Kanye West Explains Album Title Change

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In this portion of Kanye’s interview with MTV , he xplains why he changed his album title from Good Ass Job to My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.

“I remember I just changed it because I didn’t want to do the Good Ass Job thing and have to stick to the skits and everything that went with that. My Beautiful Dark Fantasy and my album cover are just … those things are just awesome. It’s really proper, decadent, soulful lavishness, and it’s exactly what I wanna say.”

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  1. dashing says:

    Makes sense. Still leaves him to do the Good Ass Job title later. Btw, I noticed that the new cover article disappeared with the quickness. Does that mean it wasn’t the real thing?

  2. flyrah says:

    this is hip hop right here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-2f65RqscE /// tell who had the best verse

  3. Motor City says:

    i prefer Good Ass Job but mr humble drama queen needs a little more attention

  4. tonylee says:

    wait. this is NOT an mtv interview… why they plug that nigga askin questions in like he was there. the backgrounds dont even make sense. i dont believe anything them niggas say anymore. cant wait for the album kanye!

  5. Haters are annoying--> Android, Mac Weasel, Lucas and others says:

    good ass job sounds better though

  6. Jay D says:

    gottaa love kanye.

  7. EATA DIC says:

    Kanye can eat my dick

    Dark fantasy shit is some gay asss shit>

    He’s just a bitch

  8. @ College Park GA says:


    Good luck with yo hating a$$! May and and your boyfriend get a anal virus!

    N E Ways…Kanye we waiting shawty. Drop the album asap!

  9. Ben says:

    i have no problem with the title.

  10. DMVRaised says:

    I fuck wit his music, I’m def gonna cop the album…That’s why I’m not a hater, but cmon son’ come out da closet already…

    I don’t know if he’s scared that it will hurt his career…cuz theres 2 way to go about it…Elton John of rap, and him letting people know he’s gay might help his career. Or it will destroy everything he has bcuz the majority of listeners of hip-hop will be like “I aint listening to no fag”

    Personally if I was in high-school still and immature I’d b like I aint listening to no gay shit to. But as long as he doesnt mention da “gay” shit and start rapping bout taking it up da ass…Ill still cop his album. Good music is good music, dont give a fuck if u gay or not.

    And Kanye if u read this…I think if u came out da closet…yea u would lose a lot of fans…but honestly u would gain a lot, and I know you gain more respect…

    Save it for when you fuck up next time in public, it should b ur next excuse.

  11. Android says:

    Its stil GAJ to me.

  12. D says:

    @DMV Raised

    Gay mother fucker! ha! nha, for real, cosign. but i don’t think he gay man. But yer, if he is he should come out, but yer whatever good music is good music.

  13. bleeblesman says:

    are you guys ignorant? he literally has pictures of himself sunbathing with naked broads and ya’ll still callin him gay? what does that make you joe blows with ordinary ho’s? the queens of the queer?

  14. herbsaac says:

    i prefer the good ass job type albums i.e. graduation late regristration and college dropout.. thats how i waws feeling at those times or just played the shit out of those albums and was wating to see how it ends.. but we get dark twisted fantasy.. kanyes second attempt at cementing himself as some sort of fashion icon ahead of the game shit and i dont much like the direction he wants to take it but i like some of the music.. i just put what his “message” is and figure out why i like it.. but im not him and this is what is in his fucked up head right now.. but i hope he clears his mind sometime and goes back to his roots.. he was a different better back then.

  15. Cli-City says:

    @DMV raised

    I was thinking the same thing….his movements, his speech…all give off a gay vybe….like kanye make music and stfu…..

  16. Belize says:

    I like Good Ass Job better but we all knew it wouldn’t last.

  17. Shannon says:

    He changed it cuz he’s changed. He got a good ass job as rapper/producer/drama queen, which frees him up to do shit with his phoenix lol.

  18. Bryce Ayyy says:

    Man I don’t know about ya’ll but I really used to like the “Skits” Ye’ had on Late Registration and College Dropout, them hoes was dope and funny.

  19. Von says:

    Kanye is trying too hard too be different,like no offense but hes talking mad white now.Like hes just corny now,i havent been feeling his new shits at all everything is wack besides Power and So Appalled.He’s going the wrong route,he’s being real anti hip hop.You not impressing your fans with abstract art,and 1 min music videos.We wanna see College Dropout/Late Registration Kanye,not this attention whore smh.Mark my words this album is gonna be a flop,and lead to the demise of Kanye, quote me.

  20. LukeTheDuke says:

    He deffinitely aint gay…lol i think hes been doing alot of coke lately, the way he talks acts just seems so different from what it used to be… he also looks a little aged and cracked out a bit dont u think? idk i just feel like hes not the same, his music changed up a bit too. Look at history of musicians, even kid cudi (lol) every time they get on a different drug their entire swag, personality and music change up…

  21. LukeTheDuke says:

    although he always has been different lol idk…

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