Rick Ross Covers The Source (June/July 2010)

Ludacris and Rick Ross split the June/July 2010 issue of The Source. MTV has an excerpt from Ross’ feature where he speaks on his Southern roots.

“I always felt in touch with my black side riding by cotton fields at 5, 6 years old, seeing big mills of cotton balls,” Ross revealed.

“I was always in touch with slavery, when I could recognize a palm tree at the same age,” added the rapper, who was raised in Florida. “I always respected my culture, my people. Growing up in the streets of Miami, I saw different ways to escape a lot of conditions that I knew was around the corner in Mississippi. It always made me see the world from so many different aspects. I saw the fast life of Miami, but I also saw the slow countryside of a small, country town with a small population. I heard the struggles.”

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  1. Black London says:

    Maaayyyynnn……… Im waiting for the day this brudda actually gets arrested. The shit will be too much to handle looool.

    Other than that….he makes good music.

  2. E_ says:

    When Did This Dude Face Struggle ?..His Mother Was A Doctor….He Went To Hight, Than College For Law Which Cost 120,000 To Graduate….#Fraud

  3. NYC_top says:

    Rick ross is a handsome ass big guy No Homo

  4. Willie mcfly22 says:

    The source?? When they come back…XXL all day!

  5. Mack attack says:

    U just know that plate was full of cold stale carcus when the photo shoot began but surprise surprise he just couldn’t leave it be..

  6. BOSS says:


  7. teejay says:

    The more and more I see him the angrier I get. Why is this clown still around? It’s rappers like Rick Ross who hold hip hop back, he’s the walking stereotype of a rapper because he crafted his image to what people’s expectations are of a rapper. But it went past being smart business into making himself a parody of the culture. It’s rappers like Rick Ross that make people who don’t typically listen to hip hop think hip hop is just all about money cars and hoes. He’s just a disgrace. Yeah he can flow, about the same god damn tired shit. And he doesn’t flow nearly well enough to get away with saying the same god damn thing over and over. Only reason this guy still has a career is his beat selection, which I won’t knock.

    And I didnt even mention he was a cop. See? There is an argument against Rick Ross that goes beyond the cop thing.

  8. jmarcroyal says:

    good for Officer Rick

  9. bd says:

    The real cover story about Ross is the yellow bold letters to his right

    na but foreal though with all the cop shit aside I agree with E_ this dude is always talking about struggling and not even the crime hustling to survive struggle but saying he was born poor and shit when homeboy was going to a very good hbcu. Whatever though he’s a clown who’s personality goes against the of hip hop but he makes good music

  10. tdurden says:

    i cant stand this dude…really….I wanna know why hip hop beef is dead and people dont call no one out any more…50 tried but unfortunately he fell off too…hip hop needs more haters that are rappers, stop worrying about everyone’s cotdamn feelings and call this dude out, lyrically smash this fool..someone plz…..too fuckin bad Eminem aint on his drug shit no more…i mean kudos to him for getting clean, but some of his best work was the Invasion Series…Joe Budden where you at? you like to diss fools…Royce…come on…Ice Cube!? The problem is hip hops audience is getting younger, and these damn kids think Weezy fag baby is goat…

  11. la_angel_23 says:

    @ tdurden

    I agree with everything you said!

    Fuck the politics Rick Ross is a fucking fraud…
    Somebody needs to call his ass out!
    I’m tired of these lame ass rappers holding each others hands and shit.
    Check this fake ass studio gangsta.

  12. DJ NITTI says:

    This dude again! I guess Puff is finally teaching this idiot how to interview because until now his interviews consisted of some gibberish about “keeping it G” followed by a few nonsensical ad libs like “Trillllla!” or “Bawwwwwse!”.

    Rick Ross presents a real problem for me. How can I enjoy his music but at the same time dislike his persona so much. It ain’t even about the cop thing, it’s how he kept lying and denying it as if we were fools then his lame explanation when he finally came clean, trying to insinuate that the “connect” but him in that position for reasons he couldn’t speak about. He’s a fool.

    I’m also very upset with Puff for even mentioning this guy’s name with Biggie. Biggie was charismatic, genuine, humble and lyrically incredible all of which this buffoon is not. While this guy was a Corrections Officer, Big was actually hustling and even ended up doing nine months in North Carolina awaiting bail. And even though Big talked about his hustling days he didn’t front like he was bringing in keys from South America, he kept it real something this buffoon knows nothing about. While it seems Rick Ross is caught up in his own hype, Big was humble man. Big’s humility is evident in his verses, two that come to mind are the one about as a youngster sewing LeTigres on his shirts and being “black and ugly as ever”. Rick Ross is no Biggie, he’s a decent rapper with an ear for good production I’ll give him that but BIG didn’t even need a beat, he could rhyme acapella and blow you away. Puff should be ashamed of himself for trying to co-sign this guy as the next Big.

    The problem for me is that as much as I want to dislike his music, I can’t. His last album was actually pretty good and I hate myself for saying that. So this is my tug-of-war with Rick Ross, I can’t stand the man but his music is good (at least by today’s standards). I hope is next album is wack so I can totally dismiss him and not have to deal with this idiot anymore.

    I really can’t stand this fucking guy and I hate myself for actually liking his music.

  13. DJ NITTI says:

    And The Source’s typography looks amateurish, mixtape covers look better, hell most club flyers look better.

  14. ghost on set says:

    @ DJ NITTI.. Lol yeah man I 100% agree it’s weak as hell.

  15. OFFICER RICKY says:

    fake name,
    fake criminal past,
    fake shades,
    fake clothes,
    doesnt take care of his kids,
    hangs out with cokeheads,
    says he can swim laps in a swimming pool (pause)… now you damn well know his fatass aint doin no laps in a fuckin swimming pool.

  16. Ac@pella! says:

    The Source been wack since about 2002 when Benzino ran it, then it got even wacker after he left. I used 2 be an avid, faithful Source reader. Now I can’t stand lookin’ at that shit on newsstands at work. It’s XXL 4 life, always has been, since my 1st issue in ’99 with Jay, Dam, Bleek, Beans, and Amil on the cover in red…and this nigga Ross STAY sayin crazy unbelievable shit in interviews. Lol! His quotables are “magnificent”! Lmao! “…I’ve always been in touch with slavery…” gtfoh nigga. Lol!

  17. Abdiesel says:

    This nigga would be eating food on the cover….smh

  18. Diaz says:

    They should of put Guru on the cover not this fat ass fraud fuck is wrong with this.. oh my bad its the Source lol

  19. Oh SNap says:

    anyone notice the cross upside down?

  20. mike says:

    Gary Coleman, poor out a “lil” liquor



  21. weHJK says:

    fake ass cop WHATS THE ISSUE ON ARRESTIN 101

  22. 8tip says:

    cosign DJ NITTI…im with you on all points except for enjoying his music, that shit is terrible

  23. 730 says:

    The truth would have set you free “Ricky” (or whatever the fuck your real name is)! Niggas ain’t hating…
    I think you”re expressing the same feelings as me and a lot of other people.


  24. 730 says:


  25. dajumpoff44 says:

    Wack Rapper and a WACK MAGAZINE!LAWSSEE!!!!Like i said FUCK ROSS!!!!!!!

  26. mike says:

    mafia music 2 was the street single

    Superhigh iz the official first single outta here

    Maybach Music 3 needs to be the second single off Teflon Don

    cuz he nevers put a MM song as an offishal single. then another street banger..!

    after that ; Third single, yours truly r.les, produced by himself.. called Maybachs n diamonds

    4th single still can be the song wit jayz on it. the special ish still secret that ross talked on mtv !

  27. ST says:

    All YALL the dummies for believing any of these guys stories. ITS MUSIC, ITS ENTERTAINMENT Negros……..why cant yall leave it there?

    Who gives a flying fuck what this man did before this current career……hell i sold popcorn snow cones and cotton candy in RiverFront Stadium. Am I a fraud too or was I simply making ends meet?

    Speaking of the stadium, yall gotta look at rap like Wrestling. When I was getting ready to carry popcorn out, i would see the wrestlers PRACTICING. They were landing on pillows and orchestrating their moves.

    MY HEART WAS BROKE! I believed so much that wrestling was real….

    Same with these rappers people. Its a persona that they to portray. All these niggas aint hard. They just make it seem that way.

    Yall need to lay off my man Ross. This dude is ill and he feeding us some HEAT….. waaay more than your favorite rapper

  28. ST says:


    My Man I respect your opinion and whatnot, but you need to stop being so judgemental my dude. I’m sure you have done things in your past and present also. I’m glad you like his music because I do too. And thats all I worry about. Is the CD DOPE!?!?! Using rick ross’ name right there tells you that this is a fabricated story. And i feel his music is getting better.

    Cats hating, but Rick is a HeavyWeight in the rap game. He has the top dogs with him and like wise.

  29. 12345 says:

    William Leonard Roberts II is the biggest fraud I have ever seen. Everyone knows he is a habitual liar. Yes its entertainment, but once Robert De Niro or Al Pacino get off the set, they don’t go into interviews talking about how ghetto they are, or telling stories from their movies as if it really happened to them in real life. He actually believes his lies. He really gives rap a bad name.

  30. NYC_top says:

    Yoo all this hatin on ross aint gone change the fact that he gettin momey an still kinda handsome at the end of the day!

  31. Mr. G says:

    All of u haters eat a dick!!! My man Ricky rawse!!! Is dope!!!! His last album was the ish!! Fuckin haters never stop!!! How do u live w urselfs with all that hate in u!!! Oh I know cause u got no money!!

  32. dajumpoff44 says:

    Na,you eat a fat dick!Ross is HOT GARBAGE!!!His last album was trash,the 1 before that was vomit,and the next 1 will be the runs!This cat just makes music that was already made!He is just not an original,just a carbon copy!GTFOH!no money???you must work for the bank knowing who has money and who does not!FUCK ROSS!!DEF going to BRICK like Shaqs foul shots!!!!HAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaa!!!CARDBOARD GANGSTER!!!Guess it’s true,it’s not a lie if YOU believe it!!LMAO!!!LAWWWSSSEEE!!!!

  33. sup!! says:

    fuck rick ross he sucks dick!!!

  34. dollabeelz says:

    ok this goes out to everyone that doesnt like rick ross(esp to the dude that wrote a whole 4 page letter against him), let me break it down, THE Good..he makes very good albums, his body of work is very consistent, crazy ear to music/beat selection(probably one of the best in the game now), knows what works for him and sticks to it,very funny if you dont take him too seriously, nice flow and getting better and better with his lyrics when making actual songs, impeccable swagger(those were not fake glasses they were customised) ok now THE Bad..too much confidence,interview skills could be better, doesnt come across as serious enough, will have to batte against the CO thing for the rest of his career(some people will never let that go),needs better PR..so overall i think the good outweigh the bad, my advise to people that dont like him is to ignore him and stick to your favourite rapper or if you dont like the person give the music a chance, youll realise how good he really is

  35. DJ NITTI says:

    It’s also hard to forget that his sidekick and member of Triple Cs, Gunplay, was bragging about and sniffing coke on WorldStar, like it was the coolest thing in the world, and that’s Rick Ross’ main man! That just adds to the coonery and buffoonery. He’s really a hard person to like.

    I like authenticity, I like the truth, even in my music. I’ll accept that most rappers and artists in general will exaggerate a little. But there’s a difference between exaggerating and straight up lying and this dude is habitual liar. He didn’t just rap about it it was his whole persona, even in his interviews, was about how he moved major major weight. Then to find out how contrary his past really was and how he kept lying and denying it, over and over again. I can’t respect him as a man, but I have to admit his music sounds cool though.

  36. […] the other half of The Source‘s Summer issue. Clearly, Luda’s got his eyes on the […]

  37. Bogart4017 says:

    Negro please shut the hell up for a change. Carry that cotton crap back down to Hooterville where you came from. Clowns like you are the reason people hate hip hop. If you truly have an education i wish you would use it for a change. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. “In touch with slavery..” What kind of happy horseshit is that? You need to be in touch with a good publicist who will inform you to keep your mouth shut at all times.

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