Kid Cudi Preps New Album & Mixtape

Cudder returned to Twitter today and announced that he’s releasing a Rock album this summer, a new mixtape, A Man Named Scott. But before then, he begins shooting the second season of the HBO drama, How To Make It In America in March. Whoa, whoa!
pushing for a summer release of the wizard album. i produce and play guitar on everything with my main man @dotdagenius. he’s learnin bass. the maniac film will b released later this year. cage, shia and i really want everything just right, and i need the proper time for scoring. the edit must be epic.
wizard is a rock album, no raps, just singing. brand new thing. flavor. dose of dopeness however will be on the wizard album as a bonus jam. bout fuckin time aye. ive been wearin the same jeans for months, and i feel good about that dedication. workin on some jay and ye shit. ima finish up some thangs and then ima chop it up with yall. word : ). annnnd officially going ham.
oh i forgot the best news ever….new mixtape “a man named scott”. thats this summah. for all those who fucks with my raps, this is for u since ima be all rocked out with the wizard shit. also its free! yes! man im really happy to FINALLY get all that good news out there. more to come, not even close. oh and new york catch me if u can, i start filmin “how to make it” in march. domingo dean shittttttt. legiTay
why this summer cudi?
Seriously, dude is fucking unique.
He’s gonna have a cult following for years.
Free Cudi music? Great news.
cudi my dude.
gonna be dope
@So Icy Boi!
hope it has your mm as a feature. thats gonna be a dream team!!
HMMMM lets see with a couple arrests and mental breakdowns on the way, we sould prolly see this tape round christmas.
But i still fuck wicha cudi, just cant take that depression session shit, make er say was one a the best tracks that year
it will be shit. cudi sucks…fuck all of his pothead fans that support him
Yes! Kid Cudi is back !!! A new album and mixtape? Epic?! You guys are kinda late with the whole him getting back on twitter thing tho
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elliott Wilson, Sean Breeze, ElleB, Garrett Mitchell, le0718 and others. le0718 said: RT @ElliottWilson: Kid Cudi Returns With New Mixtape: […]
about time
Been wonderin what he been up to!
Best news I’ve heard since I heard MOTM II leaked.
please ban “so icy boi” , the repetitive gucci posts are getting real old man, be mature…. anyyyyways fuck a summer mixtape man thats too far and after that real weak second album i think sooner would be better than later cudi
Finally. “How to Make It in America” season 1 was pretty good. Looking forward to the second season.
I fux wit Kid Cudi his music takes me there
damn, nice!
i’m still listenin to that cudi freestyle on tim westwood! off the top and shit was dope!
Is it me or was there only one official sing from his last album. It seems like it dropped and he stopped pushing it. There definitely songs on that album that can still grow. But n e ways cudi is dope and Im excited can’t wait until he’s on tour again.
How bout that new game song? Pretty catchy
That’s a lot, I don’t think it’d be that great. If it’s like the first album, that’d be dope!
Cudi is garbage. fuck that weird ass emo nigga
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Cudi’s back on Twitter? That just made my night. Also he should be credited as Mr. Rager on that HBO show he’s on
i love cudder. glad he’s back on twitter, gained a lot of followers in only a few hours. so looking forward to the Wizard album & the mixtape this summer. good dude.
Kidcudi suka wale dick
Ya herd meh
Ymcm 4eva
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I’m just glad How to Make it.. is coming back on.
i think cudi would a better rock artist then Wayne
Wale body this guy
cudi doing rock is not as absurd as wayne doign rock or this other rappers. cudi been my dude from day 1 love his unique style and he’s been makin mad progress outside the rap world.
Even his tweets read coked out.
This might be legit.
But he look high as fuck in that pic. LMFAO.
What about that Almight GloryUs project with Chip tha Ripper?? Lookin forward to that Cudder!
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by April Cano, music2blog. music2blog said: Cudder back on twitter […]
can’t wait to hear it! i hope its dope…. he should of finished the man on the moon trilogy before he went into the rock direction… he has his own sound, why not stay in the emo scene cuz its his own… anyway, the man doin his own thang…. much props to kid cudi!
I like turtles
Shoutout to ESCO he got mentioned by an article.
Lol, rap radar commenter.
Showed up today on your page. God Bless
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Think of erase me without kanyes part. That’s probably what hes going for, and he didn’t say he wouldnt be makin raps anymore hes got a mixtape coming 9out in summer. Yeah im sick of waiting but ill just listen to his other crap while i can. Capcom and Maybe both came out recently so im guessing those are just to hold os over=D . ad the next shithead that says something bout how mothm 2 and 1 were crap is gonna get his ass kicked
i think a cudi rock album is only going to hurt him, hes got some big competition right now (wiz khalifa) and i think he needs to stick with what everybody loves him for in the first place..hopefully it turns out well. it should but im very interested to hear this free mixtape.
Hahah some people on this exact page don not know what real music is. Make her say the best track of the year? Good work cudi but wow he can do better. I mean he is the greatest musician of all time.
[…] you’re still waiting on that new Kid Cudi mixtape, fuggedaboutit. Cudder took to his tumblr yesterday to announce he’s leaving, A Man Named […]
[…] you’re still waiting on that new Kid Cudi mixtape, fuggedaboutit. Cudder took to his tumblr yesterday to announce he’s leaving, A Man Named […]
[…] you’re still waiting on that new Kid Cudi mixtape, fuggedaboutit. Cudder took to his tumblr yesterday to announce he’s leaving, A Man Named […]
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damn cudi, why rock? i hate it when artists try n dabble in different genres like they mastered theirs already. even thoe cudi basically did… well i guess i’ll look for the mixtape and good luck rockin out dude. i won’t be listenin to your emo madness. i love your hip-hop stuff thoe. i’m sure gonna miss it…
Scott is amazingg! I wouldd raill the fuck out of him. His music gets me through the day. And im suree this rock shit will be great cause he’s doing it.
[…] fingers do the talking via his Twitter account this morning. First he renamed his rock group with Dotdagenius and said he’s releasing it on his birthday in two months. News update! Me and @DotDaGenius […]