Young Jeezy Interview With DJ Scream
August 21, 2010 @ 8:22 AM EDT

Get thug motivated. Da Snowman stopped by Hip Hop Nation radio to chop it up with DJ Scream. Da Snowman discusses his upcoming album TM103, the Trap or Die movement, his 1,000 Grams Vol. 1 mixtape and its cover.
Part 2: Jeezy says he is too street for Twitter and will not date an industry chick.
lol at artist always claiming they got thru the door by themselves.
negro had all the co-sign and marketing budget. lol
it’s only 2-3 artist in history of hip hop that kicked the door down, got in and made their mark.
plus, real street nigger don’t have to keep emphasizing how much of a street cat they are. it’s insecurity of his actual street cred. does a cop have to keep saying he a cop?
^ Co Sign
Yeah hes just too busy in them streets Knockin out Pounds Of that work too twitter..
This Nigga is a Millionaire and needs to shut up about that street shit and iam a real nigga shit EVERYLINE in this Interview GODDAMN
“Iam A Street Nigga with a passion” umm…Ok
^^^ haha i know Young Cheezy one of the most fakest industry niggaz ever …people say he real because he was “affiliated wit BMF he wasnt doin shit wit em he was just rappin …youll put on a Dress Suit but he to hood for twitter ? if u a street nigga why u aint in da streets on da block? ..because u a millionaire lame
jeezy it’s over dude you had a run now you opld like larry homes no one cares how street you are matter fact street rappers days are over
how niggas gon say street rap is done then turn around n dickride hov, like he the only rapper that can talk about coke/crack, long as niggas i poor street rap will never die, softass bloggers dont wanna feel too soft for hiphop, wanna see j cole niggas thats lames like them
nothing wrong with being who you are but rap can never eliminate the street nigga, we just need a creative street nigga that can make big songs
I don’t believe all that comes out of Jeezys mouth. He just needs to face the truth that he is a
millionaire, and stop trying to hold on to the past because that is very ignorant. The main reason I
didn’t download that mixtape was because it had Cocaine all on the front and I don’t care nothing
about that shit.
this nigga think its cool to stay street…
nigga “street” means you poor or doin hood shit just to get money
that aint good, nigga once you get out the hood you need to grow up
you know you live in a neighbourhood where nobody is “street” so shut the fuck up
he just says this bullshit so that poor niggas who stuck in the hood they whole life will buy his shit…
I might have to agree with YN on this one…
its funny how much bloggin u niggaz do… alottta hatin… this nigga jeezy is tha fuckin truth… this mixtape wasnt so hot. but Trap or die 2 is fuckin crack… yall niggaz talk alotta shit on tha internet.. all he said was he aint fuckin wit twitter… im willin to bet if any of u niggaz met jeezy or got tha chance to meet him… u’d dick ride harder than his fuckin actual fans… alotta ya niggaz needa get a life.
We are tired of coke rap. Just STFU already. Ths is why NORMAL dudes lik KANYE r successful. WE R TIRED OF THE YOUNG JEEZY-ESQUE RAP. Pls drop tm103 so u cn flop nd GO AWAY.
Jezzy got that crack b …. cam voice
@ all you dudes sayin street rap dead u like wht u listen 2 speak 4 urself an not in general bcuz I’m not a die hard fan of mainman but I fucks wit his music an bein a nigga that was in the street I still listen 2 that music bcuz I can relate he have yet 2 drop a weak album so kill all dat hate he hotter then most nigga’s down south real rap
[…] may be too street to tweet, but exactly at 1:30 p.m. today, he sent his first message and revealed that his long overdue album […]
[…] may be too street to tweet, but exactly at 1:30 p.m. today, he sent his first message and revealed that long delayed album, […]
[…] may be too street to tweet, but exactly at 1:03 p.m. today, he sent his first message and revealed that long delayed […]