Nicki Minaj Sets Billboard Record
October 8, 2010 @ 8:40 AM EDT

A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard number one. Now, she has become the first female rapper with the most entries on Billboard’s 100. The seven entries are listed as Nielsen Soundscan’s 200 best-selling songs of 2010 with, so far, a total of 4,298,000 in sales:
The entries consists of her single “Your Love” (755k) as well as her guest features including Luda’s “My Chick Bad” (1,246,000), Lil Wayne’s “Knockout” (519k), Trey Songz’ “Bottoms Up” (518k), Usher’s “Lil Freak” (508k), Sean Kingston’s “Letting Go (Dutty Love)” (377k), and Jay Sean’s “It Ain’t The End” (355k).
Not bad for a rookie. Nicki’s debut album, Pink Friday drops November 23rd.
New picture please.
Congratz Nicki. All that with no album n she makes history. Ha. Lil Kim, she chuck up the deuce on ya.
nicki going ham on the industry
Stop fronting y’all know Nicki can rap her fake ass off… You can’t name a female MC that can hold a candle to her past or present. They’ve all been proving to have ghostwriters all of them even Lauryn Hill.
Bottom’s Up without Nicki On it would be a wack song. Who listens to Jay Sean? Exactly. Everything she’s featured on is way better once she blesses it. And her Monster verse was off the hook, that’s not even up there yet. LOL
COSIGN! Of course she gonna have the most entries, shes featured on EVERYBODIES SONG! Just like Drake was, she decent dont get me wrong, but over saturation will do things like this.
Congrats I guess?
[…] The songs that have allowed the rapper to accomplish this feat include her solo song ‘Your Love’ and her features on Ludacris’ ‘My Chick Bad’, Lil Wayne’s ‘Knockout’, Trey Songz’s ‘Bottoms Up’, Usher’s ‘Lil Freak’, Sean Kingston’s ‘Letting Go (Dutty Love)’ and Jay Sean’s ‘It Ain’t The End’. Expect Minaj’s ‘Pink Friday’ in stores on November 23rd. {Source} […]
So they counted the features too….i think it would def be more impressive if she can do that with her own songs
Not that the feats are bad but she has a hard time doing it on her own
all her singles have been hit or miss and she kind needs to prove she can make steady hits on her own imo
But her features have been what’s getting her exposure and what not so hey
Well Onika. No idea what these out-of-their-minds people is thinkin but…
it’s a accomplishment nonetheless. Congratulations.
@ word and mac diesel
r y guys really that stupid? U really thinks it’s a coincidence all the tracks she’s on r mad popular? If ur hot, it’s for a reason, and that’s why every trak u hop on becomes popular, like Wayne did it. I ain’t a fan of the girl, (or Wayne) but u gotta at least acknowledge her hype
@ Word
Are you guys even reading? Her Solo Joint Your Love is 755K more than all the features except for My Chick Bad. I guess when you looking fof the negative you get BLIND TO THE FACT.
I don’t even like her like that, but she’s doing work.
HFM2 Nov 23rd. lets support a real hip hop artist
Damn she got some big ass teeth too.
no disrespect but when did the industry start giving props to people that get featured on already established artists song i mean yall might as well give slo-down a platinum plague for St.Lunatics 1st album
Sean Kingston And Jay Sean have proven that they going to make the charts regardless of good their songs are kind of the same thing with Usher too and Trey Songz its starting to get like that
i remember missy was breaking records as a female selling 4 million albums of the same album now we celebrate her(Nicki) having collected 4 million scans of different songs and majority of them arent her songs i mean Luda is celebrating having the most number songs as a rapper but none of the songs are his he celebrating a song selling a million when he use to celebrate his album selling a million TI is hype becuz his movie is number 1 but his album has damn near vanished
i know its technology era and everything but stop trying to make the best out of a bad situation becuz the truth of the matter outside of eminem Wayne Jay, Kanye(TI use to be in this category) rap is a bad situation and a couple of youngsters who need to debut but they music has kind of fell off after them XXL covers i mean we got Antoine Dodson performing at our award shows 50 tyson on everybody ringtone and shit and it shows these are the only niggas[jay,kanye,em,wayne] who are doing at least they avg numbers
if you going to sit over there and celebrate your single going platinum why even release the rest of the songs as a album just release a EP like Yung Berg Did
All these clowns are lucky they were born in the internet era. Where real fans(me!) dont pay for shit! And airhead sheep (usually full of oestrogen) buy anything. Maybe its the label that dumbs em down but atleast show ur skills in a mixtape, so we believe in u.
[…] Nicki Minaj was pictured outside of Regis & Kelly earlier this week with a fan. According to Rap Radar, she has just made Billboard History.A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard […]
and then its not even comparable to what Wayne or T-Pain was doing in 07-08 they was taking people who never even seen a good spot on them charts to the top I mean Fat Joe,Playaz Circle, Flo Rida, Khaled(every khaled single has had T-pain or wayne on that Shit)
she just took niggas who are already familar with that spot bacc there
If Nicki Minaj gets on a feature with Lil Zane and that shit be in the top 40 then she can have kudos but like somebody said anybody couldve got on them songs and it wouldve sold that much she deserve props for her shit selling that much but come every Lil wayne single is going to touch at least 390 k its has been proven with the sales of Prom Queen and Shes on Fire
Cosign @original will
she hasn’t really achieved much on her own she put out like 5 songs and only 2 have done something and those aren’t even hip hop songs
Her solo track record doesn’t hold up next to the previous successful female mcs cuz they def didn’t have the kind of push that nicki has
@ original will I agree with you halfway.
Times have Changed. Foxy Brown was featured on everybody’s album back when everyone went Platinum, was it wrong for her to do so? In these days and times people are hoping to go Gold. So if you could get shine off of features, why not? And its not so much the industry that messed things up, its the fans. Fans rather give youtube stars more importance by clicking on the vid a million times. The “Machine” isn’t getting money from artists like they used to, so they exploit the internet stars.
Why is country music still making numbers? These so-called hiphop Fans don’t buy shit. They don’t even go to concerts. Evertime i go to a show all I see is white kids and Asians, they support hiphop more than we do. But we’re the ones that got something to say about every song that comes out. The game will never be the same.
But she has a hard time accomplishing solo success her own songs are too hit or miss the past female rappers were successful on there solo endeavors but with nicki it seems she has a hard time making hits for herself so why give her props for jumping on song already made
Unless she helped create the actual song, the concept, the hook, or the beat she shouldn’t be credited with making a hit song
She was a bunch of songs but out of those only 7 charted? These songs were already made all she did was add a verse to it
@Chigo I’ve been to the club in NY, Vegas, and Miami recently. When her part comes on thats when everybody gets hyped. She’s bringing something to the table, or these rappers would of got “JOE SCHMOE” to do it. You’re right with the hit or miss thing, cuz i can’t stand Massive Attack. I’m just saying that she did her thing when the opportunity was presented to her to rhyme on these tracks.
[…] HAS IT that rapper Nicki Minaj is on top of the game right now. According to our folks over at Rap Radar, she has just made Billboard History.A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard […]
@Chigo are you serious? she only put out 2 SINGLES, Massive Attack and Your Love and Massive attack was her only single that didn’t make Top 100
congrats nicki and yah those songs wouldnt have been as popular or good if her hooks werent on them
@gtfo co-sign the last comment everyone always says here verse
[…] to RR: A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard number one. Now, she has become the […]
You people sound like idiots obviously she’s hot if she even gets that many features in such a short period of time, and honestly she mad me all those songs better. Did you hear how wack Luda’s verses were on My Chick Bad
@chigo name one female MC that didn’t have a significant push? I’ll wait…
[…] Minaj is in the news again for making Billboard history for having seven of the best-selling songs of 2010 which have grossed $4,298,000 in sales. A few […]
Theres a million females with fat asses!! And nowhere near the billboard charts!
You hatin fa real! smh
Facts ova yo opinion!
[…] Rap Radar, , she has just made Billboard History. A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard […]
Nicki wins again!
her CD is gonna be the last i buy on the 23rd, kanyes and lloyd banks are both out on that day. imma cop them.
have yall notice she’s a female Wayne… Like when wayne on collabos or mixtapes that Nigga go ham (where he feels like damn I gotta go harder than the next Nigga or I gotta kill this Nigga beat) but when he drop solo that shit is so-so (cuz he has nobody 2 go against by himself, not including ft cuz that’s the same as collabos)<==his albums grows over a time period (except C3, which isn't a classic imo)
So Nikk is jus doin wat Wayne do!
And she did it all in heels looking mighty fab!!! I love a take charge kinda woman. She was the highlight of all those songs, and deserves everything she gets. No hate over here. 🙂
lol @ the mental gymnastics people throw themselves through to avoid giving people their props and find some odd angle to hate on…y’all are acting as if getting feature placements on prominent singles from prominent artist is some feat that anybody can do…You have to be HOT to get the feature in the first place…artists and labels just don’t up and decide one day to throw $100K to any ole artist, eating into their budget, for some artist that won’t effect the popularity of the song…the feature game is just like production game or the show booking game…you have to build your DEMAND…people can cry about “an industry push” till their blue in the face, but ask yourself…if it’s as simple as “having the push”…why doesn’t everybody get one? I think some of y’all net haters are oblivious to the concepts of cause and effect and supply and demand…you don’t become hot because of features, you get features because you’re hot
Cosign @ Damn Homie
ugh shes nasty
“you don’t become hot because of features, you get features because you’re hot” Damn Homie…..
Ya gay people are getting played stupid.she’s wack as shit and fucken ugly charlie and the chocolate factory looking ass.
@Damn Homie
Nobody saying she not hot its just i remember bacc in the day and still today artist took pride in their own complete work not just a single I mean Ludacris is celebrating My chicc Bad going Platinum when Soulja Boy and Hurrican Chris celebrate this same accolade like im not saying sit around and mope about your shitty record sales but sit bacc and reflect why its been that big of a decrease but dont celebrate like Wayne probably sold about 30 million singles as a feature artist you dont see this nigga acting like thats an accomplishment and you dont see billboard acknowledging that becuz wayne is one of them artist who can sell 3 million albums all this hype and shit aint necessary if you selling somebody elses products when its been females to break 5 million albums of their on solo effort like when did having plaitnum singls become a landmark i understand for like independent artist and shit but come on you on Cash Money Universal and only 1 of them songs are yours(which she deserves prop for) like how many singles did Drake sell last year and why they didnt do the same thign for him thats what im saying for all this hype she is getting this accomplishment is beneath her
some niggas arent even celebrating a 500 k sold they focused on 500 k shipped and shit its understandable if you a new out the gate artist with no cosign or no buzz around you at the time but when you are not only getting talked about as a second coming but you yourself is feedin into it you shouldnt be all this solidfies an accomplishment
“Look at them too much Drinking too much Playing Always Partying”-Beanie Siegel,State Property
and its true niggas these days are sastified with just getting a raise instead of being the nigga who hands them bitches out
Go ahead girl, wasn’t a big fan but have my respect and that’s what really matters in the business.
Cheers to the cash money family, they are what’s hot right now
To accomplish anything now adays should be cause for celebration. Yall always wanna take someone’s joy. If this was you you would be happy. To sell anything in this day in age is amazing. Big up the girl cus there are thousands of artist out here trynna do wat she is doing.
Cosign @original will to the fullest
and @Truth
nobodies out to steal her joy, but the way you’re presenting it is that people should be greatful for anything that gets thrown their way instead of going for the big accomplishments. if i was in her shoes, i know its not like i can just shoot it down when they give me props because then theyll call me ungrateful, but id find a politically correct way to say i havent done anything yet, but when i do, best believe ill have yall back here today
@ Sir Douglas
show me where Lauryn Hill was proven to have ghostwriters.
she was alleged to have taken sole credit for PRODUCTION on her 1st album when she actually worked by collaboration.
she wrote R&B, soul, rap, and other genres of music. not once have i EVER read or heard she didn’t write her raps or even her genres outside of rap.
i’ve seen her play a guitar, sing while playing, then RAP a SICK lyrical verse about injustice WHILE playing the guitar.
so i can’t abide your allegations and implication that somehow nicki minaj is touching her.
Congrats to Nicki!
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. TAGS: caught with a stash, coffee, dutty-love, florida, glen coffee, music fab, nfl, […]
[…] Sidebar: Rihanna hints at another Nicki Minaj collaboration | Nicki Minaj sets billboard record […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
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[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
[…] Minaj Makes Billboard History Posted by Honey on October 10th, 2010 According to Rap Radar newcomer Nicki Minaj has just made Billboard History: A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
[…] The “Hottest Chick In The Game” Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts… […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
[…] Nicki Minaj has made history on the Billboard charts.. Find out what Nicki did plus see Rihanna’s BILLBOARD Mag […]
please stop being haters.nicki minaj is the shit.i am so glad we now have a female that rap about more than sucking dick and fucking like washed up hoe little kim.
[…] them.) Still, pretty impressive for an artist who hasn’t even dropped her debut album yet. [Rap-Radar] addthis.button("#addthis_button_expanded_ff12eccf876427b2518885e303ec86fd", {}, { […]
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[…] Nicki Minaj was pictured outside of Regis & Kelly earlier this week with a fan. According to Rap Radar, she has just made Billboard History. A few months back, Nicki Minaj scored her first Billboard […]