s.: if he really was that dope, then recite some of his lyrics. “just to get a rep” doesnt count since that was the beginning of our love affair with gangstarr, nor does “dwyck” count, since that is there pinnacle joint. recite away…..
best duo ever? c’mon broski love.
how about epmd for that one.
and if you want to stick to a dj/rapper tandem……even pete rock/c.l. smooth was better as a whole than gangstarr. yes, premier beats were better than pete’s. but guru’s lyrics were nowhere near c.l. smooth’s. all i know is that i used to long for the day when premier would produce a WHOLE ALBUM for other than guru. so when jeru came out, guess who was at turtle’s?
@madubbl who said:
“what ill rhyme did guru spit thats repeated today??”
i hadnt even read that someones wrote that, else i would not even posted!!!
and that is a hallmark of a GREAT dope rapper/mc/whatever yall new headz are calling them these days: lyrics that are remembered and easily recited!!!
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