Lil’ Kim Ships Black Friday Mixtapes
March 4, 2011 @ 9:32 AM EST

Yes Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. Two weeks after going on sale, Lil’ Kim finally shipped out her Black Friday mixtapes. Following her appearance on RapFix Live, she held her own live stream and explained the delay. YN, it’s coming.
Lil kim still rap’s?
They all going to the same address
*SIGH* I Just……………….
This is like the female version of Detox (Shetox) minus all the fanfare & hype. How duz RapRadar rate shit? i.e. Source = Mics Vibe = Revolutions or sum shit XXL = S, M, L, etc Yall should rate in Bars or Notebooks or sumn like that. Anyway I’ll believe it when one of ya’ll get ur copy.
#HipHopWontDie #EVER
I wonder if they’re going to be actual tapes?
If so, that’s be hilarious.
Fedex mixtapes to ya front door… someone please bring this woman to 2011 and tell her about itunes
fuck itunes .
Mysteriously they all got lost in the mail…
Can anyone COP this to me -> [email protected] ‘preciated it
SMH…some people boy I tell you.
Enough is enough already this is ridiculous…why is it a big production of sending what people PAID for out. Niggas dont wanna see a picture of it. Get it to them.
And shame on you folks who brought it…she about to show how “obsolete nicki is” by putting and whole ablum out about her…who really wants to listen to hate all day? Move on.
Those are the tapes that got sent back!
Cold Blood that was funny! Was the sextape before or after she started looking like Joan Rivers/Latoya Jackson?
lol…no physical product just a bunch of packages. SMH.
LOL @ whoever copped this.
Fun Fact: This picture was actually photoshopped. It was only a picture of one package. The one going to YN.
Lmao @ big homie
Kim stuck n tha 90s’
So kim is working at the post office now?
OMG LMAO. This is ghetto at it’s best. Kim is so mad at Nicki she has to take this approach to get her weak mixtape out.I thought you were a boss bitch Kim since u claim u run the game. You all make sure you dont mail any tan colored packages to your aunt or Kim going to say you jocking her style ha ha ha. Kim u trying to hard baby girl it’s to little to late. Next up Kim is going after all of Cash Money, Diddy, Foxy and every other female rapper just to get attention because she is old news and want to be seen again with her bleached faced, fake breast, cheeks, and nose. We love you Foxy and Remy MA yall bitches is 100% real.
Those packages look kinda small considering she promised free t shirts to the people who bought it.
[…] Kimmy really shipped out those mixtapes, its already been two business days. Anyway, if you’re dying to hear […]
Kim…. STAY FUCK”N WInning QUEEN BITCH! Know that shit…. WE riding with you KIMME BLANCO… BIG said it no female MC can see KIM!