De La Soul Honored By Library Of Congress
April 12, 2011 @ 2:26 PM EDT

De La Soul’s debut album, 3 Feet High and Rising has been inducted in the Library of Congress as the fourth Hip Hop inductee. Their 1989 release now joins Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five, Public Enemy and last year’s honoree, Tupac Shakur. The selection is one of the 25 recordings over 10 years old that are declared “culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant.”
heads up: xxl
Who cares what these fucking government suits think!
This album changed my life when I first discovered hip hop.
Its great 2 see de la soul get great recognition, but I think de la soul is dead is their best work.
Hopefully KRS, ATCQ, Rakim & Ice cube get the same recognition…
Congratulations to De La Soul, but the day I take the governments advice about music is the day I stop listening to music altogether.
PS- Isnt Congress honoring Tupac and Public Enemy kinda similar to chickens honoring Colonol Sanders?
De La Soul is a legendary hiphop group. Good to see them getting props.
DOPE! Underrated album, glad to see it get recognition it deserves!!!!!!
I got into an arguement with this girl who was saying Lil Wayne was the best rapper ever. She asked me who I thought was better and I said De La Soul, Nas, Jay, Eminem. She stopped me after Em and said she didn’t know who De La Soul and Nas were… SMH.
Glad to see them getting respect. REAL Hip Hop!
Man De La and Tribe Called Quest were the crew back then…love their music. Classic Real hiphop…not rap…what crazy is the government recognize it and most of this genre of music fans dont….something is seriously wrong .
@ blazen
HOLD THE FUCK UP!!!!! I can let her not know who De La Soul because that was during the golden era of hip-hop which to youngsters is the age of the dinosaurs. BUT NAS? REALLY?
cosign @nicholasdelorejo
This album was a game changer…Better yet a movement…They had everybody rockin African medallions,Daisy T-shirts & pants & Fucked up haircuts…They introduced skits..Funny ones at that(Props to Price Paul)…Lyrics were left field but dope(Posdanos is so underrated it’s a dam shame..In my top 10 def) Production funky as shit…Yet another dope group to come out of long island…They kick the door open for their movement… The Native Tongues(Jungle Brothers,A Tribe Called Quest,Black Sheep,Queen Latifa,Monie Luv) & the offsprings (Leader of the new school,J Dilla,Common,The Roots,Mos Def,Talib Kweli) these guys are the blueprint to backpack rap!!!
amityville stand up
Their induction doesn’t impress me one bit. It’s been culturally, historically, AND aesthetically significant since March 3, 1989.
i am glad that they got there props cause they really do deserve it cause they talked about alot of important topics and not just shallow like alot of rappers are today…i have or had there cd or tape….nuff said thou..
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