New Music: Eminem “Not Afraid” (CDQ)
April 29, 2010 @ 7:04 AM EDT

“Let’s be honest. The last Relapse CD was ehh.”
First single off Recovery. Shhh, don’t wake Paul Rosenberg up.
Update: “Not Afraid” CDQ
this is what the game needs from em
RIP to the competition.
JUST what I needed to hear today! Welp, the number one rapper of all time has done it again people!
I aint heard it yet… But I heard Despicable last night… and I can believe that this classic.
of course, luv it…glad not his typical first single…Now I really want Recovery!
gotta agree shit go hard
After listening to that wack juice Drake put out, thank FUCK for this. Real hip hop.
Wow, Em is finally back. Dope track.
this is ehhh…could have been better.
But dickriders will love it.
this is decent – better than his last few singles
Yeah, “Kat Stacks Burned Me,” everyone who loves this is a dickrider, got it. Idiot.
Em got me back.
I can’t wait for more again.
So I’m going to get my Eminem Show, Em back. Im ready…Alicia Keys (I couldn’t help it lol!)
Wow…..hip hops back
i cant rap anymore. i just murdered the alphabet
WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now just waiting for Kanye…… Please Kanye come back we miss you!!!!!
This is what we needed. “all of those who look down on me, i’m tearin down ya balcony”
Eminem> Earth
That shit was so passionate WOW !
I like this shit, but the high pitched bridge kills me
classic song,eminem>>>>>>all of the rappers today
Haha Sha… you right homie. That Drake could be any profession in the world; a Dr or a lawyer, hell an actor… No need to be constrained as a mediocre rapper who “sings” to girls.
Incredible……….This song is a beast, best em single since Lose Yourself
so em drop a freestyle, jay counters with a lost verse, drakes drops second single, em drops first singe… kanye? lol HIPHOP I LOVEIT!!
Here’s the Youtube link for this straight classic: this is some hiphop shit i can deal wit…not that “hey im em im crazy” shit. i can dig it. nice lyrics, very important content ..shows growth and maturity… im done
i’m feelin it, but i’m with KingP on the bridge. slim hittin them high notes is rough on the ears…
Ridiculously good song.
Can’t say more.
I thin after a few plays, it might even hit classic status.
I can’t believe I’m such a big fan of this guy now, when I never ever bumped any of his stuff during his prime and peak form.
Eminem > Drake
Eminem > Game
Eminem > Gucci
Eminem > Wayne
Eminem > Ross
Eminem > Kanye
Eminem > Jay-Z
Not Afraid>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Like Toy Soldiers
the # 1 does it again! just wonderful
Goddamn, this is what I wanted a new Em track to sound like. Shit grows on me by the minute and you can tell it has replay value unlike most of the Relapse stuff.
the song is fucking dope!!
I can’t belive, the song just leaked and the fucking TRShady is down :@
this might not be first single material for the radio, clubs etc. but who gives a shit.
i think eminem doesn’t care at all. this album is for the fans based on what he’s saying.
you’d have to be a big time hater to not recognize the purity and emotion of this song.
WHY IS THIS FOOL SINGING an yaa lets the dickriding begin.
I’m a stan. But this song was… not that great. Not bad, but I don’t know. The bridge kills me inside, em tryin to hit those notes haha
I like it. I think the delayed synth kind of hurts the song a little bit. Imagine how this song would be produced by Dre. And I guess I’ll have to get used to the high pitched chorus, but DAMN Em can hit those high notes.
Well the rest of the CD is gonna be great. Especially knowing Dre produced some of the other tracks that have yet to come out.
ok decent effort from em could have been better ….6/10
although knowing Dre and his promises, his songs from the Recovery album might not appear until 10 years from now.
I predict 200+ comments by 10:00 AM….
^ok drake
Fuck yes i like it.100 000 000 better than We Made You.Haha let the haters hate.Cant wait for the video!!!
I thought he nailed the chorus, coulda done without the bridge but even with it this is one of the best songs I’ve heard from him in a long tim
Em >>>> Chuck Norris *runs*
talking to relforme
oh my god ,this song was ok,be honest whos gonna listen to this more than once but once again its em,get ready for the dick riding to begin……….. now!
Shady says in NOT AFRAID:
” To the fans I`ll never let you down again I`m Back I promise to never go back on the promise ”
Thank you Mr. Marshall bruce Mathers.
The greatest MC to breath on a Microphone.
lol jhj !
also, its funny seeing the haters try to hate but it comes off as kind of half-baked.
@ Matthew
Its Eminem bruh, dude could write the bible and cats would find a reason to complain about it
Solid, but nothing special.
please who ever said that em>>>jay must be smoking somming…………..JAY Z>>>>>>>FEMINENE
First single wise, this is Eminem’s best song.
You know what the best thing is? It’s clear he’s listened to his fans thoughts of his weaknesses, and he’s definietely looked like he’s fixed it.
He could almost be the perfect rapper again.
Wow. Em, you’ve got me convinced. It’s been a long time since I’ve been convinced his next album would be great.
notting special!!
“You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
Is that a subliminal shot at T.I? its at 1:30 i think!
Awesome. Dude is great and I’ve never been fan before until he disapperaed.
Hip Hop is better off with Shady.
Hip Hop will be on life support if had quit.
Matter of fact, this is kinda great. Gets better with 2nd time you listen.
I hated this dude but he has come out with NOTHIN but crazy shit lately
that song is DOPEEEEEE
btw… meant to say this in my last comment… this song reminds me of “Mosh” in a small way….. or maybe it’s just me lol
This is a great song. No bias. No bull.
fukin love it fuk wateva any1 says eminem is the best rap artist on the fuking planet haters are just jealous u kno why
Okay, haters. I’m trying to understand u, REALLY!!
First, u hated on the funny singles he’s makin every album.
Then, complain about the accent on relapse.
Now, u complain about the hook. While ur okay listening to any other hook. But because its eminem u wanna hate. I’m not a dickrider, Im just a true fan of hip-hop and i listened to too many Pac hooks that made me almost hate on the song. BUT I COULDN’T!! because its true HIP-HOP!
lol @ the eminem fans here going crazy, and they have every right to go crazy. the dude is in the news like only when his album comes out, unlike other rappers who dominate and hog the news every day.
song is ill as fuck.
enjoy it eminem fans, you guys deserve it. this dude even apologized to you guys on his first single FOR GODS SAKE
he said he not using the accent no moe,he said he not going back to the shit relapse no more!! if u listen to the lyrical content it’s madness its his best single since he dropped lose yourself in ’ obvious Em gonna get hate he a white rapper who rules the black music industry so there’s the hate plus he did one bad album!!! everyone has son!!! LEAVE IT THE FUCK ALONE…..
Single for me is 10/10 because it has replay value for me shit like we made you,just lose it,ass like that could be listened to once it was painful lol!! but this is fire 10/10 im not a big em fan but bring on RECOVERY JUNE 22nd
Can’t lie, this is a great song. I’ve listened to it 4 times now and gets better and better.
Well done indeed Marshall.
thank u marshall
Relapse album wasn’t even that bad, but yeah it wasn’t Eminem gone for 4 years standards. Still better than almost everything else out there, but that just shows how high Em keeps the bar for himself.
Crazy fucking song.
HMMM the verdict is pretty damn good…..especially for a single. You gotta remember what this is people. And the verses are bananas AND he’s talking about some real shit
not afraid to say – Eminem is the best alive.
and I thought no one would ever top Rakim in that list for me.
fuck a black dick.. the word play is crazy on this…
some ive been able to catch
“all those who looked down on me im tearin down your balcony”
“thought i had it mapped out but i diddn’t those fuckin black clouds”
“lift the whole liquor counter up because im liftin the bar”
He’s redicuosly over rated! He’s can spit and everything but he’s not the nicest he would probably say the same thing to.
Recovery album artwork?
People. he DEFINIETELY is taking a shot at a rapper when he says
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
I’m not one of those guys who looks for shit like that and blows it out of proportion, but that is 100% a shot at a rapper.
Has to be TI right?
Great fuckin song btw.
lol @ YN, ” shhh, dont wake Paul Rosenberg up”!!
Relapse it was the accent.
Recovery it’s gonna be the high pitched singy voice thing.
white fags geting all exited lol ……shit hippo
p is sad
I see….Eminem is “Not Afraid” but all these rappers…actually…everyone who drops an album around his release date should be…
I think hannah montana is releasing an album on the same day.
This is one of his best new songs, its like Beutiful, When I’m gone, but alot better!!!! Keep it up man, dont lose your style!!!
WoW Eminem is the Best!
He doesn’t say “Fuck your feelings”, he says “Fuck your fillings” – it’s a play on words. “Instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”. You can get your teeth crowned and capped. It’s a play on words. Feelings/fillings. Double meaning and all that.
Got This On Repeat.
Great First Single.
he’s got to be dissing TI or Rick Ross.
Thats the only thing I can think of, and it’s definitely a shot considering the concept of the song and saying what he feels like and not hiding the truth.
This is a nice track..a break from the garbage thats out now especially drakes new crap..EM came through..Finally im not disapointed
He’s cool with T.I bhruh, I think your reaching with that one, I honestly dont think there were any hidden disses in this one
how the fuck could he diss T.I. eminem said it himself Paper trail was all he was bumpin in 08..
Amazing, didn’t know what to expect but this is exactly what he needed to do. Recovery will be amazing, I’m going to buy a copy for me and a couple more for other people. Support Hip Hop when they get it right and it gives better music next time round because the artist has motivation as they can see people are feeling their music and its connecting. Amazing.
P.S. That’s not the real Recovery cover. That photo was taken during his shoot for ‘Beaitful’.
Eminem n T.I are friends
its not T.I
YEAH, i’m sorry for that one. i just saw someone talk about it and got hyper.
and i think he was talking about his album “KING MATHERS”…that was supposed to be out in 07!!
The reason I woke up at 6:45. Hell motherfucking damnit dick headed yes.
yeah probably stretching.
Em also not the type to create shit for nothing.
I think deep down a bit of is a diss at Rick Ross, but he’s irrelevant to Eminem. So it’s rather a shot at people like him.
Definitely not T.I.
And I’m shocked at how this song is growing on me after every single listen.
Started out at 7/10 and it’s practically a classic now.
Seriously, HOW the FUCK did I not ever like this guy?
rakim word cuz.
song is dope
QUESTION !!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is not the real single, it is missing a verse and the real version doesn’t end like this one. Here is the link to the real version.
anything em makes is the best song ever made to you em fans. I agree 100 times better than We Made You but thats not saying much.
Well it’s better than “cum on everybody” that song is so annoying
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your feelings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
^not a shot at t.i.
if my opinion is correct of eminem he would respect t.i.
could be his second or third shot at wayne…
boi da1
This is by far the best Eminem first single he’s put out. And the dope thing is it sets the tone for what looks like it’s going to be Em’s best album in years. He’s definitely spitting like he has something to prove now.
produced that is
“You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your fillings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
He says fillings, not feelings.
Shit this song is growing on me fast.The hook goes on re-run in my head
Boi-1da produced it
Man i think this new eminem is the best eminem ever… the new Recovery – Clean from drugs concept its introduced in a perfect way… i mean its not a funny celebrity bashin 1st single… thats the first time… hes on a new level now… and im sure thats a track that every fan will listen on repeat while relaxing… now i understand what em said that he wants to make some tracks that u hear 100 or 1000 times and that he wants to be more emotionly… i think that recovery gonna be like Eminem Show but better in a way… GL Eminem… Im proud im a fan:P u never let me down….
“You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your fillings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped”
yo 106,Em is the G.O.A.T!Every facet of hip hop he does he kills,he had beef he smashed dudes,he gets on tracks with other rappers and outshines them,he puts out an album it goes platinum in a week,he song writes,he freestyles better than anyone so talk all the shit you want homey,Em is the meaning of Hip Hop!!!Shady is back haters,It’s time to Recover!!
the cover is fake. its from the 2010 Calendar … al-dan.jpg
beat i wack.its only good because eminem is rhyming over it.
what i dont understand is when dre gives him a quality beat he rhymes
about kim kardashian but when boi-1da gives him a beat he spit
shit people wanna hear.fuck this shit
dope !
this recovery will be fire !!
boi1da, Jim Jonsin, JUST BLAZE !!!…
Not only the white folks getting excited you racist fuck!!All his fans aren’t white you fucken hater!!!He is just that nice!!!Go listen to that garbage you prob love,Gucci,Ross,Wacka Flaka etc.Eat a dick!Shady would crush your favorite rapper,in sales lyrical content etc.HIP HOP!!!
anyone know of a link w an inbedded player that wouldnt be blocked at school?
this song has nothing on careful what you wish for
This is great, absolutely amazing, I love it One-Hundred Percent
if the president gets to be black.. the best rapper gets to white.. ya right! em might be better than ye’ but aint better than jay.
i was first that was tight
kind of anthem, kind of classic, just sincerity on blaze.. boi marshall wonda full music
100 % with it.
Here are the lyrics, if anyone needs to correct them then please do, this is what I got anyway:
I’m not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just to let you know that, you’re not alone
Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road
Yeah, It’s been a ride…
I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one
Now some of you might still be in that place
If you’re trying to get out, just follow me
I’ll get you out…
(Verse 1)
You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay ’em
But you won’t take the sting out these words before I say ’em
Cause ain’t no way I’m let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say ’em or do something I do it, I don’t give a damn
What you think, I’m doing this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it’s gassed up, if a thing’s stopping me
I’mma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I’m tearing down your balcony
No if ands or buts don’t try to ask him why or how can he
From Infinite down to the last Relapse album he’s still shit and
Whether he’s on salary, paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shit’s his bowels out of him
Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He’s married to the game, like a fuck you for christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the earth he’s got the urge
To pull his dick from the dirt and fuck the universe
I’m not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you’re not alone
Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road
(Verse 2)
Ok quit playin’ with the scissors and shit, and cut the crap
I shouldn’t have to rhyme these words in the rhythm for you to know it’s a rap
You said you was king, you lied through your teeth
For that fuck your fillings, instead of getting crowned you’re getting capped
And to the fans, I’ll never let you down again, I’m back
I promise to never go back on that promise, in fact
Let’s be honest, that last Relapse CD was “ehhhh”
Perhaps I ran them accents into the ground
Relax, I ain’t going back to that now
All I’m tryna say is get back, click-clack BLAOW
Cause I ain’t playin’ around
There’s a game called circle and I don’t know how
I’m way too up to back down
But I think I’m still tryna figure this crap out
Thought I had it mapped out but I guess I didn’t
This fucking black cloud’s still follow’s me around
But it’s time to exercise these demons
These motherfuckers are doing jumping jacks now!
I’m not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you’re not alone
Holla if you feel that you’ve been down the same road
And I just can’t keep living this way
So starting today, I’m breaking out of this cage
I’m standing up, Imma face my demons
I’m manning up, Imma hold my ground
I’ve had enough, now I’m so fed up
Time to put my life back together right now
(Verse 3)
It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
And don’t even realize what you did, believe me you
I been through the ringer, but they can do little to the middle finger
I think I got a tear in my eye, I feel like the king of
My world, haters can make like bees with no stingers, and drop dead
No more beef flingers, no more drama from now on, I promise
To focus solely on handling my responsibilities as a father
So I solemnly swear to always treat this roof like my daughters and raise it
You couldn’t lift a single shingle lonely
Cause the way I feel, I’m strong enough to go to the club
Put a ??? and lift the whole liquor counter up
Cause I’m raising the bar, I shoot for the moon
But I’m too busy gazing at stars, I feel amazing and
I’m not afraid to take a stand
Everybody come take my hand
We’ll walk this road together, through the storm
Whatever weather, cold or warm
Just let you know that, you’re not alone
but i need that dr dre and jay-z record asap.
Corny as usual.
I got a feeling this album is going to be like this single.
but normally the single is never like the album… in eminems case
the single is DOPE ! and i wouldnt mind listening to all these emotional songs.
I dont understand you people.He comes with a celeb bash single—->hate
He comes with this—–> also hate
well its a good song
at least for the 1st time ,his first single is not on some kindergarten shhh
Fuckin dope. Seems like shady went and broke the ‘formula’ that everyone was talking about.
this is wack.
gimmie careful what u wish for anyday
this is wack.
gimmie careful what u wish for anyday.
this is wack.
gimmie careful what u wish for anyday..
Eminem NEEDS Dr. Dre!
It was wise of him to try and work with other people but not this guy. Eminem ABSOLUTELY is at his rapping best, but an amazing rapper deserves an amazing beat, and the producer just didn’t supply.
Perhaps they’ll remix this song or something down the road. I’m not one to say that a single has to be poppy and all that, but can you picture yourself listening to this one as much as My Name Is, Real Slim Shady, and Without ME? I didn’t think so.
I do like the song, it is very catchy, but cmon the beat is half the song and I just think boi1da is dragging eminem down with that lame drum machine and simple repeating synth line. Hopefully since the album DOES have other producers (Dre and Eminem himself), the other beats will be better.
.this is wack.
gimmie careful what u wish for anyday
Ye fuckin nice shadyss back good single cant wait for recovery
this is wack..
gimmie careful what u wish for anyday
these mother fuckers are doing jumping jacks now. Shit is fucking dope. I kept playing the freestyle that came out a couple days ago. Now i have this to bump to. I get chills down my spine when there is a new eminem song I haven’t heard yet. This guy is insane and the FUCKING BEST at what he does…
LOL @ people hating on the beat now……….I like the beat, expect everybody and their mama to be freestyling verses over this by the end of the week
Eminem will have plenty of Dre on this album, make no mistakes. At the minimum about 4-5 tracks, minimum.
@ Emfan
Careful what u wish for was dope…………This is Better tho
June is a crazy month for hip hop.
Damn.If eminem put out something there is always hate
I dont get it really?
Fore me this is on eminem show level
One thing has always been true about em, his songs in a way are his dairy. That’s why he’s so good and is so connected with all of his fans. He doesn’t just let the truth slip, he slams it in your face with bold 3D letters. And to em, i know you’ve said before that you can’t sing, but coming from a singer, thous cords weren’t bad at all. Keep up the good work and i think a lot of rapers can learn form this song, in that (as drake said in scriptures) “I left the cars at the house and I put the diamonds down.” You can only base so much of your career, off money and hoes.
Damn.If eminem put out something there is always hate
Fore me this is on eminem show level
hey beat is 1/2 the song.
Wow. Instant classic. This is what real music is. AMAZING.
The beat isnt that bad dudes.Besides we sont have the cdq song
so true.
Also, they hate when he was rapping with accent, then Despicable comes out and the hate on him for shouting?
Haters will always hate..
Keep killing em, Em.
and Im Not Afraid of saying: Eminem is the best rapper ever!
eminem show? fuck that album couldn’t compare to dis single. im not an em dick rider .. but im a fan of real hip hop
When an artist has haters it means there doing summin right
You know who doent have any haters??…………. People who nobody cares about
Success breeds hatred, When the hating stops is when your no longer relevant
Here’s the deal
Eminem put his heart into this song. Damn his FUCKING SOUL!
And boi1da sounds like he put about 5 minutes into the track (which he probably had laying around before he even met eminem).
Point being: Michael Jordan may be great, but it’s no fun watching him play with a flat basketball.
This is his best first single.
I honestly and truly believe that people employed by Interscope (nothing to do with RR) are encouraged to write a bunch of shit below eminem posts.
On that note, this cover FTW
@ Chen Ren
I like the beat actually, its low Key and gives the vocals to the forefront………. And I’m not a Boi1da fan in the least bit, I was worried when they said he produced the single, but I gotta disagree with you on this, I think the beat fit those vocals like a glove
look at everyone getting all wet like pussy for this song.
but i 100% love this record.
This is what we have been waiting for, undoubltley the best release recently!!!
man i got a lot to get off my chest after the third time listening to this.
1. some of you people are some hypocrites, “i hate when rappers sing, except when its your favorite rapper doing the singing”
2. I hate , man went commercial. Except when your favorite rapper does it.
3. I remember people criticizing on people who said relapse was bad as the whole album had probably 3 good songs and it was hard to enjoy it all the way through. I guess those that critized it has some vindication since even Em says it was meh, but im sure his fans will throw his #record sales in your face.
With that said i would give this song a 9.5/10, the singing hurt my ears otherwise it wouldve got a 10/10. Nice poetry em nice poetry.
Flow = 9/10
lyrics = 10/10
Big understatement. The beat is awful. Really, i’m, not hating. The beat is nothing special. It doesn’t make you wanna put this shit on repeat. And honestly fuck Marshall. I want Shady back
2. was suppose to be *insert favorite rapper*
I’m nearly crying with joy…
…i’ve been waiting sooo long for something as amazing as this.
This is nice. Of course not better than Lose Yourself, but a nice single. Im tellin u, Recovery is gonna be some crazy stuff. Honestly, i think it could go down as his most controversial album. His songs on albums always turn out way different then his singles. This will be his only uplifting song. Mark my words
Good Song from Marshall,
“Fuck ya Fillings, instead of gettin crowned you getting capped”
first RELAPSE,
i can see a damn trigoly nevertheless
RELAPSE 3 in fact wit another name wit a “R”
and that will be great. cuz it’s greater than a carter… ya heard !
Call Eminem to Coping Skills !!! dude iz a monster !!! lyrical rap genius, hiphop living legend !!! they will see and understand when he’s gone…
perfect yeah keep walking em
I could go over to my keyboard right now and write a better backing beat in 10 minutes.
Hell I may just go do that now.
this is an unbelievable first single for em finally not any of that trying to hard to be goofy and for all the people who hated on his last cd from the sound of this song it seems like he agrees that it wasnt his best work
Shits hot! Glad to hear Em admit Relapse lacked and he needed to stop w/ the accents. Em is nasty when he’s serious!
He doesn’t have to apologize for Underground though that song is THE SHIT!
OHHHH Shit its a shot at Wayne..Wayne said he was king in one of his songs and he got crowns before he went to jail..DAMMMMMMMNNNNN
the song is fucking sick …it took me less than 15 seconds to certify this a classic
i will bet anybody that this song will be #1 on every mo’fucking chart across the world.
this is Far Better than We Made You!
Great single – waitin 4 June 22
yo..i listen this song 10 times 😛 YEAAAAAH
Fucking dope!!!!!!!! Eminem is back for real!
Beat is nice, but not special. However, Eminem 2pac’d the beat.
That is, Pac will spit on wack or average beat but HE makes the song hot. Em just did that.
Cover is definitly fake!
The picture is taken from an 2010-Calendar.
Song is dope!
Beat could be a little better, the (hi-hats?) was a little too loud.
@ OJ da cornball
lol, U aint lying bout the Pac thing……………
he`s back 2 the top fuck u haters it`s fucking good music fucking enjoy it thers not mutch good rappers out anymore so fucking like the good 1s
one song don’t mean he is back being back his album better be good fuck 1 song he better drop that shit song because kayne is comeing
3:40 check the moon reference
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hell yeah eminem show.! this is gonna be a other ones of those.! damm ems back.! definately BUYING THE ALBUM RECOVERY, AND DEFINATELY BUY THIS SONG OFF ITUNES.!!!!!! SUPPORT EM AND MAKE THIS SONG GO NUMBER 1. AINT ON ITUNES YET
This is by far his strongest emergence, strongest single….Im glad em’s back and dropped the silly accent/inflection. You can’t deny Em his throne in this game, when younger lyricists like Bobby Ray and Asher Roth grew up listening to Em’s early stuff, helped motivate their individual talents its says alot about what he brings to the table….
This is Eminem at his best…Love this song..Keep going Em !!
never really understand why people who criticized a song, contently gets called a hater.
Hater would be someone who hates just to hate, just for hating sake.
em is back!!! THIS IS THE REAL SLIM SHADY!!!!/pages/EMINEM-RECOVERY-FANCLUB/118220868192260
i think this is the best first single ever released.
To my real rappers out there, please dont let this whiteboy and all his fans show us up.
JAYZ go back to dem reasonable doubt type bars cause truthfully my favorites TUPAC & BIG could kinda measure up to that album but RD had some great fucking lyric’s.
MOS DEF what the hell are you doing these days, your flows and lines are equally up there with EMINEM its just not on no “suck this or swallow this, crazy white boy” Have you peepo on this site ever heard MS.FAT BOOTY, well when you do holla back at me and then you kow what i mean.
KANYE you defintely got some shit, dont let this whiteboy do it for hip hop. THIS IS OUR SHIT! Show him what we got. Go in just like they feel EM is going in.
STIC-MAN from DEAD PREZ, man you do your thing on the revolutionary tip and thats great and if dudes were to compare EM verses to yours on LETS GET FREE or REVOLUTIONARY BUT GANGSTA they would know what i mean
RAKIM we gave this white boy too much of our game
KANE we gave this dude way too much of our game
KOOL G RAP we went overboard giving this whiteboy our game
KRS one WE sho nuff did
METHOD MAN you are crazy with the bars-the flows- the STEEZ, its just that this white boy gets all the attention and sucks it up. If peepo would youtube your freestyles or your songs where you wasnt playing with niggaz like BRING THE PAIN or THE WHAT featuring BIG or YOUR ALL I NEED, then they would know what i mean.
NASTY NAS yeah i said NASTY NAS, thats whats missing from you kid the nasty in ya name, ever since you dropped that part you became many characters but you still spit with passion but bring back that ILLMATIC or NAS I AM and show these peepo repping EM 2 da fullest what im talking bout. These niggaz need to hear ILLMATIC again. THE DAMIAN COLLAB will do 4 now cuz its on some real shit but bake this whiteboy!
RED MAN, dog do these niggaz remember TIME 4 SOME AKSHUN…NO! and they need to, you talking about a crazy thinking mutherfucker, well that was RED MAN b4 EMINEM. WE GAVE THIS WHITEBOY WAY TOO MUCH GAME. Muddy Waters- classic. Show these dudes what you made of.
LAURYN HILL, why o why did you stop? half the niggaz i just mention were your competition, why did you let Eminem in these fucking doors? You are truly the baddest female to ever bless a mic and your wordplay, flow, delivery were beyond measure. Can u pleez comeback and show deez dudes, pleez!
Their are a few more to mention but i gotta bring up the dead. TUPAC, BIGGIE, PUN and BIG L are mad as hell we let this happen, that we allowed hip hop to go down the toilet. Tupac said “IF NIGGAZ AINT GOT BIG BALLS LIKE ME, ITS GONNA GO BACK TO SOME PARTY&BULLSHIT.”
BIGGIE made a song called PARTY&BULLSHIT but spitted that real shit. PUN why you give your flow to EMINEM son, Why you show this man how we do, how come FAT JOE never stood up or stepped up? REMY MA was on her way but you know? BIG L——- MY GOD SON… THESE NIGGAZ TALKING EM THE GREATEST EVER, THEY SURE NUFF 4GOT THAT YOU ARE TRULY A PUNCHLINEKING. Yeah yo shit was gangster but humerous, EBONIC’S is still untouchable and you was playing around.(BLACK ON BLACK CRIME STOPPED YOUR REAL RISE TO THE TOP). Basically i gave yall the best rappers in the game, however they in the game or not. but dont be puttin EM over the honorable mention and to all the ones i mention, DONT LET THIS WHITEBOY DO FOR US cuz he not, he doing it cuz he know the lane is clear to do it and nobody gonna say shit. Fuck Eminem and i dont have no buts about it. BLACK RAPPERS GET SERIOUS AGAIN and smack the shit out of these NICKI MINAJ’S, DRAKES, JCOLE, BOB, GUCCI, WACKA FLOCKA, WHOEVER. Bring back hip hop cuz EM cant do it for us-US!
Thursday, April 29 2010 at 12
EmineM is back!! love this track
beat is very nice and melodic… and u get used to the hihats after the second listen… great!!!
Wow. I love it. If this is any indication of the rest of the album (can never really tell with Em), this album could rank up there with MMLP with me.
The haters are funny though. “What’s with the accent?” “Why’s he yelling?” “The beats annoying.”… *sigh* God I love haters. Hey, make sure to drink plenty of fluids. You’re going to need to keep your strength up to for this album, bitches.
Now how long will it take to get an CD quality track?
[…] Source: Your Audio Fix & Rap Radar […]
Brotha, Em is still one of ours. This is hip hop. He belongs to us before anyone else. He’s one of us. Part of the hip hop community. Him being white is irrelevant. He’s not the mainstreams. He’s ours. He’s still one of us despite his color.
Eminem is cool but this doesn’t do it for me…But Recovery is gonna be the shit….
Album of the Year goes to Nas and Damian Marley- Distant Relative
Fock u all, This is focking dope! Cant wait till the album 😀
TUPAC QUOTE: “know that i mean every mother fucking word when we ride on our enemies!”
and hell yeah i bought racism in and dont be talking that Tiger Woods shit, that dont count.
@negrito U are the definition of racist and hater in one… im sure u crying right now because u cant stand the fact that the music tha this “white boy” puts is so beautiful that u cant really hate on it… hope u get rid of all of your complex and enjoy real music…
Holy shit. This is bananas.
He’s still got it.
[…] into his own radio station this morning and spoke with Angela Yee about his new single “Not Afraid” and new album, Recovery. June 22nd, […]
“the last cd was…..ehh, perhaps I ran them accents into the ground”
told u Stans his last album was azz….lol
Big ups to Em for sayin that…thats real spit right there, not many ppl would say that about their work.
decent first single…motivational joint. its not the Marshall Mathers fire im waitin 4 tho . but still cant wait to the Lp drop ….
[…] Miss Info, the first single off Recovery. This is the real art, from Rap Radar. And it is […]
My nigga i feel you on that rappers need to step up, but you cant hate on raw fuckin talent, and the whiteboy spits bars around most if not every rapper in the game right now. That man is pure raw hip hop, born and bred, you cant deny that.
Finally, an Em song I can get with. This is dopeasfuck!
@jerrrzzz BUT THE NIGGA WILL! Plus everyone he mentions besides PAC and big fuck with And love Em but whatever
damn this is blowin up like crazy! im wonderin wat kinda numbers recovery will do! moer or less than relapse? my guess is around the same! but amazing single!
[…] and just because I know the youtube of Not Afraid will be taken down faster than a cocaine heartbeat… go here to hear the single […]
The song its hot no doubt about it the only thing im not feelin is Em doin to much singin in the hook but overall its sounds good
hes back
great song
ur fuck crazy as shit negrito ur fuckin stupid as shit gucci mane? didnt jeezy kill him already
hey whats does eminem mean when he said bout the excersing demons and there doing jumping jacks now.?????????
dont get me wrong i like gucci but dont compare with eminem and rick ross is a fuckin p.o. fuck that nigga
Whaaaat?? Gucci Mane and Ricky Ross? You’re fake as hell!
Shit is fuckin firrre!!!
haha did you guys really beleive that pic you had b4 was the album cover???
Too much singing on the hook??haha listen to the eminem show and track 4, track 8, and track 14, I’m sorry I hate dumb comments about singing on an eminem song, he does it all the time, HAS done it before ur favorite rapper decided to sing.
* for an entire album
@ Everyone…don’t hate on Negrito he’s got no life so he tryina piss off people. DON’T U SEE WHAT HE IS DOING?damn, people are stupid. Don’t waste ur time on him.
Racism, aint cool. Every rapper you mentioned would say the same, becuase no one likes a racist. Not even your mother. On that note, why does it sound like your a….whats the word….you sound like a stan, but in a different kind of way. Talking bout your blood boiling cuz people say Em’s the best, dont go an commit suicide or anything cuz you cant handle the praise he gets.
I dunno man, something about you just makes me sick…your whole opinion, it bothers me…amd not even about you not liking Eminem, but about how racist it is. “This aint black vs white nigga we off that” and one of the artist you respect so much said that. But think the way you think, you cant change the views of millions with that racist ass block of words you that pitiful essay you crafted is about 20 minutes of your life that had no impact on anything whatsoever…and you’ll never get it back. Get Aware dude
Damnit….@IIII too late I wasted my time….now thats my time I wont get back
When will this be on itunes??
I’m coppin this album the first day it comes out. Eminem is officially back!
Dr Dre ft Jay-Z – Under pressure
I’ve gotta tell you… this sounds like ICP’s “Miracles”
@ Word
you just got trolled you fuckin idiot.
I get goosebumps every time i hear a new eminem song…this is hip hop!
This man is a Modern Day Shakespeare
I’m a big Em fan but…didnt really like the track. Far too cliche for me. I preferred 3/4 of Relapse to that. It’s like Beautiful with metaphors.
The beat is crap, chrous is pretty rubbish and why the hell is he apologising for Relapse – it was a good album. Shouty delivery is getting repetivie as well.
“Fuck the world
Feed it beans, it’s gassed up” is some shit Wayne would write.
People calling this a classic need to get their ears tested. It’s like Beautiful – good for one listen then boring after.
Really hope Revoery is different to this. I loved Em at first becuase he was original and had the concepts and ideas no-one had heard of and kept this up until after Relapse dropped, now its all cliche bullshit, that I’ve heard a million times from other artists.
^^ Want his old shit buy his old albums…its that simple…theres no point in complaining..and obviously he cant please everyone…..Almost everyone said that he needs to stop with the dam accent….he does…now ppls sayin his shouty flow is gettin repetitve…WTF Do yall want…if you like a certain style of hist then get all the songs that fit that style and make your own dam playlist..
Fucking Fire. My Man Em Is……….Well That We All Know He Is
I love how he sings… great song, thank you again marshall for love you giving to this game… GOAT
IMO … the line about “you said you was king” was not a diss at any other rapper. In fact, if you look at it in context of the rest of that verse, I think it was a shot at HIMSELF, from the fans’ point of view. If you recall, there was a lot of talk about how that album was going to be called “KING MATHERS”. I could be wrong, but that’s how I took it. Anyway, very good song.
@NEGRITO … you’re so ignorant that I’m really not only directing this comment soley at you, but all who think the way you do:
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Ali is called the greatest boxer?
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Jordan is called the greatest baller?
Why don’t WHITE people get mad when Woods is called the greatest golfer?
The answer is VERY clear: there is truth in all of these statements, even if they are debatable.
This is why a normal, non-racist person can call Eminem the greatest rapper, although clearly debatable, without being a “Dick Rider”.
Long live real Hip-Hop! Late.
here’s the DL link
Recovery is gonna be the shit
@Roy fuck off m8 he`s white nd he`s always going 2 be white he 1 of us whites nnd a aint being racist am jst telling U u cnt say he`s 1 of yous when he clearly isnt
^^^^^^ that sounds so retarded. You are LITERALLY making a mockery of yourself “eminem no1”. Didn’t you see that old Chappelle Show episode where he was making fun of that VERY statement you just made about Eminem??? Wow, I didn’t know Chappelle was a prophet? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I have his old albums. I dont want his “old shit” – I want new ideas, I want something I’ve never heard before and thats why I loved Relapse.
But when I say that, I also want stuff that I dont hear all the time from other artists, like this.
It’s like Beautiful, cliched to fuck. Sounds like something a boyband would write (in terms of chorus). Em has always been the most original artists for me, and that why I’m a huge fan, but lately cliches and shit about ‘haters’ have come into his work and it’s so unoriginal it annoys me.
He can make emotional tracks without being self-pitying and cliche (see Deja Vu) but he doesnt seem to what to do it.
Apologising about Relapse? What the fuck is that all about? Just cus some people didnt appreciate it doesnt mean he should say sorry for it, just sounds stupid as fuck.
“Almost everyone said that he needs to stop with the dam accent….he does…now ppls sayin his shouty flow is gettin repetitve…WTF Do yall want…if you like a certain style of hist then get all the songs that fit that style and make your own dam playlist..”
1. I didnt mind the accent
2. I like to hear his deliveries switched up. I like to heard different styles from him. DTW, Airplanes and this have had the same delivery and it’s boring already.
3. Relapse had loads of different voice, accents and deliveries, not just one. And thats what I wanna hear.
Dont reply to my comment without properly reading it.
[…] Not Afraid […]
^^ like i said…he cant please everyone…if Relapse is what you like lisin to it..thats whay i meant when i quoted Jay z..
Yeaaaah… this is a really cool song!
this song is dopeasfuck cant wait for the album
You dont get what I’m saying. I dont want his old shit. I’ve heard Relapse, I enjoyed it. I want something new, something unique. Eminem has switched his style up on every album and it sounds like he’ll do it again – but this time, it’ll be the first time he’s done it but not loads of other people – so fuckin cliche, it’s ridiculous. If you dont think Beautiful and this are corny, cliche and self pitying then you must be listening to something else!
Why is that whenever someone has a negative opinion on an Eminem song everyone has to say shit like ‘dont like it listen to his old stuff’? I’ve listened to his old stuff for years.
I want new stuff from him, I dont want an TES 2, but I also dont want something that isnt a cliched style.
Sorry for overusing the word ‘cliche’ but I had to!!
Great lead off song. Really goes well with the album title. Eminem is a beast. Im surprised he called relapse ehh… relapse wasn’t as bad as people make it out to be. The only downside to it was It was a bit repetitive but he spit fire on every track. Ems Ehh album still wins a Grammy award for Best Rap Album. Call me a stan or whatever but Eminem is the best rapper alive by far!!
i had a feeling his first song was gonna be like this…aka sick and heartfelt…waht what!!!!!
cant wait 2 get this cd im a lock myself away 4 days
Amazing, this is by far his best single in a while!!! Recovery will be amazing!!!!!!!!
Hey yo, shits deep. Em is the only the MC who gets introspective on his shit, Nas can too, ‘Pac used to as well. MikeNUFC, Radio single remember, wouldn’t say it’s cliched maybe the hook gives it that feeling.
The hook is pretty much what the song is about so if the hook is cliched the song is cliched.
It’s not a bad song, I just expected something more original. And some of the metaphors are corny as fuck.
I mean
“so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it’s gassed up” is a horrible line, really is.
I still have high hopes for Recovery but I hope it’s not all like this.
I liked Relapse, I thought it was really good, the accent (there were many so not sure which one you mean) didnt bother me one bit.
“His real fans like real shit like this”
How the fuck can you say who’s a real fan and who isnt? Deja Vu was as real as it gets and I loved that more than anything. Just cus I dislike a song, doesnt mean I’m not a real fan, you ignorant fuck.
Saying its cliche does make sense.
Yeah, It’s been a ride…
I guess i had to go to that place to get to this one
Now some of you might still be in that place
If you’re trying to get out, just follow me
I’ll get you there
is cliche whatever way you look at it.
Eminem is more than welcome to express his true feelings, and he usually does it in an original way. These are the songs I love. See Deja Vu, Hailies Song, Til I Collapse ETC ETC. Beautiful and this arent original, unfortunately.
And why the hell are you writing in capitals? Makes you look like a fuckin angry 12 year old crying over an opinion. Which you probably are as it goes. Your comment was stupid and made no real sense.
All radio singles are cliched go figure…
He does pretty good for himself, even though almost every music outlet snubs him, MTV, VH1, BET, etc.
(im black) and you stupid as f**k? Don’t let Eminem NOT be the greatest in your opinion just because he’s white. I mean, hes NOT the greatest to me, but its not because hes white, its because i dont relate to what he raps about most of the time, i HATE that he ALWAYS raps in that angry, gravely voice all the time, i hate how his flow is INCREDIBLE most of the time, but ALL of his verses have one or two bars where he forces the syllables even though they don’t fit and it sounds terrible to me, etc. lol. You see. Those are ligitimate reasons why hes not the G.O.A.T. to me. Hes DEFINATELY top five ALL TIME, but not my favorite. You on the other hand are a f**k head for not liking him cuz hes white? lol.
This song is straight. Definately too much singing. but some passionate clever Em s**t as always. Won’t get much burn though, just kinda annoying.
BIG props to Eminem for acknowledging the fact that his last album was ASS by the way. lol. Hate to say i told u so…SIKE! i LOVE to say i told you so. the sad part is, even though EMINEM SAID IT HIMSELF his Stans will STILL swear up and down its dope. lmfao.
this song is better than the whole of he relapse album
U HAVE A POINT, but it ain’t cliche when beautiful was made for reasons u and I would never understand, cliche is this beat that has the same drum pattern as forever AND best I ever had, so a dj could do a gay remix with drake on it or some shit,
I see what ur sayin, u want new etc etc,
But u gotta see that just cause u don’t like it doesn’t make it what u tthink it is my nigga,
I personally don’t like it all that much, but I did like beautiful, deja vu was ill
I’m a die hard eminem fan, but. When he has a whack album or record, I say it, encore for example, cliche, whatever,
It was IGHT
This, isn’t a bad record, I just ain’t feelin it,, u aren’t either, that doesn’t mean its cliche, YOU just don’t like it
And I got 4 letters for u….
m8 u on sumit em`s white he`s always going 2 be white he`s 1 of us not you`s check the state of U he`s white stop trying 2 clame whats not yours face facts he`s white = the best rapper is white = it`s a white game
it is cliche. cliche can be done well – see when im gone – but it gets boring quick and this does, to me. talking about haters is now cliche as is the hook
thats the not the only reason i dont like it. beat and bridge are horrible, there are some corny metaphors and its not that great lyrically. and the delivery is annoying
i also hate the fact he’s apologising for relapse. he compares encore, a horrible album, to illmatic but apologies for relapse, a solid album just cus some people cried that he switched his style and did something unique.
anyway, made my point, its all opinion, im out
cant wait to hear what havoc cooked up for him
Not everyone is going to love it. It’s impossible to do. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. But for those who say he’s not being original or trying anything new…are you kidding? Just Blaze, Jim Jonsin, Havoc, DJ Khalil…he’s working on a whole new sound for this album instead of just Dre and himself. Plus it doesn’t look like he’s gonna be doing too many cartoon voices anymore. It seems to me that this is going to be a more mature album, and unlike any of his previous offerings. I’m excited to see what the final product sounds like.
@eminem no1 … i repeat …
^^^^^^ that sounds so retarded. You are LITERALLY making a mockery of yourself “eminem no1″. Didn’t you see that old Chappelle Show episode where he was making fun of that VERY statement you just made about Eminem??? Wow, I didn’t know Chappelle was a prophet? HAHAHAHAHAHA
I like it, sure it might be a bit cliché, but it’s a radio single, it’s meant to be an uplifting song that will have people vibing to it on the radio, I first heard it and liked it and will continue to do so.
Thats the thing about the internet, it’s so open and everyone obviously has their own opinion. The problem is when people think their opinion is the only right opinion (a lot of people on here and Boxden for example). Guys this is music, it’s an art form. A million people could look at the same picture and each see different things, if you like it stick it on a CD and enjoy…if you don’t then just don’t listen to it and forget about it 🙂 you don’t have to like everything the man does!
Good god boy shut the fuck up already no one cares what you think.
Robb – no-one cares? so why is everyone including you replying? cus you all care and will start crying when someone has a negative opinion.
this album is gonna be massive, get all the new tracks and videos here Nas Web Site
I hate the hook. It’s so not like him. The singing part, too, is quite awful. The lyrics are alright, and I’m glad he forgot the whole accent thing he used in Relapse, even if it was original and unique. It wasn’t my Em. I don’t think this is him yet, either, but trying, which is alright.
No, you keep talking and talking and talking saying the same shit on repeat. You made your point, I don’t fault you for that. You didn’t like this song, fine. But shut the fuck up already, you aren’t changing any hearts or minds, so why waste the energy? People like what they like, and anyone (you, in this case) that doesn’t agree with their opinions are wrong. That’s how shit works. You’re doing the exact opposite with people liking what you don’t.
Now shut the fuck up and piss off you fucking faggot and cry in a ditch because Eminem made something you didn’t like.
It has a nice gospel feel that I love. Em is a new man now.
Robb – people reply to my comments saying why they like it and i reply why i dont like. its called a discussion – everyone is repeating themselves in some respects.
im not trying to change anyones opinion, im just giving mine. if people reply saying stuff ‘youre not a true fan cus you dont like this’ then im guna say why thats bullshit.
Mike, this song makes me happy, and that’s enough for me. I don’t find it cliché at all, especially for Eminem. I understand what you’re saying though. Let’s just hope you like his next song better.
LOL its funny people will always pick somethin to bash on an artist oh his accent oh hes not breathing right Songs dope ems dope end of recovery will be Nutz
Whew that boy pissed gas on a fire! his flows are crazy
“Remember when Slim Shady made songs about putting the corpse of his daughter’s mother in the trunk of his car? Now he wants to talk about his ‘feelings’ and tap into the Linkin Park fan-base of kids who think cutting themselves is what’s hot. I mean it’s one thing to pretend to be emotional if you’re trying to bag some dizzy dame in high school, but cry me an effin’ river. The only way that this could have been softer was if he got his pal Elton John on the hook. Man up, indeed.”
The sounds like some lost verses from ‘We Are The World 2010.’ It sounds like something to play on Em’s E! True Hollywood Story…”in 2010 Eminem returned with his triumphant, soul-bearing single ‘I’m Not Afraid,’ making his return as the king of rap complete.” Its that ‘I’m Back’ song that stars make after they’ve been gone or went through something. I wouldn’t be surprised if Lindsey Lohan and Robert Downey, Jr. were cast for the video. For real, this is some real mega-pop star shit, which I really cant be mad at because hell, Em is a mega-pop star. Shit ain’t jammin’ though.”
I’ll be honest: I didn’t listen to Relapse because of Em’s penchant for rapping in Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog’s voice throughout. So while it’s good to see that he’s dropped that doofy accent on ‘Not Afraid,’ I was left a bit unimpressed by the single. Don’t get me wrong; the raps are incredible as always. But i could do without the hook and the lackluster beat. But why are you asking me for this my opinion? Everybody knows I hate everything.”
I Hate To Say This But hummmmmm
Rick Ross > Eminem
He Do Make Good Shit
Super High Me
Drake Single > Eminem Single
Eminem Is Old Now People Time To Give Up On Him
I Think Black People Want Hood Shit From A White Person
If you wanna listen to songs about him putting the corpse of his daughter’s mother in a car go and listen to the Slim Shady LP. He has moved on, funnily enough, after the 11 years that have passed since then. What kind of first single do you want if you don’t want an inspirational, uplifting type? Another ‘We Made You’?? And btw Relapse wasn’t in the Triumph-the-puppet dog’s voice at all, just fyi. You’re entitled to your opinion, but he aint the same dude that he was 10yrs ago. If he was rapping about the same shit that he was on the Slim Shady LP people would be hating saying “oh he just says the same old shit everytime, im sick of hearing him talk about murdering people”. Yet when he goes in a new direction some people still aren’t happy.
He has grown, maybe you just haven’t grown with him… in which case I can understand your dislike for his new stuff.
Wasn’t Feeling It With As Much Energy As I Was Feeling His Despicable Freestyle.Its A Good Track Possibly A Grower
” Think Black People Want Hood Shit From A White Person”
That’s all black people want, or dumb black folks anyway. Just like fuckin white redneck fucks just want country music over and over and over.
Sorry, but “hood” shit is fucking mad old. Get out of the hood already for fuck sake. How many times do you need to hear the same artist rap about drugs, guns, rims, girls, drinking, and “messing with the police”?
Im black live in NYC queens.and niggas been bumpin this in the sreets all day son niggas been wildin out over this shit! im 30 been listining to hip hop since i was 9 and Eminem is the dopest MC to grace the mic in my opinion then nas,biggie,jay,cube Then 2pac..Em got me pumped that aint happened since lose yourself dropped in 03
Yeaaaah… this is a great song! RECOVERY must be classic
AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!amazing song.
Em – best rapper ever.
Dope shit!
Corny ass chorus but it’s a nice song. Good job Em. Good job man. Eff you haters.
ehh. its alrite more for the whiteboys tho
I lol at everyone who doesn’t like this song.
It’s not his best emotional song but it is a nice song.
i dont like this song but its a hit it sound like some whitegirl song like Christian Aguilera should be doing this song its not a rap song to me but em still spits
Eminem is old but he has ripped thru damn near every top upcoming MC in the game this year Wayne twice Drake Kanye B.o.B.
I said this yesterday And I repeat no rapper can outrap em at all no rapper can out rap dude
funny when niggas wanna talk about age like its a factor when Jay is 40 is one of the hottest in the game niggas need to shut fucc up with that age shit this aint the NBA Raekwon had teh best Rap Lp of 2009 so what the fucc are talking about
not to mention that heat Nas dropped off yesterday with damian marley
Yeah, He Can Out Rap, But Can He Out Rap Give Us A Hit Record , No He Can’t , Because His Songs Sucks , But When He Do Free Style Or Guess Spots Its A Hit ……
Eminem Free Style >>> Eminem New Single
best shit ever!!!! is like beautiful
“Let’s be honest. The last Relapse CD was ehh.” – Eminem
What He Said
Ok to all the ones saying ths song is corny or cliche you must not remember tha everyone of his first singles on all of his albums are more silly and shit to get everyones attentions. I think this s by far he best of all of his first singles he releases on his albums. Its light enough for the casual listeners but has the substance and skill his tru fans wanna hear. So to the tru fans that get it. I Cant wait for Recovery. Im soo proud to be a fan and to be able to see him evolve in music and life and share it with us every step of the road. He is the most personal hip hop artists wth the bggest balls in the game! In the words of Em from his shade 45 interview today. ” In case you haven heard, Im kind of a big deal. Ask about me”!!1
i don,t know how is possible 4 some people not like this song. i,ve been listenin to eminem even b4 i spoke english and never thought he could get better but then he comes out with this , i,m seriously speecheless, i,m 21 and swear down dis song brought tears 2 ma eyes man lol, fuckn well done em. on behalf of every fan of yours thanks 4 dis, jus fuckn amazin man!
“Some people Hate” – Jay-Z
Song is great
I think he is talking about proof when he says “It was my decision to get clean, I did it for me
Admittedly i probably did it subliminally for you
So I could come back a brand new me, you helped see me through
And don’t even realise what you did, believe me you”
Get em’ Em! Shut all this wack shit down… bring back the bars!!!
[…] New Music: Eminem “Not Afraid” (CDQ) “Let’s be honest. The last Relapse CD was ehh.” First single off Recovery. Shhh, don’t wake […] […]
[…] The track has been removed by Universal. But you can still check it out. Just click here. Share This […]
Jealousy!!! That’s the only reason one can hate on this song. Is it his best????? Not by a long shot! But it’s catchy, white boy, black boy, mexican, hell even chinese!!! Keep it up Em, do what you do. I wish I had the strength to get clean. Those pills are a mutha fucka!
woooo is eminem the best of the word !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i cant wait for recovery!!
yeh man its aight for em standards still nowhere near his old shit too much forever flow and crap hook sounds like beautiful get dido on the hook or something but other than that good song but i fear now that em will never be back to old em i think slim shady lp marshal mathers lp eminem show 8 mile eminem is gone forever and instead has been replaced by bone thugs flow eminem whos only half of the last em
If I had a penny for every so called friend to me that tried to make amends with me?<–my wack ass line inspired by the new Eminem which is Dope
em the g.o.a.t……hell fuck no!! lol! (whiteboy wit the doorag lol that shit never get….bwahaahhaahahah)dam em need on handles on his dick for all the stans on this site for real….
If I had a penny for every so called friend to me that attempted to make amends with me?<–my wack ass line inspired by the new Eminem which is Dope
em is the shit and hes about to show it again he just said the voice and album he last made was dumb so he just took away the only ammo anyone could have on him and now hes about attack all these wanna be rappers who say shit about lemonaid and waka flaka faggots man kill’em slim ive been waitin for this since last year
remember…when em called black bitches…never the goat b. and dont even say that bullshit abt oter rappers call women bitches..1 it slang.. to were black so black bitches and bitches are 2 totally different lanes
[…] by: B.DotNew Music: Jay-Z “Maybach Music 2 (Lost Verse)”Posted by: Big HomieNew Music: Eminem “Not Afraid” (CDQ)Posted by: YNNew Music: Royce Da 5’9″ “Airplanes […]
@hendrixfucksguys You ain’t 2 articulate R u THERE ain’t no reasoning with you it’s just Argue or Nag like a bitch that you iz or is it that you are? you Fucking Racist Retard
after numerous listens this shit is dope. the video will be huge. watch out.
When did they start letting blacks have computers? WTF?
U MAD hendrixmcflyy!!!! hahahaha loser
racist ass black folks man, how sad. Look at them with all that fear in their eyes because *GASP* a “white boy” does it better than 98% of the their favorite “thugz”.
Everything he’s released since the Eminem Show (2002) has been pretty pale in comparison to his earlier work. The Slim Shady LP (1999) is his best complete album, though his lyrics were stronger on Infinite (1995) the Slim Shady LP had better production value.
@ hendrixmcflyy shut the fuck up with that bullshit. lame punk ass bitch, how bout that you a bitch, ha. smfh.
ima smack that doorag off of one of u whiteboyz…lol…keep praisin this corny azz whiteboy!!!@ wow… blacks got computers around the same time whiteboys started wearin doorags thinkin they can rap…no matter how much slang you speak or how much you sag your pants or how many chains you rock youll NEVER.EVER. be apart of this…yall thinkin yall spittin some fire…and hip hop heads be laughin at yall retards like the the special olympics..we know its wack.. but its still funny as fuck.lolololololololololololo!!! lame azzz whiteboyz!!!shouldnt yall be listenin to bill ray cyrus..gtfoh!
@ hendrixmcfly
You aint gonna smack anything but your keyboard,lol
Dont get so emotional, its more laughable then intimidating………….. and quit crying about other peoples choice in music, its pathetic……..If youi dont like it dont listen
I LOVE internet gangsters = I LOVE hendrixmcflyy
@ hendrixmcfly
you my brother are a racist… if i wasn’t such a big man i would tell you what you really are… all of the white people in here just ignore this mans misdirected hate and frustration, he obviously suffers in his personal life… god bless you sir
I just wanna point summin out to all em racist peeps who hatin in this….for the one who used the Tupa quote….He also said:
“It aint bout black or white cuz we human I hope we see a light before its ruined.”
and “Before wefind world peace, we gotta find peace and end the war in the streets.”
And for y’all who say Em aint the best, and for y’all that say he is….here’s one for y’all by the man himself:
“I got a list here’s the order of my list that it’s in.
It goes, Reggie, Jay-Z, Tupac and Biggie, Andre from Outcast, Jada, Kurupt, Nas and then me!”
So even he agrees he aint the best!
Peace out y’all, dont hate, just love the music!
this song honestly dosent get old. man, this eminem comeback single. when i first heard “we made you” i didnt like it but then it grew on me, but this song grew on me since the start.. Buy Recovery.! make him shoot up there at 1mil first week.! 6.22.10 RECOVERY
[…] his forthcoming, The Day After Tomorrow, but instead it ended up as Eminem’s single, which dropped earlier today. Don’t know the reasoning, but the whole thing kinda makes a boy […]
yeaaaaahhh…i love it
fantasic Song!
EM is the BEST!
BEST SONG EVER MADE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Трек ваще заебись, отвичаю!
I would like to think that we have all evolved passing judgement based on the color of our skin. The bottom line is, if you can spit rhymes & flow while sending a message- it doesn’t matter. Yes, I’m an Eminem fan & believe he is one of the greatest ever & still an elite rapper. His specialty is theatrics- dude wears his heart on his sleeve, and raps about subject matter & thoughts most of us are afraid to express. Not to mention he is a superior wordsmith. Please try to lighten up with the hating!
All of you people are hilarious. The reason people hate on Eminem, it’s not his skin color, it’s the fact that the “Haters” are just Gucci Mane, and Rick balls fans, this much is obvious. And they’re probably pissed that this song right here, is by better than anything they both put out, combined. You’ll see the same people hating on here, posting on shit about rick ross “oh my god nigga u hard dog” That’s all it is.
The ironic thing of the day is that there’s more haters on this site today then any of the other ones, ironic cause Em’s manager run this one, Everywhere else the song is gettin 5 star ratings, even people that aint Em fans givin it up to him for this one
Man, im not white or black and I still love eminem, no homo, Best rapper out there, smashing all the punk mc’s out there. Cant wait for Recovery, I personally liked this song and his “Despicable” song but that wont be on the album, still hella tight. June 22nd!!!
WTF?!!! Eminem drops this after Canibus and Air Strike?!!! COme on I know he can stand toe-to-toe with Bis. Hes Beat around the bush before with him now nothing? blah! dissapointing em.
buy this song on ITUNES MAY 3.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Support Eminem.!!! Make it go NUMBER 1.!
THIS SHIT IS FUCKING DOPE OMG. feels like he’s opening my chest and tearing out my guts, and then eating ’em with a spoon. I died, yes.
@ :O(
Did you really say that black people are expecting hood shizz from a white rapper? Did you really say that Rick Ross is better than Eminem? Did you really say that Eminem is Old? XD
Dude…..hahahaha most people fucking ditched rap because of the fact that its nothing but autotune and shit, or talking about “Money, cash, hoes” and the like. Only fucking faggots listen to shit that has no real meaning. Most people want rap back. And you know what the Definition of Rap is? Eminem/Slim Shady, Lupe Fiasco, Jay-Z, people who actually put thoughts into what they say. So GTFO with “Rick Ross > Eminem” That’s some fucking bull shit.
~ Yeah, I’m a black guy.
@everybody…im not a racist… i just love fuckin with yall stans..its all love so dont take me seriously…just thought it would be funny to see your responses…and guess what it was. but true indeed i like em i think hes MAD proof. i still dont agree with him callin black women black bitches regaurdless of the reasoning.hip hop is in need of a resurgence and for the record there are no races just differences in pigmentation.its all love and if anyone was offended it was just in fun.peace.
I dont care what any hater says this song is a masterpiece. How can you hate on someone who speaks about real shit and even is admitting to the world he has changed! Much Luv to Eminem cant wait to do a track with you homie!
m is the shit. dont be hatin dogs i nee a new point of view
Thank God, no more songs about Kim Kardashian’s ass and stupid shit. I’ve been waiting for Em to make a song like this for a 1st single. You really want to know the difference between this and all the other shit out there, its that Eminem’s lyrics WANT to make you listen. Everybody is still rapping about dumb shit like how great they are and their money. Fuck that!! I’m 39 and been listening to rap since UTFO and Run Dmc back in the early 80’s. This song is tight. Its catchy and personal. If you still wanna listen to music about make pretend drug lords and cocaine movers, then go fuck with Officer Ricky and Juelz.
my grandson is in “N.A” they should make this song their song. He is manning up and I am proud .You sir with this song will lift up alot of addicted people. I praise you and admire you for putting it in song. You have the power to lead so lead on.
I agree that Em did kind of disapoint with encore and relapse. Like most records by rappers I only like a couple songs on each album but with Em i like all but a couple except the last couple. This sheot right here this sheot right here is dope though he is back. I too dealt with addiction to pain pills and its tough and you get on one thing and stay with it I know. But if he really is clean WATCH OUT. Him and Wayne if they keep making cuts together its done, over, a rap. Sorry but thats all folks
[…] Recovery first single, “Not Afraid”, will be the 16th song to ever debut on top of the Billboard Hot 1o0 charts. According to the Nielsen […]
Classic song
[…] Der erste Singletrack “Not Afraid” aus dem Album könnt Ihr euch auf folgender Seite anhören. Eminem – Not Afraid […]
I like Eminem. Even though this isn’t one of his best, I think he needed this to get back on form. He’s still one of the best Hip Hop artists in the game.
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