New Music: Kanye West Ft. Lil Wayne, Drake & Big Sean “All Of The Lights (Remix)”
March 14, 2011 @ 12:12 PM EDT

A few days ago, we got of this remix, and today, Karen Civil comes through with the goods. It’s not as bright as the original, but supposedly, the final version will include a verse from Jay-Z.
Big Sean>Drake>Lil’ Wayne IMO. It’s a rough version, but I expect Kanye to give a new verse, if not it’s still a bad ass remix.
pretty proper
really..i thought big seans verse was wack…..thats just me tho…..
the finals gonna have me on it
dissapointing tbqh… all the verses were “meh”… Drake had the best verse though.. although his wasn’t that great…. Aparently Cole is gonna be on the remix.. but I’m just hopin yeezy has a verse on the final version..
I’ve only listened to it once, Drake’s flow at the end of his verse was kind of weird, Wayne’s I just wasn’t feeling, and Big Sean I felt delivered his the best, I’ll give it another listen though, I’ve only listened to it once.
i doubt this is the final version
drake went ham….i dont know what everyone else heard
Cole was snubbed? What the fuck? Kanye is intimidated by Cole no doubt… Doesn’t even acknowledge him besides throwing him a verse on Looking For Trouble
Drake > damn Take Care Finna be a classic at this rate
@shining woord i thought drake had the best verse…
idk bout yall but wayne really gone have to stop shouting that best shit according to drizzys verse that nigga on fire
drake is hard now? word?
I thought J Cole was gonna be on there.
And Lil Wayne again with auto-tune.
YUCKH – Pusha T
Honestly, if it wasnt the “All of the Lights Remix”, I probably would have turned this off by now. Autotune Wayne was a bad start and Ive already heard several of Big Seans punchlines, not to mention he shouldnt be singing so badly on a song with 11 real singers on it. Im on Drakes verse now, not usually a huge fan but he easily did the best here.
whack as fuck,,,also gay,,,hip hop needs the west coast
They set themselves up to get washed b… whoever gets added will have the best verse(s) and if Hov drops bars? Lights out niggas lol.
wayne is wack .. Sean did “ok’ he could of came better … drakes was the best but below average … If coles on here is gonna fucking destroy it.
This is not the final version……expect verse from Kanye And HOV…….serious lol
Yeah Drake>Big Sean>Lil’ Wayne.
it could’ve been better if rozay was on it ..
honestly….this was dreadful and thats not even hatin. JUST FACT fuggin groupies…
Woulda been sick if Jay and Cole were on this too, so it would be the label heads and their protege’s.
Ye n Sean
Wayne n Drake
Jay n Cole
Drake said shout out to Cole at the end of his verse.. Thats gotta mean Cole is on it. If not that means Ye is scared
@Amaya word..i knew this couldnt be the final version…
Big Sean…I understand that you’ve been doing this for a while and Drake broke out with your original flow. I get that trust me….however playa he took your style and flipped it better (sorry). Now it’s time for you to create a new flow.
And I agree with jaylo. take Sean off and put Rozay and you’ve got a hot track. Maybe no Weezy either and put in J. Cole
Original > Remix
The lyrics are below average and everybody’s FLOW doesn’t match the beat. Hopefully final version is better!
Oh Yeah…
Drake shouting out J. Cole. Respect
omg this is soooo bad! weezy and autotune, man thought these times were gone
the original’s a great song, but this is just wack as hell
I expected so much more from this.
i usually don’t even acknowledge lil wayne, but who really thinks dude is nice? that was a garbage verse from him… he ruined it
Its my 14th bday bitchezzz!
a downgrade from the original.
@Kidd R@pp
Thanks for the free Promo Fuck Boy, You are a sad nigga to hide behind My name, come out so everyone can see you for the faggot you are
@Kidd R@pp: Lol you have no groupies. Im sure it was you lol smh
Fuck autotune! fuck weezy! CIV is going to be crap! smh
You just told on yourself you sad Pop Faggot… You madd cuz this whole site hates you?
Go kill yourself
This could do without Jay-Z IMO
@Sealey co-sign
this shit trash w/o j cole verse
@Kidd R@pp: Why you hatin? Smh. Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
This is FIRE???GTFOH!!!I didnt know Drake became a thug….Big Sean overated!!!Weezy been overated!!!This could be 1 of the wackest remixes ever….Hip Hop is in a state of emergency when you CLOWNS think this is FIRE….Sad to see this is what Hip Hop has turned into.Mediocrity at its best i guess passes for good music right???Not!!!I would slap the thug out of Drake QUICK!!!GTFOH….He is no pussy????I would love to test that statement!!!
^ Hi Hater
Schottz Fired at J.Cole. Drizzy saying you got a buzz now. lol hahahaa, cole had somewhat of a buzz so to say that now, is def a backhanded compliment.
autotune… cmon’ wayne
Color me unimpressed…..
Why do y’all argue with my imposters for? Its about the music, lets keep it about the music and be respectable and mature.
Can’t wait to hear the final version, i think Big Sean and Drake should redo their verses and clean it up, same lyrics and flow, just clean it up. And I know Hov gonna kill it
Drake>Big Sean>Lil Wayne
verses were ok, waiying for final
WTF why autotune this shit.
hopefully Jay-Z is smart and stays far away from this garbage. LMAO @ Drake rapping “hard”
Damn I cant play this on my phone. Im going crazy!
fire from start to finish
fuck tha haters
Wow, Drake took a shot at J.Cole there. No doubt about it.
Kanye shoulda added J. Cole is this. I don’t get why the Roc Fam is shittin on Cole.
Cause they know Cole will kill them on this track.
cant really judge this till the final drops but right now im a little disappointed… this is coming from a kanye dick rider too
drake is wack, lil wayne is wack. and kanye west can rap.
i don’t know why people like does fake rappers. it’s hurting hip hop so much ‘rotten apple’s.
everybody on here hating right now. most of yal dont know what to expect from the artists even rapping drake clearly had the best verse and spazzed on it yal tripping if you think otherwise. and Wayne verse was a not best or just strong verse but it was a solid verse with punchlines to make you think of stuff i.e. “out of this misery, kathy bates.” most of yal prolly dont even know wth he even talking about. but its all good. Carter 4 and drake sophomore album 1&2 on sales for 2011 get ready folks. they here to stay. drake album may get out done by jay and ye compilation cd.
This beat has some subtle little changes in tempo and you can tell everybody had a little trouble keepin’ time with it. Drake’s verse would have been the hardest easily on another beat.
Big Sean is overrated IMO. I think Drake and others took parts of his style and rocked it better than him. He may be better off writin’ and not recitin’ .
Wayne is Wayne. Love him or hate him, he is what he is. No surprises.
Overall subpar remix (so far anyhow, I doubt this is finished)
i like weezy’s verse & style.
I didnt think this song could get gayer……Congratulations, these faggots just managed to surpass gay.
NO!!! Some shit just shouldn’t be touched.
why does it cut off? i didn’t hear drake. or big sean
mann…. way too weak…lil wayne n drake fucked up tha beat!!
I expected A LOT more. This is wack to be honest :P.
…that was awful
Drake’s verse was best, first time i’ve heard him go double time. But christ he rhyme’s mothafucka with itself 8 times…
there are a lot of big names on this remix but I regret they don’t try to work more with music to come up with something more accomplished and musically consistent.
I mean you listen to the original and you see how kanye’s verses matches the music its structure its tempo.
Wayne is good, Big Sean too and Drake sure is good but I feel with more harmony and and Kanye directing them they could really make this ‘ times better like it should be
instead they come and just spit bars like this is the average beat or like their fucking geniuses.. smh
At the end of the day it’s Kanye’s track so it’s his responsibility.
But that’s a fail to me
I’ll stick with the original
piece of shit
Fucking wack. Gotta say, Kanye, I’m losing a lot of faith in you.
Should have just fucking left it with fergie!! She had the dopest verse 🙂
wayne – kick him off this verse. im a huge TC3 fan, but this shit just sucked.
big sean – okay w/ his signature flow and voices, dissapointing lyrics though and it wasn’t anything special
drake – i hate drake, but his part is definitely the best w/ okay lyrics and a nice flow.
final word: kanye killed them all and better switch up the guest verses!
yeah this was pretty wack. drake’s delivery at the end was terrible. but all you fake rap fans hear a rapper spitting ‘fast’ and all of you think it’s fuckin amazing. he still wasn’t talking about shit and it didn’t even sound good. sean did the best but no one was impressive by any stretch.
super trash!!! original is way better!!! why the fuck is wayne using auto-tune!!!!
sean had the best verse but its not like he had a comp wayne was trash on here i played this like 8 times so far after the 2nd time i just skips wayne part too coccy on this beat like this beat is meant for a lil fast pace flow and by him just saying weak lines with a coccy flow he messes up the song and Drake did alright to be honest I only like the end part of drake’s but lyrically sean had the best verse but man wayne can do way better than that shit like im not saying he jay-z or something but ever since drop the world it seems like he has been dumbing shit all the way the down for people i thinc he more talented than what he gives us
Sean is my favorite rapper but if cole get on this shit I know its going to “Loocing for Trouble” all over again the 1st time i heard looking for trouble i was like sean murdered that shit noway cole going to go harder and he fuccing destroyed the whole song i just got his part on my ipod
Drake didn’t go at cole he said i got purple n I’m going to pour it in my sprite then he said I got a buzz now shout ou to Cole. How is he dissing him Nice remix
really Carter 3 is ur fav lp by this nigga that tell you this nigga wayne shit was weak if a nigga who thinc Carter 3 is wayne’s best work or even liked carter 3 for that matter thincs this is trash damn LOL that must mean this shit is beyond basura LOL
These gay voice a– nigg-s. Fu-k kanye I used to like this dude but he a homo too. IM ready to choke out these hoes for being so weak and wack.
Drakes verse was on the unfinished version of the original all off the lights snippet. Everything else is eh.
[…] New Music: Kanye West Ft. Lil Wayne, Drake & Big Sean “All Of The Lights (Remix)” A few days ago, we got of this remix, and today, Karen Civil comes through with the goods. It’s not as bright as the […] […]
YaaaBitch says:
Monday, March 14 2011 at 12:48 PM EST
Woulda been sick if Jay and Cole were on this too, so it would be the label heads and their protege’s.
Ye n Sean
Wayne n Drake
Jay n Cole
Kanye is overrated no diss but stick to producing. aotl orginal was below avg. verses tha beat save tha song tho
WTF is Drake talking about, he’s da biggest pussy in da whole music industry. I’m not a hater, but I would love to do a little boxing 1 on 1 with Drake.
not biggest drake fan but dude went in on this joint…
it coulda been betta without big sean…i don’t get it with dude! tyga woulda done betta shit, lol…shouts out to that nigga homie, he been killed it lately! wayne came like wayne only can, lol…no diss but wayne kinda was a lil soft on this one! drake killed it, saved the best for last indeed… i am with drake shouts out to the homie J. Cole who has been putting in work, the dude is ill indeed! the nas of the my generation to come i can only hope jay z dont play the game sour that one & jay electronica debutes are much, much super anticipated…. recycle wayne flow & tell him to go and again this tyme no Lupe’s “Lasers” kill it
Drake saying motherfucker = Beyonce saying nigga
If Ye REALLY wanted to push this to the limit he would have asked Childish Gambino to kill this track. But you don’t hear me tho.
Sadly, everything about this song after the album has been somewhat uninspiring…from the video to this remix, even if it isn’t final.
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never tried this before let’s see
@Kelvin: There is a difference between having a buzz in hip hop and just having a buzz in music in general. Everyone knows J. Cole had a buzz in Hip Hop but the world hadn’t really start to notice him like that until that In The Morning ft Drake song came out.
no homo,,but, EWWW!!
wtf were they thinking?
Drake’s original 15 sec verse > this whole remix
He should’ve used that other flow from before smh but if Cole gets on here, the IT’S OVER like the Vince Carter dunk contest ! #Don’tHateMyOpinion
Drake Killed This Shit!! If U Say Otherwise U Hating!!
im gonna hate on whatever the fuck i want to hate on fuck face , why you even on this site? its made for rap, not for some faggot named donn to be on every niggas dick as soon he get the chance to
sick remix. big sean a dog.
Drake is back. You can hear the hunger again. Everyone killed it.
@Sonny Black
Really Dude? *Kevin Hart Voice*
So if I don’t agree with your opinion then Im a hater? -____-
Hes verse was koo, Still waitin for Cole and Jay-Z verse.
Where can i download the song.? someone pls gimme the link.
Sadly, as much as I like all those artists. That was garbage!!
Drake’s line about weed. He sounds just like wayne.
He said “nicki got a buzz now”!
Drake said “nicki got a buzz now”! Because Drizzy got the lyrics when he wants to “Fear” “the calm” , but on Cole he got NOTHING!!