Michael Rapaport On Documentary Rift
January 15, 2011 @ 4:25 PM EST

Last month, Q-Tip explained to YN on Shade 45 why he was no longer supporting the A Tribe Called Quest documentary. Director Michael Rapaport spoke with MTV on Tip’s stance against the film.
“I think the reason he did his little Twitter thing was because when he realized that the movie was coming to completion and going to get seen by people,” Rapaport said. “I can’t really speak for him but I think he got a little nervous. He’s a very protective of the legacy of A Tribe Called Quest and the movie is a very honest depiction of my time with them and the information that I was given in interviews and content.”
cool story bro
another case of a bloodsucker raping the culture.
How is he gonna put out a documentary and qtip didn’t approve of final product. Definitely raping the culture and it’s sad!
Raping the culture hell!!! He put a camera in front of people and that’s what came out. If your going to document an event then you document whatever happens. We get mad when the gov’t cover shit up so why should filmmakers have to cover shit up?
First off.. This dude has always rubbed me the wrong way with his “affection” for Hip Hop. Sorta like Tarantino with his osbsesion with “Black Culture” and it’s use of the word “Nigga”..
Now with that said… His tone is completely condesending and dismissive to Tip, who never said anything disparaging. His quote was he “no longer supported the project”.
We don’t know what the original intentions were in documenting them for film..And we may very well never know 100%.. What I do know is that in editing and pressure from finacial backers to make a “juicy” pic could have reshaped his initial intentions.
But seriously Dude feels like that distant cousin
who wants to hang out.. You know he wants something but you can’t finger the intent..
If yall wanna know what Michael Rappaport is like in real life….watch the film “Zebrahead”, dude is a dork ass jew wannabe. fuck this cornball
PS…his “acting” in that film is probably the worst ive ever seen…so hes prolly just as lame tryna play a black man off camera….LOL.fuck em!!!
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too many times we (black folk) sell short and partner up with profiteers instead of building our own… sort of like RR… money is nothing if you don’t have 100% control over your own creations.
info for you non filmmakers..most documentary directors/producers never give the subject any say about the final edit. Q.tip comes off like an ass in this film because he’s an ass sometimes!
@ squid pro and everyone else. you are the reason why people think blacks are stupid. tribe always sucked to me anyway.(gasp!) i cant wait to watch. raping your culture? really? dumb ass, i should ban all of you suckers.
He don’t care bout hip hop he care bout a check so in essence he raping the culture & lifestyle that comes with hip hop
Tribe been dope, and i always respected Tip and them niggas, but at the same time i know this Rappaport dudes got sincere love for the hip hop culture, so i cant call it either way
A documentary can’t be considered a documentary if the subject has to approve of the final product. If that’s the case the filmmaker isn’t documenting, he’s making propaganda to make the subject look good. That’s bullshit.
Maybe Q-Tip comes off bad in parts of the doc, or like a lot (most) rappers he’s probably just extra-sensitive. Regardless, I’ll check it out and see for myself.
Great Points Jerzzz and Carl..
Weezy was unhappy w/ QD3’s doc on him. I didn’t hear all the “raping the culture” comments about that.
Phife made comments in multiple interviews about why Tribe fell out & Tip hasn’t been portrayed in most light then.
It is what it is. If Tip wanted final say so in a documentary then he should have made his own.
A documentary can’t be considered a documentary if the subject has to approve of the final product. If that’s the case the filmmaker isn’t documenting, he’s making propaganda to make the subject look good. That’s bullshit.
True. It’s not a fuckin promo reel for how cool ATCQ is. with that said, it’s very slimy opportunistic of rappaport to go ahead with it. welcome to show business!!!!
p.s. stop the Jew-hating. it’s corny.
Hope it’s good!
“raping the culture”…hip hop has been getting sodomized and molested every day for the last 15 plus years. she’s no good anymore.
I don’t know that Tip was looking for final approval as much as a fair and balanced portrayal. If the final edit is chopped out of context and the way he’s portrayed is not in line with any context I’d be pissed too.
And anyone here that doesn’t think editors manipulate order and context to splice in a story line is naive to finished products and the process.
I don’t see him as a “rapist” as much as someone with a almost blind and awkward “devotion” to Hip Hop.
@shawn ?cosign? Just like the blind side hollywood put a twist on it to sell it. Even if the orginal story is a great story. I dislike this man just by his statement alone.
Gucci Mane has done more to ‘rape the culture’ than this dude ever will – stop frontin’.
An didn’t Tip basically let ATCQ go by the wayside because he thought he was the biggest star and could do the same w/out him? How’d that work out for ya Tip?
I remember dude hosted a masta ace cd one time. A long hot summer. Amazing classic cd. It was released on the Internet about a month early summer of 01, or 02 and I love masta ace…
Bottom line every song was ruined by Michael Rappaports voice. But I guess that’s how promos are right?
The point of all this is to just quickly analyze the fact that yeah, sure, he loves hip hop and is old enough to have seen it grow since it’s birth. Regardless of skin color…he’s done bunch of things if not for the culture then at least “with” the culture… Right?
He’s just a comedian who made couple funny movies, starred in my names Earl, and got some money and wants to make movie.
I ain’t getting into the politics of the q-tip situation, I’m just saying, how can people question whether this guy loves hip hop or not?
I dunno. Probably a wasted post. But hey
“I think the reason he did his little Twitter thing…”
Documentary is video documentation, its not a ‘directed’ or ‘scripted’ film, turn the camera on and see what happens. If QTip didn’t like what he saw, then you can’t blame Rapaport, Tip is all in his feelings about his truth, whatever it may be. You don’t cut out the ‘bad’ parts because u said or did something u ain’t necessarily proud of. It’s probably more exposing the culture than raping, what is Tip afraid we’ll see?
This documentary definitely leaning towards fake I won’t support it.. Qtip should of did documentary himself why let this coon rewrite your group history. Spike Lee should of did this documentary not Mr. Rape Culture
f the bullshit
if i spend my time following a group ,working on a documentary with them …then i would put it out as well
They let this white guy in their circle …q-tip can only blame himself
With all due respect ,buy the footage ,dont support it or stfu
Nothing can be further from the truth. A documentary is done to tell a story. Gangs in LA, Gun control, etc… EVERY doc is told with a direction. All of Michael Moore’s docs are told through his prism. And what you see is true but not always in context.
And really who knows, because as much as I like ATCQ, there’s no desire to for public to see this so this could be a bit of promotion.
[…] final edit. Q.tip comes off like an ass in this film because he’s an ass sometimes! … Make sure to check out the original source Cancel […]
the wording of Rappaports quote makes me believe that Tip did some foul shit he doesnt want people to know about.
its not like he MADE anyone say anything. If you dont want some shit to come out on camera thwen dont say it on camera!
@ Shawn, there a definitely documentaries out there with an agenda, Michael Moore’s films are propaganda not documentaries. I doubt a fan of the group would go into this with an agenda. Besides ATCQ had it’s run, who is really checking for them now?
Q-Tip is mad because he had terms with Rappaport when he gave him the rights to film him and now Rappaport is backing out of the terms and avoiding Q-Tip at all costs
lmao @everybody thats mad. raping the culture? black ppl are lost. have no idea whats important. care more about hip hop then the actual ppl that it supposedly represents. he put a camera in front of their faces with their permission. if its caught on camera then it is what it is. does any of the other members have a problem with it? its prob shyt he jus dont want ppl to see. jus bc they were good (to some) at music doesnt mean they were perfect ppl. usually the really good ones have the worse problems.
[…] the saga continues. After Michael Rapaport spoke on the rift last week, Tip retreated to his Twitter account again and respond to the […]
Y’all are dumb as fuck.
Q-Tip is the only one complaining. Everyone else involved in ATCQ is excited about the documentary to be released.
Q-Tip is a notorious diva. He always pushed everyone who worked with him to the side. He is an asshole, notoriously. I love his music, I don’t let his personal attitude affect how I feel about his art, but he obviously stopped supporting the documentary when he watched it and saw how much of a fucking cunt he can be. Michael Rappaport has no reason to film this documentary. He is wealthy, and has many other projects he could be a part of. He has a genuine love for hip-hop and has been a part of the culture for a lot longer than half of you dipshits talking about “raping the culture” and shit. Dude is in his 40’s, with your 21 year old “Jay-Z is a mason” asses.
I guarantee the film will be great. Wayne and Q-Tip both acted like assholes on camera and got mad when the footage was used for a documentary. Fucking smile and say only awesome shit if you’re that worried about it.
“haha” wins this thread.
so what are u hiding q that u don,t want any1 to cee?nouf said thou….now i really really do want to see the movie….
Ooohhh, just watched it and didn’t know all this stuff, but, yup, it is looking suspiciously like Tip is, as Phife says, a bit of a control freak, which normally suggests … A somewhat shady persona deep down, hope i’m wrong, but, suffice to say, your apparent brother who you’ve known for over 25 years is seriously sick, facing a huge operation and after not speaking for quite a while, for the 2nd time !!! You send him a text message ….. !!!??!!!
Need any more be said …. check Jarobi & Ali’s vibe and then check Tip’s in the film and make a more informed decision on what he …. MAY or MAY NOT be like ….. Fook the BS though ….
Tribe were the chit and what’s important is that, their musical legacy will live on long after their beef, which, like them, will eventually, be dead and buried …..
Tribe 4 Life !!!
Peace y’all
It makes me laugh how Black people are quick to denounce a non-black person just because they thought of doing something first and acted on it.
Michael Rappaport was an integral part of several Spike Lee movies, I also truly believe that he has love for hip hop music and culture. Sure it may not mean the same thing to him as it does to a Black person, but then the world is made up of individuals and I know plenty black people who would not listen to hip hip at all, so really it’s subjective.
I think that we (black people) need to be less dismissive of something just because a white person has touched it; if “you” believe that “our culture” is being “raped” then what are “you” going to do to ensure it stops happening?
How many of you have been inspired to go to film school or doing a course in music business management to try and avoid these so called “rapes’ happening in the future? How many of you will invest in your children’s of siblings children’s future to ensure that “we” have more control over “our culture” in years to come?
Read this interview, which is much more in depth, then pass judgement;http://www.complex.com/music/2011/04/interview-michael-rapaport-addresses-a-tribe-called-quests-grievances-and-the-infamous-e-mail