Lloyd Banks Portrait Of My Life Trailer Pt. 2
November 19, 2010 @ 1:55 PM EST

[sparkart-clique site=”rap_radar” video=”bankspt2″]
Here’s another snippet from Shaheem Reid’s viral campaign, Portrait Of My Life. In this clip, Banko speaks on his breakthrough verse, “Banks Victory”. Sound familiar? Ha!
when da fuk is da lloyd banks nd em record gonna leak ?????? everyfing else seems to be leakin except that!!!
^ 4 record are missing
i got the whole album. or do i?
WHOA ! Puffy can write a check and give it to an artist thats rare. Thats like a lunar eclipse. I wanna hear that “Kill It” Banks feat Governor. HFM2 coming soon !!!
damn son – i really wanted 2 hear how much that 1st cheque he got from puff was for!
good look 4 banks – he’s the g unit saviour right now and bout 2 graduate from a middle weight to a heavy weight emcee if hfm2 lives up 2 the hype! shaheem dark as a mutha fugga tho! like havoc n wesley snipes skin complexion all in one!
banks > every mainstream act in new york right NOW!
[…] clip from Lloyd Banks, Portrait of My Life. (via RapRadar) About Nadeje Visit Nadeje's Website. View other posts by Di […]
this is gonna be a dope documentary.
Banks is 1 of the best.
@fuk waka:
damn i wanted to know how much was da cheque haha
hfm2 nov22