Kanye Returns To The Cleveland Show

“Like Mr. Miyagi, but a lot less Asian”
Not only did The Cleveland Show kick-off their second season, but for the second time, Kanye voiced “Kenny West”. Apparently, Kenny’s having trouble with a hit, so Cleveland comes to the rescue to pen a track for him. Be-Cleve in Yourself, Mr. West. Ha! Full episode below.
[vodpod id=Video.4523255&w=425&h=350&fv=file%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fvideos.videopress.com%2Fw2bnIH7S%2Fkennywestcleveshow_std.mp4%26amp%3Bstretching%3Dexactfit%26amp%3Bskin%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbanmusicdirect.com%2Fbeelden.zip%26amp%3Bimage%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fi52.tinypic.com%2Fmj30qu.jpg%26amp%3Blink%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.urbanmusicdirect.com%2Fvideo-kanye-on-%E2%80%9Cthe-cleveland-show%E2%80%9D%26amp%3Bcontrolbar%3Dover%26amp%3Bplugins%3Dsharing-1]
Cleveland show is gay! And Family Guy fell off LOOOOOOOOOOOONG ago. Only good animated shows on tv is South Park and The Simpsons.
South Park and Simpsons also fell off…The Boondocks>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[…] his role as Kenny West, returning to the show for help with penning a new hit single. (spotted: RR x UMD) Share & […]
boondocks is straight garbage. this past season was straight trash.
cleveland show is garbage. are these black stereotypes supposed to be funny? UGH
Damn, I could I forget Boondocks. I cosign that
Boondocks >>>>>>>>> The Competition.
But South Park still funny in my opinion, and they also have a message sometimes. Rare combo these days
Famliy Guy Never fell off.
Cleveland Show is stupid as fuck iam shocked it’s in it’s second season.
Boondocks is OVERRATED
South Park is Wack
Family Guy fell off when they took my favorite charecter (Stewie) and made him into what he is now….very very GAY! And for no reason! Peter aint even that funny no more, I feel like he got smarter…which is a NO NO
^^^ you grown azz niggaz need to stop watchin cartoon shit…
full song please yeezy
I still fuck with Family Guy.
Well for those who don’t like the Cleveland show and don’t want to watch the full episode, I just added Kanye’s rap part only. Let me guess. Ya’ll don’t like Kanye neither HA!
So Icy Boi dont u have gucci balls to insert into ur mouth?
lol kanye killed it
i actually agree with @so icy boi!
i love cartoons… i watch them all the time. will i be on the internet arguing about them..?
i love kanye! all other people go on shows and do nothing. this fool made an actual song and it’s slick hotter than what people put on their albums.
Agreeded with Capri
Like this more than your newer shit
@So Icy Boi
Dont grown ass men make cartoons? So, why cant we watch ’em?
And im 19 anyway so who the hell cares
the song is hot lol
Yes kanye = win for rap radar. good work peace
gayfish > kanye west
everyone knows cleveland is voiced by a white guy right? this shit is so gay.. worst spin off next to joey! from friends.. seriously.. a bear? how is this show not cancelled? oh because they cancelled family guy(a good show by whatever this dudes name is and they think if they cancel this it will cause an uproar) well they are wrong.. and south park hasnt fallen off.. this past season was pure brillance.. the face book episode >> ANYTHING FROM ANY SEASON OF FAMILY GUY(even whole seasons) boondock saints(since its inception0 bascially that fv episode was better than every animated show besides the simpsons and futurama.. boondock saints is so hard to watch.. its so slow.. and charlie wilson as a white guy just doesnt work.. at all
i liked the first one better
The Music Majors
Music Production @ TheMusicMajors. com
@Bob Dole = your the gayfish > mate (old news really ah!)
kanye west = win win win (+best real news about the truth in one self)
Those two new track with pusha T and kanye = the best music right now
“Respect to the most high allah
respect to the most fly prada”
is the number one rhyme of 2010/2011 for sure (pusha T is killing it with yeezy)
the rap game should support kanye he’s genius again right now + good friday free music is the mega bomb
So a request shout to rap radar please keep us updated daily on kanye on whatever’s up= it so much better then what as happened to eminem or rozay (sick puppies really, sorry em)
Lol these RAPradar arguments are funny.
Lol fuck y’all none of these cartoons r even for or marketed to kids there for adults anyway so why can’t I watch iam 19 yo
And family guy Is better than south park these days
Early South Park and early Family Guy.
Boondocks is killin all these animated shows… Nd if u say the boondocks isn’t funny u don’t have no type of sense of humor cuz that shit is thee guts<===especially when u high :p!
[…] Source: RapRadar […]
[…] Source: RapRadar […]
This episode is funny as shit.
I was practically crying when Cleveland said “Barack Obama doesn’t care about black people.”
[…] Cleveland Show. In the next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns along with Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]
[…] invade The Cleveland Show. In the next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns along with Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]
[…] invade The Cleveland Show. In the next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns along with Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]
[…] invade The Cleveland Show. In next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns and is joined by Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]
[…] invade The Cleveland Show. In next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns and is joined by Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]
[…] invade The Cleveland Show. In next season’s episode titled, Menace II Secret Society, Kanye returns and is joined by Questlove, will.i.am, Bruno and Nicki, who will all portray themselves. Season […]