Drake Addresses Cancelled Free Show

Just got home from the craziness at South Street Seaport where a free Drake show turned into a mini-riot before Drizzy could even arrive. While it’s always fun to blame everything on po-po, I really think they had no choice. After a hour and a half of kids standing on top of each other with no action or no music playin’, things were bound to go left. And they really did! Craziest moment: I think I saw someone toss a table from the top of Uno’s into the masses. Anyways, here’s Mr. Graham’s official statement on the matter:
“I am humbled by the crowd that showed up in support of my performance and the release of Thank Me Later. I love performing for my fans but unfortunately the show was canceled by the NYPD due to over crowding, leaving me without the chance to give my fans a real show. I’m thankful for the support that the fans have been giving me… I thank you now.”
UPDATE: Now with video.
[vodpod id=Video.3840830&w=425&h=350&fv=%26skin%3DMP1ExternalAll-MFL.swf%26embed%3Dtrue%26adSrc%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fad%252Edoubleclick%252Enet%252Fadx%252Ftsg%252Ewnyw%252Fnews%252Fmetro%252Fmetro%255F01%252Fdetail%253Bdcmt%253Dtext%252Fxml%253Bpos%253D%253Btile%253D2%253Bfname%253Dnypd%252Dshuts%252Ddown%252Ddrake%252Dconcert%252Dat%252Dseaport%252D20100615%252Dakd%253Bloc%253Dsite%253Bsz%253D320x240%253Bord%253D408666267045927360%253Frand%253D0%252E20940999055817233%26flv%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252Ffeeds%252FoutboundFeed%253FobfType%253DVIDEO%255FPLAYER%255FSMIL%255FFEED%2526componentId%253D132612546%26img%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fmedia2%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252F%252Fphoto%252F2010%252F06%252F15%252F20100615skyfoxconcert%255Ftmb0000%255F20100615202332%255F640%255F480%252EJPG%26story%3Dhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww%252Emyfoxny%252Ecom%252Fdpp%252Fnews%252Flocal%255Fnews%252Fmanhattan%252Fnypd%252Dshuts%252Ddown%252Ddrake%252Dconcert%252Dat%252Dseaport%252D20100615%252Dakd%26]
UPDATE 2: Some of the object-tossing footage.
Poor Aubrey!!!!
WOWWWW thats crazy.. cant wait to hear this first week numbers..
i still think all of those kids should’ve gotten on the ferry and invaded staten island
This just adds to the Drake’s VH1 “Behind the Music” 2012
I was there too man. Shit was crazy. Girls were getting there tank tops ripped off and shit. Damn a Drake concert got Hood real fast… Not to mention this raises Hanson’s street cred as well LMAO
It will be interesting to see what he sells.
immature fan base!
Im almost convinced this dude is gona Sell A GRIP!!
Damn Jay and Em and Outkast are the only real spitters left that will be able to sell like this
WOOOOOOWWWWW, Shout out to the haters talking about that line at Best Buy won’t real, i got ppl in NY and they said that line was for Drake’s album because the iphone had been sold out. Haters, TML in stores now, Em’s album next wk, gon’ be a good look for HipHop
Based on those crowd numbers you know the kid is going to do some big numbers first week out… even with the leak.
LMAO @ Elliot Wilson crying over Fat Joe’s listening party…what a bitch…
Not quite as funny as the time 50 Cent pwn3d* Elliot Wilson but close
(* Recap: Elliot Wilson thought he could talk greasy about 50 Cent on RapRadar whenever he wanted. 50 Cent goes on radio with Green Lantern, says that he doesn’t like Elliot Wilson and points out that Eminem and Paul Rosenberg are Elliots bosses. ALL negative articles about 50 Cent on RapRadar stop IMMEDIATELY)….LMFAO
Drizzy has it
Thank him later haters
(and i aint a fan)
thats a good look for hiphop
havint seen that since the TRL days with MR MATHERS . . .
Recovery >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> drake
even J. cole >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>drake!
half of those people aren’t even gonna buy the album…they just went cause the shows FREE lol
Im kinda starting to think this guy might sell more then Em..[First week sales]
[…] to RR for the […]
I gotta listen to Thank Me Later again…..because I swear the album wasn’t that good. Even the people that want him to succeed can’t believe that it warrants this kind of mayhem
Just got home from south street, it was wild, something was bound to happen with a whole bunch of people standing around with nothing to do. Shout out to the Gymnast doing his shit on the Unos Awning! LOL
Son I was there shit was crazy, throwing chairs and everything people fighting left and right…fuckin shitshow
An I was going to this bullshit, Na man I aint with the hood theatrics .. An on top of that females were getting violated. Drakes audience are horny imature teens I guess.
damn!! hes gonna do HUGE #s
Damn, good shit Drizzy..
On another note Lakers whoopin dat ass!
imagine if all those kids came to a Mos Def show!
“I’ll give you a horror movie, Stephen King. It’s called “Niggas in school” “
I’m happy for him & I respect his hustle but after hearing the leak I don’t understand the uproar.
I stood in line at Best Buy yesterday, went to the signing today, and the Seaport. Drake really shut shit down. I couldn’t believe how many people were out there, and once fights started poppin off there was no turning back. Someone did throw a chair off the balcony, that was my cue to exit. I know it’s just NYC, but dude gotta be going platinum this week. That was an unbelievable crowd.
here’s a vid of the kids storming the stage. Drake FTW!
@theintern I don’t understand….are you a 16 year old white girl? Why did you stand in line?
The news reported that there were 10,000 ppl there, if each one of those ppl, not saying they did, but if all those ppl bought the album then thats 120,000 units. Just saying, now lets spread this nationwide……EXACTLY
@Rickk That’s a huge if though…..This many people would also show up for a JUSTIN BIEBER concert and he sold abou 280k the first week. This NEVER translates to album sales….though I still think he’s gonna do big numbers. It’s good that you’re pulling for this dude so hard. Even Phonte of little brother said this wasn’t hip hop…he was supporting Drake not hip hop
..all them gay dudes out here..
@Rickk I don’t think your logic holds up. As loyal as you would like to think that ‘fans’ are…..the percentage is so low in them ALL buying the album it’s nonexistent….but he’ll do big numbers nonetheless
Drake didn’t draw those people per se. 1, it’s a free show. 2, tourist area, always packed downtown Manhattan, 3 free show, 4 why hasn’t his shows draw that many?
Those tourist heard a star was there and they flocked
The news reported that there were 10,000 ppl there, if each one of those ppl, not saying they did, but if all those ppl bought the album then thats 120,000 units
*blank stare*
That’s some Foxy Brown on Affirmative Action math right there.
Phonte of Little Brother said it was a “pop album with rapping on it…be real” hmmmmm his favorite rapper calls his album pop.
I always go to the free shows there, so i know the crowd, and all i saw was 14-24 yr olds talking about Drake. Kids, not tourists, were coming by the droves.
Those tourist heard a star was there and they flocked
Naw, I’m not a Drake fan per se, but that’s just an illogical theory. A shitload of high school kids went to see a free show from arguably the most popular artist in hiphop. The correct explanation is usually the simplest one.
The news reported that there were 10,000 ppl there, if each one of those ppl, not saying they did, but if all those ppl bought the album then thats 120,000 units
*blank stare*
That’s some Foxy Brown on Affirmative Action math right there.
*dead on arrival*
@TommyBoyy Cosign lol U are rite
dude the average album cost 12$, some 10$, 12 times 10,000, do the math, i graduated, how bout u?
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
God Damnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!!!!!!
That Shit Look Like A Zoo
@Drakes Vagina that doesn’t really dispute anything that OJ has said except for the reason the crowd was there…… they still came because it was free and because it’s downtown and there are already hella people there anyway. Shit I probably woulda gone over there too and I’m not even a fan. And it’s hard to believe that out of 10,000 people you really KNOW THE CROWD…cmonson
@Oj Da Cornball
Do You Get Paid To Hate???? If So I Want In…….
dude the average album cost 12$, some 10$, 12 times 10,000, do the math, i graduated, how bout u?
Dude, you said if 10,000 people bought the album, that would be 120,000 units. That would only be true if each of those people bought 12 albums. Your original statement made ZERO sense.
Now you’re talking monetary gross. You graduating is a perfect example of “social promotion”.
@Word!!! do YOU get paid to support this nigga Drake and dick ride him? You do it every post. Damn this nigga CAN’T be your favorite can he?
Yo I was there..not even a drake fan but jus wanted to check it out…was straight crazy..pple on top of ticket booths…throwin bottles glass and plastic full and empty alike pple throwin tables jus madness free don’t mean it has to b no order
I was just responding to the tourist portion of his argument. and i do know the crowd. I go to every free show there. White thirtysomethings going to indie rock shows as opposed to 16 year old kids going to see drake. hard not to spot that difference. First time I’ve seen a crowd like that…but hey, maybe they were there for Hanson.
This nigga talkin’ to himself, hands-free, ur not worth the response….anyway, dude gonna do good numbers and plus Em’s sells and Miley Cyrus and the numbers Jack Johnson is making. June is a good month for the music industry.
@Drakes Vagina That’s a particularly different crowd this day I think because of Drake. It’s just hard for me to believe that with 10,000 people you were able to assess the demographic of the crowd and get a fair sample size. But whatever I’m just being an asshole…lol
I also know the crowd cause I live in NYC.
I know for a fact there are thousands there on a regular downtown. Any announcement of some big star and people will flock, plus those actually came to see Drake.
Be realistic, the show was some heavily promoted show and you think that many people came out for Drake’s album concert?
Drake’s Cooochie, chill kid. U did not assess every section of the crowd to who were all there. lol
Eh, the hate talk is played out to me, so i pay it no mine. For those hollering hate. whatever.
@Rickk yeah that’s what people say when someone has made a point that they don’t know how to dispute
You can buy the answers , but you can’t afford to question me……..
Nuff Said…….
@ Rickk
Glad you realized retarded your first comment was, lol. You went about it like a faggot tho.
Dude, you said if 10,000 people bought the album, that would be 120,000 units. That would only be true if each of those people bought 12 albums. Your original statement made ZERO sense.
Now you’re talking monetary gross. You graduating is a perfect example of “social promotion”.
I re-read that nigga’s post 3 times and was still left scratching my head…
Yep you just like that nigga Rickk that has NOTHING at all to say when people are making a good point….get off Drake’s nuts
LOL says:
Tuesday, June 15 2010 at 10:55 PM
@Rickk yeah that’s what people say when someone has made a point that they don’t know how to dispute
lol, I’m saying. He had to “ignore” me, cause nobody can admit they’re wrong on the Internet.
10,000 people buying a CD = 120,000 units sold
I interviewed everyone. They were not tourists, all NYC residents, all there for Drake, first time at the Sea Port!
Lol, im really not trynna argue about it, i was sittin’ here trynna figure out if i made a mistake but i checked the math twice, he’s right, its actually 120,000$, not copies, but even then thats still alot. And if u spread it nationwide, Universal will get a return in it’s investment,
@B-ease, no need for name calling, but my mistake tho, 120,000$ —not copies
@B-ease RIGHT!!! Rickk and Word!! They react like 3rd graders that have no other option but to shut the fuck up!! HAHAHA
“And me doing a show is gettin’ everyone nervous, cuz them hipsters gon’ have to get along with them hood niggas.” – Drake, Ignant Shit
He already predicted this.
Lol Rickk you sure look like one dumass Motherfucker..and BTW that $ goes in the front of the Amount..not after it..LMFAO 0.o
Lol, i can admit when i made a mistake and tell u u right my dude, but the name calling is 3rd graderish, im not gonna call u no names, i respect everyone no matter what, so u got it my dude
I dnt mind being wrong my dude, but u got it mann
@mikedreamsmusic Yep it’s mad hood niggas out there…..do people understand how many different groups of people there are in NYC and how all these types of people would have showed up for any concert?
[…] x RR x […]
Ok im soo sick of all ths drake Hype lets thnk for a minute wut the hell would happen f Em did a free show or autograph wth his release fuck shuttin down a concert he would shut down the whole city. everyone is so amped cuz of the mini riot only cuz hip hop aint been shit in yrs so we aint seen this in a while. i dont care wut anyone says drake s hype and teen girls that wanna see jimmy from Degrassi. This jus pisses me off that hip hop is so low right now that mediocre rapper gets all this hype. Have we really forgotten wut hip hop is? Drake shuts down the mall not the club thats HIP POP not HIP HOP!
For those going apeshit over 10K people…you’re kidding right? Do you know how many people are in NYC or within a 25 mile radius of NYC??? Also its a free show, if they charged $12 dollars to see this show, that number will immediately be cut in half. Next whoever said they interviewed every person at the show, c’mon son…Anyway point is, 10K people to see a FREE show in NYC aint shit.
That being said, Drake will sell between 400-500K first week.
Yall iz crazy. Em is gonna outsell drake and be the highest selling first week sales album this year. 700- 1 mill prolly.
I was there, with the baby, we just so happen to be down there, but that was a 100% Drake crowd, Paper Magazine messed up by canceling the show, they should of had a dj rocking or something, they messed up, not the police, should of just let Hanson play, people would of been calm, but when you give them nothing, pull Hanson off the stage and than say nothing about concert cancelled, this is on the hipsters
“my shows getting everyone nervous cause them hipsters gonna have to get along with them hood ninjas (replaced)”
who’s smart idea was this anyways… smh
how can he relate to anyone from the hood? His lyrics are hollow.
Rickk might be the dumbest Rap Radar commenter in history. And what makes it worse is that he thinks he’s smart. Smh
You said there were 10,000 people there, so if they each bought the album, that equals 120,000 units?????
Where the hell did you learn math or even english for that matter. Moron.
Paid shows > free shows
“And me doing them shows getting everyone nervous cause
Them hipsters going have to get along with them hood niggas”
– Ignant Shit
I hope he sells a milli first week so we have a proof of how much fucked up the industry is and brainwashed the kids nowadays are..
Drake got scared to come and perform because his the softest rapper in history ahahahaha !!!
units is the disc nigga not the profits so if all the people bought the album it would be 10 k units but 120 k dollars
you think when they do the 1st sales they are telling you the dollar amounts its not possible becuz different stores got different prices
@ B-Ease
I was thinking the same thing like this nigga is beyond slow he said if 10 k people bought one item each it would be 120 k LOL I know where he was going with it but the way he posted it he made himself look very stupid
Any 1st day estimates
10 k people attending a free show is like 10 k people downloading a free mixtape shit doesnt mean anything
most of them motherfuccas all they had to do was walk by and see a stage and stop and they are officially at the concert LOL
50 cent sell out arenas(20-30k) which cost people money and that nigga only sold 300k total
fuck u drakeeeeeeeeeeeeee,leaveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
ur not talented,u suck ;i geard the freestyle with tim east wood man ,i can spit better than u
this is why they came.
“Organizers were expecting 10,000 people to come to what was supposed to be a high-profile opening for the South Street Seaport’s annual free summer concert series.”
This a yearly series were mad people always come thru, it was not for Drake. Drake took advantage of the crowd that was already there (smart move) and of course with the announcement of a high profile act the crowd grew.
Uh, if were all for him he would not be selling between 400-500k. We’ll be seeing that mill.
Haters: This nigga won’t sell a milli.
SMH @ You Haters.
Some of yall dudes are the type to be at a strip club and complain about the the strippers kneecaps while she got her cootch in your face.
You guys would hate a cure for aids
Whoa. Thick as a muther. Good thing it was free.
NY Failed. This is even softer than letting Dogg Pound shoot a video in BK. Where’s ya heart?
[…] a little like Waldo lately, and to be quite honest, I love it. Some random notes: check out these flicks from Drakes canceled free show last night. The game last night was uncomfortable, watched it at a […]
^ this a pretty dope Thank Me Later remix album
i was there and was actually able to see the crowd from the water taxi as we were approaching pier 11. ive been going to shows at the seaport for years now and i’ve never seen a crowd like that. paper mag should have known better tho considering drakes star power. they could have easily used a venue like the meadow in central park or even one of the piers along the west side below 14th, knowing that drake would draw more than 10k people for a free event. lets not forget public school just had its last day of classes on monday so it was nothing but tweenies dressing beyond their age and bloods tryna start ish.
i went around back and chilled at sequoias wit my jameson and ginger ale. i coulda cared less about a toronto rapper
go hanson!
[…] 5 PostsDrake Addresses Cancelled Free ShowPosted by: YNT.I. Covers XXL (July/August 2010)Posted by: Big HomieNew Music: B.o.B. “She […]
Make sure to watch J. Cole performing tonight at 7:40pm streaming live on Jcolemusic.com
a fuckin table? really? who does that…
Drizzy-Alarm & Updates…
Diese Woche ist eine der wichtigsten von Aubrey Grahams Karriere. Sein Debütalbum Thank Me Later erschien vergangenen Freitag in Deutschland, nun schlägt die Mischung aus Hip-Hop und R&B in den Vereinigten Staaten ein. Hunderte von Fans tummelten …
[…] me: dude had people camping out for a chance to win a wristband for a meet-and-greet and damn near caused a riot when he was instructed by NYPD not to show up for a free concert in The Apple. I feel like this […]
[…] during his taping of the Late Show with David Letterman. But the NY Post says that due to the chaos this past Tuesday, Mayor Bloomberg cancelled the mini-concert. ‘Thanks’ […]
[…] the drama and chaos that Drake caused this week with his free NYC concert, the city (Mayor Bloomberg) decided to cancel a Jay-Z surprise […]
[…] like Drake’s riot last month sparked Good Morning America to deny Drake to be apart of their Summer Concert Series […]
[…] know that last months riot would still have an impact on Drake. Good Morning America has changed their mind on Drake being […]
thanks for your great post and advice. i think this will be great instruction for ourself and familys.
Looks like African riots! LMAO. Ohh niggers. Ignorant fucks.