New Video: Wale “The MC” x “The Break Up Song”

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Both off his latest mixtape More About Nothing, Maybach Music Group’s latest recruit drops off a double-dose of video premieres. DMV stand up.
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Update: Full version of “Break Up”.
The end of Break Up Song means there going to be a Black n Gold music video?
Ok i now see RR ridin Wale…No ” finally here”…or “long overdue”.. or ” damn More About Nothin is soo old its out of rotation and a video now really does nothin to promote it” from yal?? Yal just say its his “latest” not that this is hella late… Now thats funny. Wale i wanna hear some new shit not new visuals for old shit…like half a year old shit.
But i shud say the tape was dope as hell n “The MC” was one of my favs…LOUDA
I gotta be honest……i still don’t see why niggas fuck with wale besides his fashion sense. That nigga struggles to find punchlines every song
DMV standup!! wale be holdin us down #pause.
@pyrothatnig on twitter
lol wale is not 4 d weak minded “H2O flow and i don’t hold gate,this is no trial, this a closed case”the whole song is full of lines ………..listen better aaaaaahhhhhhh
How the fuck is “More About Nothing” old? I swear to God Rappers need to just drop Albums/Mixtapes every couple of years so these assholes appreciate the music.
@ Thank me Hater….because everyone can’t use the same flow. He has an original sound. He’s one of the only cats up top that has an original flow to me. He has a sound that is all his own if you ask me. He’s a different character, his difference sets him apart from the other young emcees that are out bruh. If you don’t see THAT, then I guess explaining it to you was just dumb on my part. Being an emcee has lost it’s definition to me over the years. Being an emcee means being the MASTER of CEREMONY. Most of the guys who this NEW generation calls the best emcees that only have punchlines cant even rock the crowd. C’mon….THAT ain’t hip hop. Wale is hip hop. Not that punchline every line bullshit.
Man wht is ?dmv? i keep seein it everywhere
@ Mike
Word. Tell these fools. Until you dissect every line on every song, you have no right to comment on shit.
“Do you fools listen to music or do you just skim through it.”
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Elliott Wilson, tonightsdanight, girlsgonewiles, Fela Dixon, David C. Sam and others. David C. Sam said: You might see some familiar faces in the @Wale "The MC" video haha _ […]
DMV= DC Maryland Virginia
Wale’s flow is original, if you like a rapper that screams on every track, well wale clearly isn’t that dude. But don’t knock him lyrically cause you dont like his tone or his flow, his flow is different, his tone is laid back, and if you think he’s not lyrical you’re retarded. The man’s witty and clever as hell. More About Nothing is dope as fuck.
DMV = D.C., Maryland, Virginia
DMV is what they call that whole area. They are so close that some people may live in D.C. but work in V.A.
[…] Spotted at RR. […]
@pyrobombz@hiphophead Word, make sense i was lost 4 a min lol!
LOL @ Wale signing to Maybach Music …as if they gonna do something to his career
but thats funnier is Rick Ross signing Wale thinking he signed a great artist LOL
“Bdot, big homie I want at least one wale and Ross post everyday, I can get some other lackeys to copy and paste a link and type a few sentences.”
“MC’ing ain’t dead”
[…] NEW VIDEOS "break up song" and "the mc" GD Star Ratingloading…GD Star […]
The m.c is hiphop 2 is finest ive watched it l kept replayin it
Wale is and always will be the shit. One of the best active rappers. End of story.
DMV= District of Maryland and Virginia aka DC
@Mike Actually, in response to “H20 flow, Ion Hold gate” its “H20 flow, I don’t HOGATE” “Hogates” is a club in DC that was once called “H20” Which still further proves his bars are serious.
Sht couldn’t be more on time for me….I fckn love this song… 🙂
i frkn love this guy !! his *ish just keeps getting better but never gets old !! lyrical genius 🙂
Video With My free Mixtape
i love this song now i love this video yay!! wale!!!
DMV is D.C.-Maryland-Virginia
btw the rap rader some bumbs for now full screeen </3
More people askinga bout the DMV!!! Good pick up Ross, go Wale!! Georgia Ave Stand Up!!!
these new videos are DOPE…but I do agree, Wale should drop some new stuff soon maybe even a tape.
that dmv shit is wack y niggas cant jus be from dc, maryland, or virginia we r more different than we are the same they dont do that groupin shit with no other area
Bout time Wale!!! DOPE!!!!!!
Wale haters = Gucci Man & Wocka Flocka LOVERS…..DUMB RAP
“DMV is wack” = You the nigga wale be rappin about
Niggas rep Atlanta and they from the sticks of Georga
Niggas rep Miami and they from Ft. Lauderdale
Niggas rep NYC and they from Buffalo
Be proud that Wale is showin love to THE DMV and bringing the attention this area needs. You WACKA FLOCKA DUMB for postin that crab in a barrel ass comment
Robby you must be one of those out of towner wale cum guzzlers. ill im saying is you never heard pharrell or the clipse pressed to say “Oh yeah dont forget Dc or Maryland” pharrell’s hand always looked like a V 2 me. And the niggas who do what you said reppin places they arent from is actually wack. And you hatin on gucci and waka but your lover had his 2 biggest radio spins on song with them on it come on son son how u sound
i see i’m the only one who peeped the line: “im going after green/rocksteady ,bee-bop”, thts the shit from ninja turtles 2 damn wale kills again
Both of them videos hot as hell, folarin flow HOT than a muuuuuuuuuug… simply LOOOOOVEEEE themmmmm : )
“U gon do this over a text tho? a TEXT?” SMH at them triflin’ bitches =/ i feel you Wale
yall on a bottom dick how ?????????? he wants your dick. don’t get it twisted
Wale, much love from the SF Bay area
[…] @MaybachMusicGrp: Wale BOTH NEW VIDEOS "break up song" and "the mc" GD Star Ratingloading…GD Star […]
Pure Dopeness quit sleepin on Word play Le
Wale is a poet, both songs are filled with punchlines, just have to be able to catch them. Basically his flow isn’t for ignorant listeners; He speaks on topics ppl can relate to, his music has emotion.
i enjoyed this!
I think hes biten off more then he can chew wit Maybach music……..but he has talent as evidenced here.
CO-sign @feelthemusic
“Black And Gold” is next….not “Black & Yellow” you simpletons HA!
@come on yung the thing about pharrell and the clipse they were from norlk an va beach thats far from the dc metropoliton area (dmv) the only reason we mention them together is cuz they are connected by they metro
(500) days of summer! love the movie
[…] Source: RapRadar […]
[…] Peeped at RR […]
DMV = Department of Motor Vehicles…. cut that other shit out. DMV was created by some person probably living way out gaithersburg with Wale…..who always wanted to live in the city but wouldnt step foot in it for whatever reason. So an acronym was established in attempts to make things more familiar and acceptable for a cat not from DC but wants to be able to say it so they say DMV for short. the funny thing is, you’ll find no one who actually lives in the District screaming that DMV nonsense…. it stands for Dept of Motor Vehicles thats it. so expect all the comments directed to this post come from cats I just mentioned.
Wale is the dopest out there!!!!
@come on yung: Im from the DMV area so let me school you. While Pharell (and the Clipse, Missy Elliot, etc) are from VA, they are not from the area that we call the DMV. They come from southern VA, the Hampton Roads area. The “V” in DMV stands for Northern VA, which has a different vibe and swag than the rest of the state. Thats why you dont see Pharrell talkin about the DMV, because he’s not from there.
Oh yea and Wale is that nigga! Been listening to him since high school when no one except the people in the DMV area knew who he was..
@comeon yung really i live in northern VA and they sometimes call us the DC area, i agree there are some diffs. DC is a city and VA doesnt bump go-go that much and maryland is all about the ravens but the fact is DC , Maryland and Virginia are still all within like a hours diff. (if you add all the damn traffic) its like we all bros with little differnces but still the same fam. enjoy being apart of something (your comment suggested you do live somewhere in this area)
Black n Gold What! uh-oh!! champagne for my hoes in the VI
Wale songs/videos makin me wanna go back to college! wtf LMAO
[…] night at the I Am Music 2 Tour, Mr. Folarin stopped by BET’s 106 & Park to premiere his new video, the concept of the record, his recent MMG and upcoming […]
Wale has new stuff but just isnt let it go out…most of the songs he leaks are like Pandemonium and Play your part where its mmg
[…] OK now watch! […]