New Video: Rick Ross “Ashes To Ashes”
February 14, 2011 @ 12:52 PM EST

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Who’s up for a shopping spree? Well for all you window shoppers, Rozay is back with another video in support of his Ashes To Ashes mixtape. Directed by Dre Films and co-starring the lovely Elise Neal. Hey didn’t she used to date? Nevermind.
this is firee ! rozayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
lol @ that little ass hat though
Come get your laugh on with us,
God Forgives,I Dont – Rick Ross
nigga that aint yo quote, lol for a pretty good lyricist, Ross always drops the ball on his album/mixtape titles
This sh!t is dope..all haters turn to ashes.
lol not gunna lie always get a laugh outta the pig
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Damn man, Rozay makes really really good music mannnnn. Geeeez
How long y’all gon’ keep up the same argument. If u don’t like the guy, you never will. Nothing he does will change ur opinion of him so why do’nt y’all just move on to somebody else
y dont u pussies give up….ross is killing dis shit nigga…all u fucking nitwits who would usually say shit is finding it hard to even hate on this….suffocate and die….hahahaha
she look old as hell
Ross fans always go overboard with the praise for this dude. He makes good music, has an ear for beats, but leave it at that. This song is good though, but get off the fat man jock. I can say that im sure Ross honestly doesnt give a fuck about most of you
Not a fan, but I fucks wit this track!
lol @ going overboard…. far from the truth — stop crying.
50 better get some “Pimpin Curly” videos in the works, because right now there ‘s no stopping Ross…..wait, those videos didn’t even stop him….my bad. nevermind……forget what I said….HA!
bawse was robbed.
Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn Rozaaay !!!!!! this song and the whole mixtape is fireeeee cant wait for the next mixtape !!!!
no hater off my will be with my son nuffsaid beat is dope do and i cant knock ross his hustle but man you a fraud
Shouldn’t he be interviewing witnesses for the Lindsay Lohan stole jewlery case?
This is wack..All dickriders turn to bitches!
same old rick ross boring bullshit. fat nigga cunt. bore the fuck off. fuckin fairytale rhymes. he aint gettin no pussy. snm. fat nigger. boring rapper. end of. no substance. no truth. over and over again. he laughin at stupid muthafuckas makin him rich for playin a role. a lame one at that.
no one can see rozay right now, NO ONE
Officer Ricky>eminem
rozay is killing it.fuck a hater
damn i thought at least ONE of you niggas woulda caught it… must be a majority super-youngin’ RR today:
“it’s hard not to kill niggas… it’s like a full time job not to kill niggas” – Jay-Z, Streets Is Watching?
^those bars Ros started the 2nd verse off with… yea, In My Lifetime shit from Jigga.
anyway, i fucks with the song. smooth shit.
“….. looking at you llike you fell off — NO sir… NOT ME! ”
RAWSE is killing it right now.
i watched it just to Elise Neal. Memphis,TN, home of some fine women.
i dont gives a fuk wht nan n1gga say ross sittin at the top. true he sharin the space but he up there. this shyt go hard… funny how they like to act like certain artists fans go too far but if its 50 or slaughterhouse they start skeetin white stuff… it is what it is… good music will always get the w..
Keep it pushin