Wiz Khalifa, Royce Da 5’9″, Vado, Laws & Bones Brigante Join BET Cypher
September 7, 2010 @ 4:29 PM EDT

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It’s that time of the year again. With the BET Hip Hop Awards right around the corner, the network named their first five participants. Check out the rhyme October 12th.
Sidebar: Spoiler Alert
How about J. Cole, Jay Electronica and Blu?
The future? They never thought of asking rappers who actually have BARS?
1) Royce (should have the best verse)
2) Vado
Royce is good though, and maybe laws but I haven’t heard much of his stuff
Wiz and Vado are weak lyrically…
and dont they do 3 cyphers… so there should be more mcs
★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Vado is gonna MURDER his verse… That kid could spit.
Ok they best have some real mcs on the others, no offense but i dont wanna hear stoner rap on a cypher
Joe Budden had maybe the realest verse last year. Even Nicki Minaj did her dizzle. Maybe they should think about bringing Black Thought as well as these 2 back this year. Royce, Laws, Vado, n Yelawolf should suffice for now
Royce is gonna kill it, he`ll probably write his shit the day of, everyone else probably gonna spend a month on their shit
Somebody is riding Royce’s Dingleberries. LMFAO
HAHA wiz is my guy
^^This nigga dickriding Royce to the fullest. GET OFF HIS SACKS
Awwww yeah!!! Royce is gonna murda this shit!!!! Who’s fukin wit Royce? Lately that nigga be catchin Bullets in his teeth! … He don’t even write seriously he jus F-ck around” haha! I Fukin love Royce!
If U heard Royce’s verse on the track I linked to above you’ll know why he said that… It’s basically the same sentiment as what Royce says…. “face in palm, and smh”
Cypher 1: Reema Major, x Nick Javas x Laws
Cypher 2: Vado x Farnsworth Bentley x Raychester
Cypher 3: Raekwon x Yelawolf x Wiz Khalifa x Bones Brigante
Cypher 4: Rev Run x (and sons) x Ice Cube (and sons)
Cypher 5: Tyga x Kuniva x Royce Da 5′9″ x Diamond
How bout this
Eminem > Jay-z > Nas > Raekwon > Andre 3000
all in one cypher to prove whose the Goat
Dick rydin or not, it’s a fact. Royce is prolly the only Rapper in the game that could give Eminem a run for his money in a battle… I can’t name a single rapper Royce couldn’t kill. But u ain’t gotta take their word for it,
Now who gon fuck wit Royce?? Really this is unfair they need to get Nas and Eminem!
Shouldve called up Crooked I and Gibbs too……………….but I got my money on Catfish Billy and Royce going the hardest. Im sure Cube and Laws gon do their thing too.
oopsImean got the line up..
i was dere.. Personally Vado, Nick Javas, Yelawolf, Bones, Diggy & Royce killed it..
im in far background when Laws is speakin’ in Copper Foams..
@Cantgetitright Crooked I has really got me thinkin about him as a serious lyricist lately, I aint gonna front, he been murdering every single thing lately those freestyles and that EP he just dropped. ” Can u nigga’s please talk about somthing else? Can u nigga’s, please do me a fuckin favor? Can u please fucking talk about somthing else? Cuz you aint sayin shit! …. Okay bye” ..LOL!. he is crazy!
@ lily Russell
Yeah Crooked BEEN sick. IMO hes the best out of Slaughterhouse. Or atleast the most technically skilled 1. Every 1 of his rhymes is filled with stupid wordplay,double entendres,metaphors,punches,various topics…..I mean what more could you ask for out of an MC?
I fuk with Royce hard too. That “Im me” freestyle is 1 of his best. He dissed Joey in it too. Imagine that battle…
@Lily_Russell HOOOOLY SHIT!!! Gurl when did Royce spit that??? & how the hell did I miss that?? GOOOOOD GOD! You Right unfair is an understatement!!! He’s going to grab them dawgs verses by the backs of their necks and make them his bitches!!!
Yeah, Joe Budden KILLED it last year. Royce is probably gonna have the best verse this year.
I hadn’t heard that before either, its got the bar exam 2 picture, so this must not have been that long ago… Maaan I can’t lie, he scures the shit out of me at the end of that, gave me chills…
And I thought he was a serious problem before I heard that! Hahaha!!!! He a Monsta!!
YES Just Googled it, Its’ Bar Exam 2! I knew I shoulda bought that shit when it came out! I don’t have 3 either… But im going get them bitches now… I really gotta listened to more of his shit, I woulda never said he could go toe to toe with Eminem, I even kinda laughed (pah) a little bit when I read that… I knew he was ill, but that’s just un-fuckin-real…
@Lily_Russell I think u shut the who’s gonna kill who discussion down wit that post. can’t argue wit that, cuz tryna find something better ain’t gonna happen, so Props lady!
They need to get this guy on a cypher! Listen to this whole thing and tell em he aint dope
@dynamik008 “Yeah, Joe Budden KILLED it last year”
??? Really…. All them guys spit these made of TV, weak ass rhyme’s, then Eminem bust out like he didn’t give a fuck! Spittin shit about raping mofo’s and they gonna like it, being a cross between the Saddam, Dali lama, obama, etc… mailing pictures of his genitals to Taylor swift, and that shit, Left everybody’s jaws on the floor, and u gonna post Budden had the best verse last year?? GTFOH!!! Now that is some MAJOR Dick ridin!! …smh…
not impressed by the line-up. Last year was way better
no contest…Royce gonna have the best verse
I need to see Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, and Dylan get their cypher on.
@Anthony Jesen whats so funny mayyyne?
“I can’t cypher wit you cuz your breath is too putrid” Um, No Can-A-Bitch its cuz you too fukin stupid.. ya science-y retard… Who eva put “Lyrical God” at the head of this is waaaay too easily impressed. Please stop listening to Rap…
@Tay Holland you really just said Canibus is too stupid? You have got to be retarded or something.. Hop of Eminems dick ya mainstream fag
Show me a rapper who can touch this
@AyYoMaYo oh…. Im Sorry mang,……. I thought u was jokin………. .it’s even funnier now that I know you not!!! waaahahahahahaaa …..
Whats up wit th dickriding over hear? Ofcourse Joyce wil hav th best verse. Wiz ? Vado? Nd thos otha ni99as? Cmon. Put tht ni99a wit someone frm hs own demographic lik NAS, he would hang himself.
Nd in SH its Joell>buddens>joyce>CROOKED I ,last place. These dudes need to stop treatn their music lik 1 big looong cypher too.
Mang… Royce would murder Bus and Eminem already did ova and ova and ova again… Tay is right! Bus spits all this intellectual shit that he thinks makes him sound holier-than-thou, but instead he’s too retarded to see it just sounds SOFT! And ALLOT of it, he doesn’t even know what the fuck hes talkin about. It’s like he learns pieces of science and history and then tries to use it a rhyme, and he’s wrong or it doesn’t make sense , and so he just sounds dumb!
@Anthony Jesen its ok I realise your too stupid to understand most of his music so you get a pass. Whats in CAPS is to you
The juxtaposition of Canibus’ position
the precision something no other has written
Way above and beyond what was intended
the unparalleled malleable enunciation of a sentence
I can tell by your ungodly unintelligible terminology
A remarkable odyssey, the rhymes of modern speeds
when the brain orders the body not to breathe
Your competency is not up to speed, you not in my league
you couldn’t possibly be hotter than me
Or oppositely you’re minus 25 degrees, you’d squeeze
but the condensation makes rifle barrels freeze – CANIBUS
Really just shut up because Eminem couldnt touch Canibus lyricaly with a 10 ft pole
A wise man sees failure as progress
a fool divorces his knowledge and misses the logic
And loses his soul in the process
obsessed with nonsense with a caricature that has no content
My style is masterful, multi-lateral
I could battle a fool and be naturally cruel
Words of scourn are a disastrous tool
from an existentialist view, I’m a better rapper then you
Grab the mic and rip your physical fabric in 2
my attitude is fucked up but admirable
Different methods interpreted into different forms
from entirely different perceptions and seen from different norms
Not just spittin a poem there’s much more involved
there’s much more pieces of the puzzle for you to solve
48 orders of mechanical laws
and rays of creational cause, enhance the cadence of my bars —– Canibus
tyga is gonna murder it
@Andrioid “Nd in SH its Joell>buddens>joyce>CROOKED I ,last place.”
hmmm, post Joell and Buddens Freestyle equals to Royce’s??? Listen to those verses very carefully … They do not have one….
Who the hell is Bones Brigatoni? Sounds like what’s left on the dish after dinner….
Royce is gonna shit on these lil’ niggas… #sorrylilniggas
I’m curious to hear how wiz gonna come wit it…u kno they shit is pre written so no one betta b weak…
Laws is definitely one of the next BIG MC’s in Hip-Hop, Royce is nice, Wiz got a HUGE Buzz, Diggy is nice, YelaWolf is interesting
@AyYoMaYo Im a college student at UCLA… Canibus spits weak shit… Your never gonna get anyone here to agree with you… Here’s the problem. I like most people understand about 50 to 75% of everything He spit’s. But the simple fact is, if he’s saying shit that only a very small group of people would understand the reason it’s good, or could make the connection as to its meaning because they studied that shit, then it ends up meaning NOTHING to the overwhelming majority, cuz it has no emotional impact what-so-ever! This is why canibus is fucking useless. How can one contribute to a genre if most people don’t get what the fuck he’s talking about?
he’s useless. Thats what so frustrating about him… He could be writing shit that’s helpful to people. But he chooses instead to be useless… AND his storytellings skills and phrasing sucks…
You’d be a complete idiot thinking Eminem can’t touch Canibus lyrically… And you just killed any credibility u mighta had… Eminem just spit a TRUE Triple Entendre (not a hip hop/ jay-z triple) just making a fucking dick joke on Recovery dude… and Find me a Canibus story where he uses foreshadowing…. You won’t find one… smh….
LMFAO @AyYoMaYo!!! How you gonna tell people to get off Eminem’s dick after posting that shit! Mayne you are hands down the heavy weight champion of dick riders!!! I thought I had read it all… oh my god man! STFU before you embarrass yourself even more.
Lyrically Eminem just murdered Recovery.. 3 whole tracks on that album are double entendres. I’da thought by now people woulda learned never, ever say that white boy “Can’t” do something…
tyga gon kill it, y’all gon be surprised.. royce is aight wiz and vado got decent bars nuthin fancy but Tyga will def murder dat cypher
If you can impress Rick Rubin and Russell Simmons, u made it…
lyrykal says: “Tyga gon kill it, y’all gon be surprised.. ”
I seriously doubt that… Repeat one of tyga’s bars we gonna be impressed wit. if you can’t remember its likely he sounded good, but didn’t say shit that was memorable… And afta readin some of these nicca’s talking bout budden had the best verse last year, I don’t trust u nicca’s judgment anymo
Black thought, eminem, mos def had the best ones last yeaR !
Whats poppin?….DAT VADO!
Im Sure they all gonna do there thing…but thats who Im running wit.
[…] BET’s annual Hip-Hop Awards Cypher, Ice Cube and his sons were pit against Rev Run and his seeds. Cube retreated to his blog last week […]