Kanye West Thanks His Facebook Fans
July 28, 2010 @ 11:26 AM EDT

HEY, WHERE ARE THE CAPS? Mr. West resurfaced at his other blog and thanked fans that were in attendance yesterday when he debuted some new material off his upcoming album. Like this status.
Let that boy cook…
Don always with them weird bags…
homie with the yellow pocketbook? effeminization is real.
kanye bout to be one of ’em
[…] RR. Anyway, last night if you missed it (search it on the site) Kanye debuted a few new tracks which […]
Kanye the shit.
nigga with holding kanyes man purse is his down lo nigga
is that his boyfriend?
From weed holders to purse holders Hiphop is getting more effeminate everyday
album is no longer called good ass job, says that on his twitter