Waka Flocka Reacts To Hottest MC Nod
October 20, 2010 @ 9:12 PM EDT

This morning, Waka made the cut as the eighth Hottest MC In The Game. A little while ago, he phoned in with MTV, and was surprised he made the list. We weren’t.
“I just looked at it right now in the airport on Twitter, I swear to God. I was like, got-damn! Oh, shit, I made it! Hell yeah, I was [surprised]. Come on, man, I never thought I’d be on something like that. Not yet. It’s so soon.”
He makes Soulja Boy look like biggie smallz
Waka Flocka mtv’s 8th Hottest MC ???? whats next soulja boy 1st?? you gotta be fucking kidding me
Say what you want about Waka’s music, but they fuck with him in the streets right now. So that’s what makes him one of the hottest in the game. He ain’t the best lyrically, but he making a lot of street anthems.
This is what fucks up the music, THE INDUSTRY!
Complete garbage. I can name 10 MC’s off the top of my head that are better than this clown. Complete disgrace.
@ronnie_moe what streets? beverly hills ??? get da fuck out of here dis nigga straight garbage he shouldnt even be thought about in this list mtv’s wack as fuck
Like I said, he ain’t the best lyrically but niggas fuck with Waka.
Anyone who thinks Waka ain’t popping in the streets obviously doesn’t go outside enough.
“Hard In The Paint” was one of the biggest street anthems of the year and go hard in the clubs.
It ain’t really about rapping skills. It’s about relevancy, really.
Its based on Buzz people ! Hottest rappers = most talked about around the 54 states and he fits the list.He was everywhere and his buzz was astronomical.so i guess they’re right.MTV just dividing and conquer with the term “Hottest MC” it should be the “10 most Buzzworthy rappers of 2010”
Im pretty sure he didn’t spell or punctuate that well…
May God Have Mercy On Us All!!
dont know about you guys but when i go to the club and Hard in the Paint come on I wild the fuck out… DO i bump him on my ipod? Hell no… In the club pouring champagne for bitches? hell yes
The only BUZZ he gettin is HATE.
Learn da difference!
Waka Flocka does have a lot of buzz right now so i don’t see nothing wrong with him being #8. Ain’t too many rappers hot right now. He got 3 hit singles under his belt already. I was surprised as hell he made the list though
Did yall know Beyonce is pregnant?
MTV’s fuckin’ retarded
@Lucas Fuck is you commenting on another nigga penis size for? You could have made that statement without using the whole 1-inch shit, you know? Fucking HoMo….
54 states?
The nigga who said “54 states” is obviously a Waka fan.
I hate hiphop lists because a) they always come from “experts” I never heard of and b) they are, for the most part, wrong.
Hahahaha the first thing I thought when I saw “waka flocka reacts……” I was like this nigga HAD to call up on the phone because he can’t read or write!
@B. Digital
Bc your an expert right? Download a few J Cole tracks off a hip hop blog and you know all now right?
Please nigga
@Sess Waka Flocka is dumber than a gray rock……that’s all I’m saying
2010 hottest
lloyd banks
kanye west
bun b
i think waka should have being 9 and b.o.b 8 but waka is hot in the streets and who ever the streets feelin get place high but it is what it is.
I dnt think MTV knows what “MC” means
Real supporters of these artist dont argue on Blogs, dont comment on sites, dont care wat others say, they buy the music. Go to the concerts etc. True fans arent found on Blog comment boards. Thats wat yall dont get. You wont find them arguin wit yall on Blogs. They just buy the music quietly and maturely
I hate that nobody understands what the word “HOT” means.. they dont mean “dope”.. HOT as in Buzz, Popular, u know… HOT, whether you like Waka or not, you cant deny that he is heavy in the clubs and streets, i dont like his music very much, but he has smash singles & i get why he makes the list.
why is drank on every list, i havent heard an outstanding verse from him before, and waka, well, forget about it.
They fucked up when they let Banks and Fab out that list.. its a wrap for that fuckery
hold your horses there boy!!!! you ain’t made it yet!!!
@Kidd Billionaire
I didn’t say in my first post that I was an “expert”, Kidd or should I say Fuck Boy. I said I don’t like hip hop lists because usually they come from people I never heard of. I’m sure people in the “Music Industry” have heard of them but from my perspective, a fan of the hip hop music since 1987, besides Sway & Shaheem Reid, I haven’t heard of anyone of those people on that panel. I would rather get a list from people I respect like certain radio DJs from every region, reputable producers, underground artists, rappers, etc. and put the fans to a vote.
Now Fuck Boy go to sleep….It’s past your bedtime.
@ Mr Ink how does the industry fuck up the music? MTV just plays whats hot, they dont make shit hot, u think MTV is forcing people to buy Waka and not Raekwon??? NO.. people have the freedom to buy whatever they want, and make shit hot. But this just happens to be what the people want, sorry. Its not MTV’s fault that people like this genre of rap.
Astro Boy
I hate that nobody understands what the word “HOT” means.. they dont mean “dope”.. HOT as in Buzz, Popular, u know… HOT, whether you like Waka or not, you cant deny that he is heavy in the clubs and streets, i dont like his music very much, but he has smash singles & i get why he makes the list.
FINALLY someone that gets it. applaud this man.
i never thought his ass would be on it period..*kanye shrug*
Justin Bieber will be number one and in a close vote 50 Tyson will be number 2. WTMF!!!
this is fuckin bullshit.
everybody just luvs 2 hate.. i know if it was top 10 “lyricist” or top 10 “Nicest” he wouldnt of made the list.. but its not.. wut sucks is that lyrics and being dope isnt even rewarded or even acknowledged anymore. But its not the rappers like Waka’s fault.. if anything its our fault, cuz obviously were not buyin the dope shit.. or it would be hot, either that or there just isnt enough people out there in the world that care about lyrics and bein dope anymore.. idk
why surprised Waka?
After all…………..they fucked you in the ass!!!!!!!
It says hottest MC not dopest so ehh ill give it to his producer and atleast his ability to be hype on the track because his songs are killing it in the whip.
actually, @astro boy
a lot of times records are chosen for dominance, not by the people 1st, but by the media outlets we go to to listen to records. once that happens, the repetition snows the masses of niggas, and we “like what we’re told to like”. whatever gets the heaviest rotation is going to be what is “hot” …and too often it ain’t acquired honestly. it’s some ol back door dealings by the money holders. this isn’t always the case, but the shit happens too often. that’s why the balance in hip hop is so fucked up.
in any case, i’m happy for waka. we’re from the same area. he’s a genuine dude who always keeps it 100. nobody’s slave. oh, and you were DEFINITELY right about the definition of “hot” … like @B.Dot said, applaud this man lol
yo its the hottest, not illest or best bars, keep dat in mind, its whose poppin now wheter u like em or not 🙁
how did this retarted nigger get even recognized? has neone actually listened to his lyrics?
gucci #1 bitches juss deal wid it…
who the hell is wacka flocka flame…the name sounds like a nigerian food…..ur giving rap a bad name people…re do ur checklist…if u cant, let other people do it for you then…………….and please no gucci or versace whatever his name is…….borrrrrrrrriiiiiiing
“On MTV….but they don’t care…they’ll have a new nigga next year” – Ice Cube
I am ashamed of this.
First of all, the “club” doesn’t =/= HipHop, B.o.B has reached a larger crowd with his labum then Wack Flocka could ever do, Waka is the new Lil Jon, he is hot to listen to in the club but everywhere else no. I am ashamed these fuckin’ idiots sit here and call themselves fuckin’ “rap experts” or whatever they are. Fuckin’ retards.
jeeeeeezzer says:
Thursday, October 21 2010 at 2:45 AM EST
gucci #1 bitches juss deal wid it…
You are a fucken clown.
theres space for everyone in hip hop thats why its the number one genre, wacka might not be the most ‘lyrical’ but he fits his lane perfectly, if it was top ten most lyrical then i would be surprised to see him there but for this criteria of ‘ hottest mcs’ he desearves his spot, 3 hot singles back to back cannot be ignored in making this type of list. so far mtv has it on point considering what theyre looking for.
This is MTV, home of “teen mom” and “the hills”. What were you expecting?
What would matter is if the hip hop community was given the chance to vote on the best MC.
You ain’t fuckin wit my dougie
Air body love me
Air.. Airbody love me
it makes me a little concerned for the future of the world if people don’t know how many states there are…. 54?
their not saying hes the #8 most lyrical right now, just someone making noise, and sya what u want, he making some street music dude wanna hear right now, i;m into lyrics but when u on the corner and ur man just got hit up and is in the hospital u dont wanna no super lyrical ish, u wanna hear some rowdy lets ride music