DMX Heading Back To Jail
July 26, 2010 @ 6:59 PM EDT

Un-hunh, here we go again! TMZ got the drop that DMX is returning to the slammer. The 90 day sentence stems from a 2002 driving conviction in Los Angeles. X was placed on probation, but violated the condition. Three weeks ago, he was released from an Arizona after serving four months on a probation violation. Most recently, he appeared on Busta Rhymes’ remix and was caught recording new material. Damn, Earl.
“Cocaine is a hell of a drug.”
I was gonna say “LOL” but man. goddamn, X.
I hate to say i told you so but when Rap Radar first posted about his release I said he’d be back in jail before Christmas.
He’s just a major fuck up. Great rapper or not, dude’s life is just beyond repair.
Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan AGAIN!!!
He might as well call that place home, I thought this guy would be out long enough for me to hear some good shit.
The Illuminati finna kill DMX….
now thats just cruel …Arizona is having too much fun with X
Let him out ,jail him back,let him out ,jail him back …
He´ll be nuts once he´s free for real
“here we go again! Same ol shit dawg just a different day”
LMFAO Dmx in and out of jail more times than Drake sucks wayne off.
Atleast It’s Not From Something He Did Since He Got Out Of Jail 3 Weeks Ago ……….. Heel Be Alright Stay Focus
Are you guys stupid? Cocaine got nada to do with this. It was an old charge. Dude will be out in a flash and do his thing. Marshall was just as big a drug user, just shows how the system chooses who loses when “certain” folk got issues anfd problems. We got U X. Fuck the non believers!
–Truth Will Out
Not wishing this on the man’s life but don’t be surprised he ends of dead soon.
Was really hoping he had turned a corner, but this really doesn’t surprise me either. Damn.
FHL=Fuck His Life
Damn X smfh
dont believe the hype…. its hard to believe but illuminatti did this to him
i concur illuminati, or whoever definitely has it in for him.
think about the other rappers that walk away from major charge, or get lil time from even Fed cases, but this dude is being hunt down for the smallest thing to do time.
they setting him up to die or something
Quit it with the Illuminati shit. So, the dude goes to jail and you blame “Illuminati” ?
Did the “Illuminati” make DMX impersonate an FBI agent? No. Did they give him coke? No.
Did they give him a driving conviction from 2002 for the hell of it? No. Things happen for a reason, if you fuck up bad enough, you’re ass will go to prison. Whether you’re Black, white, gay, straight, etc. Tired of people using the “Illuminati” as an excuse. And I yall watch way too many youtube videos. Those are just made by some little 15 year old kid living in his moms basement, come on man.
now this really is some shamful shit… i hoped for this dude to stay out and kill shit musically….but i guess some people are beyond fixing
you’re clueless. so behind the world it’s sad.
you see little kids say “itZ thA IlLUMINATI thEY r BAD” and you write it off.
this is not little kids talking. anyone with a good understanding of the logistics of the illuminati through books and text and not this bullshit on youtube can clearly see what’s happening to dmx.
@ Oscar
Illuminati does exist, yes. But find me proof that they set up these celebrities. Good luck, you won’t find any, because these “not little kids” talking videos, are just a bunch of morons that try to brainwash all these people into believing that the Illuminati is out to get rid of these said celebrities.
And.. it’s not about being clueless, so behind the world it’s sad, It’s more about not believing the hype. Aka, not easily convinced that a group of people mainly white, with maybe a few black guys, set up these celebrities to kill them
Tell you what, find me proof that the “Illuminati” is setting up DMX, maybe then i’ll believe it.
Better yet if DMX personally addresses everyone that they are setting him up, i’ll believe it.
It all started with the whole 2pac thing ever since some dumb ass said something about the illuminati had him killed, everyone, and I mean everyone is on this Illuminati kick. When, myself maybe someone else knows that Suge was a corrupt bastard, who likely had something to do with Pac’s murder.
its the illuminati why would DMX do this over and over again they just find new ways of destroying him everytime, look on youtube and you will find proof…fuck the illuminati cock sucking bitches…
I mean i love this site, but officially this last busta post helped dmx get to back jail , please be more on point next time, cause jail never did good to anybody just like snitching, shame on rapradar. watch this interview im not one for blamin illuminati but seems like hes hinting at somethin
Once youre in the system its hard to get out..
but check this… wayne gets out n jus gets a slip on the wrist for his other conviction happy dayz…. dmx gets out
X GETS out dui case str8 back in ?
what is the illuminati
Tell me what possible reason would the illuminatti have for wanting DMX in jail? If DMX was in the middle of times square screaming secrets about the illuminatti, true or not; only one thing would come to my mind: this nigga done lost his damn mind. If NWO was right around the corner, the last thing on these guys minds would be DMX and Lil Wayne. Face the facts: DMX is a crackhead who no-one really gives a fuck about (sad to say, but it’s the truth). You kids make me laugh. Fuck the politicans and other leaders of the free world: NUMBER ONE TARGET: DMX.
cz21 says:
Monday, July 26 2010 at 10:26 PM EST
what is the illuminati
An excuse for bum ass niggas who can’t face the facts and admit the fucked up their OWN life so they blame the ‘illuminatti’. Don’t get me wrong they probably exist but niggas think they personally after them, like for every nigga in the hood theres an illuminatti agent bred to destroy or some shit lol.
In and Out of jail huh? But it’s not that surprising after all.. we just have to get used to his business.. Uhmm just goodluck there man. LOL.
-Allisa Alloju
Man this ain’t illiuminati shit this time but that other dmx is interesting tho
was gonna add my 3 cents but @nina basically said what i was feeling in a nutshell…. nigga might as well get a rocket ship and go find another planet to live on cause his life on earth seems forever fucked!!!
The American Justice system is fucked the fuck up. Why not collect all the probation violations in every state,all other misdemeanors/ offenses etc and then sentence the nigga. But no, let’s just do it one by one. Put the nigga in jail. Then when his sentence has been completed, let him loose. And just when he thinks he’s out of the hole, hit him with some old charge from way back. Cause that’s how you break a nigga, by breaking his spirit. Bytheway I’m not defending X in anyway. He probably deserved to go to jail, but they way this is being handled is a disgrace.
he might as welll pack his shit and live there
damnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn can the dude catch a break ?
[…] DMX was released three weeks ago, he is returning to jail for 90 days for a 2002 driving charge in L.A.. Before he turned himself authorities, he spoke with […]
Back in jail. Lol. This dude will never be free. Illuminati or not this nigga gonna die in prision.
[…] free once again. TMZ reports that DMX has been released from L.A. jail. A few weeks ago, he was sentenced to 90 says in jail for a 2002 driving conviction. Welcome […]