L.E.P. Bogus Boys At Harper High School
April 26, 2011 @ 1:54 PM EDT

Whether it’s a high school, arena, or bar mitzvah you can count on the L.E.P. Bogus Boys to be there. And a few weeks back, Moonie and Count celebrated the second annual Peace Day Rally with a performance at Harper H.S. in Chicago. L.E.P. luh da kids.
hmm…don’t like it at all..smh
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their whack and high school performances are so……HIGH SCHOOL!
lol this is kinda funny, but thats awesome they did it for the kids, i think more ppl should do this in there home town it can really impower a kid with a strong sense of pride in there city and folk where they might not find else where giving them motivation to succeed in working with giving back we need more grass root movements and sense of togetherness to overcome the crime and corruption done by washington and wall street the past 20-30 years…
The students dont look to interested
^ Rosenberg has some vested interest in these cats, Wack material and get mad posts
this must be one ghetto ass school….picture going home and telling your mom “mom l.e.p bogus boys came to my school today” shit would never happen around here. step your school game up!