Ice Cube In The Lab
April 25, 2010 @ 12:51 PM EDT

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Cube filmed himself in the studio this past week. With his engineer in the background, he gives an update on his recent projects (Are We There Yet ?, Straight Outta L.A.) and at the 5:50 mark, displays the picture below.
theres no video RR
Damn so Cube been in the studio with Dre more than once the past week?!
We been waitin years for these 2 to make dope music together again!
This shit gonna be classic!
Detox + IATW baby!!!
Also……..Ain’t the “I Rep That West” vid droppin tomorrow?
Above vid here
damn all of a sudden im not hyped over recovery.. but rather detox. been mood swingin lately..
dunno what im waiting for.. detox .. recovery.. or i am the west?
yo, that is dope to see these two in the studio together! Easy E would be proud to see this… where is mc ren? its gonna happen
Recovery detox i am west oh 2010 seeems like a good music year
@ Dmam… just wait till the pushing back begins. its gunna have millions of people goin psycho
[…] Spotted: RR […]
Ha funny thing is I was just on Cube’s site watching this! Can’t wait for the track & video to premiere tomorrow! Shit sounds legit as hell from the preview & I agree with his Kobe comment as well! It’s really good to see Cube & Dre working again to! Like @pienman said Eazy would be so proud & now all they need is Ren!
[…] Spotted- RR […]
Good to c these 2 workin together. Cube stay keepin himself relevant weather it b movies or music. Actually lookin forward to his album…
N.W.A. bitches. All they need is MC Ren.
Since that Under Pressure-Fuckery I get kinda aggressive when I see pictures of Dre in the studio.
[…] good Doc, Ice Cube provides an update on I Am The West and other projects he’s working on. RR Share & […]
just pictures,no music…as usual
How ridiculously good does the songs he’s playing sound?
Laugh now, cry later was dope. Raw footage was better. I think this might be the best one yet, with the doctor coming in as well.
Ice Cube is a such a legend. It’s my pleasure to keep listening to his music. He’s done his thing, he could retire a legend and nothing would change that. BUT he makes music for us now, for us to enjoy and listen to. You can see it, he knows Hip Hop needs artists like him to balance things up.
I can’t believe it’s taken this long to hear Ice Cube and Dre again.
[…] Ice Cube posted a video on his website of himself in the studio working on his upcoming album, I Am The West. In the video, Ice Cube gives us an update on I Am The West, the sitcom, Are We There Yet?, and the documentary he directed called Straight Outta L.A.. At the end of the video, after he thanks all her fans for supporting him, he puts up the picture you see above of him and Dr. Dre in the studio. Props to RR. […]