Justin Vernon Of Bon Iver On Kanye LP

When Kanye West stopped by Rolling Stone’s office three weeks ago, he informed the staff that Justin Vernon of the indie-band Bon Iver, will appear on the track “Lost In The World”.

“I called [Vernon] and we ended up becoming like really good friends, playing basketball together everyday, and going into the back studio and just record his parts,” West told RS. He’s similar to me, like where he just does shit just so people would be like, ‘Oh shit how did you do that? How did that happen?’ He’s just a really cool guy to be around.”

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  1. Donn says:


  2. Haters/Stans says:

    This is actually really cool. Vernon is definitely one of my favorite indie-rock artists- check out his song “Skinny Love” to get a feel for his style. Real mellow shit tho, which is a bit different for Kanye. Im interested in how this works out.

    P.S. Kind of an interesting back story on Vernon: His (ex)fiance killed herself in 2007, he took it really hard, and moved out into this remote cabin way out in Wisconsin and didnt see anybody for months. He just drank himself half to death, and then wrote and recorded Bon Iver’s first album “For Emma, Forever Ago,” by himself in that little cabin, just overdubbing his vocals over and over again on an old tape player, while playing all the instruments himself. Pretty impressive shit.

  3. UltraKid says:



  4. MC316 says:

    yeah, heard some of his songs. really good although not what i usually listen to. interesting collab.

  5. 99 Problems says:

    A Mathematic Lesson:

    Hip Hop + Indie Rock = Great
    Hip Hop + Gucci Mane = Intolerable

  6. Warlord says:

    “Come on skinny love, just last a year”
    I had no idea Kanye was into Bon Ivor. In fact, I thought I was the only hip hopper who listened to him! I haven’t listened to Kanye since Late Reg, but this news is definitely going to make me check out Kanyes next LP.

  7. NickeyBlack is not feeling Kanye! says:


  8. ApolloKids says:

    T-Pain who?

  9. TopBananas says:

    98% of of the people that visit the site have no clue who Bon Iver is.

  10. mack maine says:

    I never heard of this dude but its interesting that some people said its hard beats and rhymes but Power was sort of rock-ish and now this.

  11. Belize says:

    If Kanye pulls an Em and puts a bunch of rock samples on almost half of his album, it’s gon’ be a flop. (AND I’M A STAN!!!!!!!!)

  12. […] ago, but here’s the full thing. Ross was mum on the origins, but since it features Nicki and Bon Iver it will probably off Yeezy’s upcoming […]

  13. […] says the project will be in stores on November 22nd. So far, confirmed guests include Nicki Minaj, Justin Vernon, and […]

  14. […] Above he tells MTV that his favorite eight bars is from his upcoming album’s final track, “Lost In The World”. “‘You’re my devil, you’re my angel/ You’re my heaven, you’re my […]

  15. […] he tells MTV that his favorite eight bars are from his upcoming album’s final recorded track, “Lost In The World”. “‘You’re my devil, you’re my angel/ You’re my heaven, you’re my […]

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