Drake “Old Money” Juno Awards Skit
March 27, 2011 @ 11:34 PM EDT

Aside from leading the pack with six nods, Aubrey Graham had the hosting duties for this evening’s 2011 Juno Awards and was a hit with this hilarious skit. Looks like something that should tickle YN‘s fancy.
UPDATE: Unfortunately, Drake went home empty-handed again.
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HAHA. amazing.
The crowd is dead.
Its an award show that is filled with teenagers in the audience.
Screaming everytime they hear justin bieber.
Hahahaha that was pretty awesome
Great news that they gave drake the top spot tonight.
Just last year when the mixtape blew true the atmosphere.
he played real early on the bill at osheage in montreal
maybe 9 acts before headliner arcade fire.
He did a 30 min.. set …man the kid delivered and no ego at all that was what blew us all away.
After 30 minutes he left when they told him but we where all in shock. drake kill it.
For sure the best live act that day was drake and arcadefire.
And the next day everyone in montreal was talking about drake.
That show really was the breaking point for him he blew up international later that summer
But the buzz he got from that one gig was enormous.
Your the man drake
vive le canadien!
This was actually real funny
and wtf…Drake was in Montreal?
I do not find this the least bit funny. That is disrespectful to old people, and we ALL will be old one day – God Willing. Thus, I would not want one of my relatives in a “home” being visited by Drake for a skit such as this. It is what it is… Im just saying though.
Taylor Gang over Everything.
“I’m on a 24 hour apple sauce diet…”
That was better than I thought it’d be. I only caught part of the Neil Young tribute, which looked pretty cool, too.
Props to Shad for Best Rap Recording!
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Very funny……@no1, Im a LPN and I can tell you first hand old people are just that, old people but still people. Some people want to play the boring, miserable, predictable role of ___ Age is told to be by then, Some people are happy, free-spirted, keep up with the times, funny people. They were having fun and old enough to know they were laughing with and not at. Most Old People are cool.
hahahahaha!!!! I’m weakk! Canary yellow!! With the loafers on!!!! haha you crazy girl!!
I’m done with this nigga drizzy hahaha..
Take Care bitches!!
Drake = joke.
Btw…this nigga since he didn’t win any awards last time he looks all depressed and shit, he needs to go to the barber, get a haricut and shave, bum ass nigga.
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good acting skills
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@Devil: He has that scruffy look coz He is doing a movie that requires him to have that look. Yeah he raps, sings, and acts. What the fuck are you doing with your life? Oh right commenting on some retarded blog site hating on a dude for having fun? Go get bent you fuckin fruit
Baby need a old money” shirt(45).
Maybe he’ll get the hint and retire.
Drake did his thing nuff props! That being said the Juno’s are the worst award show not to mention the most racist!! This show does nothing for urban music in Canada!! They never respect the urban talent instead always trying to manufacture some fake artist that they feel good about. There show never reflects the facts of who’s hot and who’s not instead they just give awards to people who never deserve them and push music that the masses have never even heard before. This show is garbage and stuck in the 1970’s in so many ways.
Fuk you Juno’s !!!!
Side note Drake if you are reading this please use your money wisely and invest it into the UMAC awards so that we may have are on show and we can put this Juno trash to rest.
Sorry for the rant for those who don’t know what Im talking about but it had to be said as these losers up north need to have there card pulled and called out for who they are!!! 4
Fuk The JUNO’s!!!
excuse my spelling was in a rush!
Funny skit or subliminal shots at his record label?
Most racist ? Really? Most racist award goes to BET & CMT awards. Most music these days is crap anyways,,, just look how much of a joke Rebecca Black is,, and has blown up on the interwebs. Got mad friends in the biz and long story short,, if you a chick and you want to be successful , better get some knee pads…. if you a dude, pray, cause you re fucked. If it wasn’t for degrassi and Drizzy being half Jewish , wouldn’t have ever been noticed.
I’m doing better things mofucka…what are YOU doing? commenting on my comments? punk ass!
Kudos to drake for being a good host, he held it down. For those of you who haven’t checked out Shad…. Real rap. Won best rap recording for his album TSOL, is a lyrical problem
*…check him out
If anything Juno Awards got my respect. Shad won best rap recording of the year.
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