Amber Rose Upset At VIBE Cover Story
May 29, 2011 @ 10:36 PM EDT

Believe half of what you read? Evidently Amber Rose isn’t too pleased with her VIBE cover story. Last night, she vented via her Twitter account and said the article by writer Tracy Garraud was inaccurate. Check it our for yourself when the issue hits newsstands nationwide June 7th.
Just read “my” interview in @VibeMagazine half of the story was untrue & ridiculous! F##K that Cover F##K @VibeMagazine yall wrote a bunch of negative bullshit that I never said or did.
Yall don’t give a fuck that I have a Mom & Family thats gonna read that fake ass shit I gave yall a truthful interview & Yall f##ked me.
I’m so sick of keeping my mouth shut I didn’t ask for this life it was handed to me I was nothing but nice to everyone I spoke to @ Vibe.
LMFAO @ people signing contracts and then bitching about it..
Egghead grow some hair
Didn’t ask to be a gold digger?
Thats all u know for chic. A tricking rapper got open, took you out the strip club, which YOU CHOSE, now u famous for nothing, now u didn’t ask for it? THE nerve
False? Or unfavorable? When one does questionable things and says questionable things, it should be no wonder they should be portrayed in a negative way. Ms. Rose is so delusional into thinking that she may be someone important because she’s better at sleeping with rappers than most other women in the world, she’s obviously has lost grip on reality. She has an undeserved sense of entitlement, undeserved because she has done nothing. Nothing except win the evolutionary and genetic gamble of attractiveness. She should be shamed.
“& Yall f##ked me” ! Damn, No wonder she was able to get the cover. Ha!
More than likely they did skew some quotes around. Gotta sell magazines, right? You would think she would see the final edit before they publish the article/interview before hand. Idk.
The industry is shady and its funny how none of you Know Amber Rose but yet your so sure she is a hoe and a golddigger and screws rappers? Stop believin everything you hear and realize that they call this industry THE GAME for a reason and your playing into everything they throw at you..
“i didnt ask for it ,it was handed to me”
bitch talking like she got super powers …if she had big family values,she wouldnt have been a stripper whoring around
stop complaining……
I was gonna post but… that Donn dude got it right
see, her and Kanye were made for each other. he would have did the same thing lol. I’m joking tho…the fucked her over.
bitch please
She comes off kinda arrogant in those tweets. This life was handed to me? You was just lucky enough to be that one hoe that caught a rappers eye, now you famous for NO FUCKIN REASON. Why should ppl even care about your cover story? What do you bring to the table? Just more ammo for me to bust a couple off when im bored. At LEAST do some porn, those naked pictures that leaked werent enough.
why do we glorify and cover hos in America? This shit dont happen in Russia.
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I wonder what Kanye has to say about this though, since the info is inaccurate
Sean Kingston Severely Injured in Jet Ski Crash
The Miami Fire Dept. responded to the scene and both Kingston and his female passenger were transported to nearby Jackson Memorial Hospital. We’re told Kingston’s injuries are so severe, he is being treated in the trauma ward.
@Donn tell that last line to amber rose
@wickwickwack right that bitch sound like spiderman or something. “it is my gift it is my curse” GTFOH!
DAMN I can’t leave this pod alone…..all jokes aside. Not calling her a whore or a hoe or anything…..but what IS she famous for
bitch please!
Damn Shame What They DId To That DOG!!!
Maybe I should stop asking God to let me win the lottery and it’ll just come to me then.
This aint ordinary bruh! – MoneyMusic410.Com
*yawn* stop tweetin slut and get back 2 yo day job? ridin dicks
Reggie bush
Lol I didn’t ask for this
Lol @ This Life was handed to me LOL naw u fucced two rappers for this life amber LOL
That’s why you need to write that tell all book
i just think she tryin to sell more issues by causin drama… go suck wiz dick or sumthin bitch
She should turn her fame into a solid income b4 the next chick comes along. Something other than being paid 4 appearances.
lmao@Sony Music Employee a.k.a J Cole Album Is Never coming out
Anyone else thought Pitbull got the cover of Vibe? *SHRUG*
Quit takin up for that hoe!! Fuck her dumb ass…her whole claim to fame is based on suckin dick and slinging the pussy!! I’m glad VIBE exposed her for the H O E she is!!!
Vibe has a history of distorting the truth. Brett, you should be ashamed of yourself if this stuff is true.
@Master It’s a Damn shame what they did to that dog LoL!
this chick needs to quit, your not a star shut the hell up
Peter Pankey Jr. for blog comment of the year!!!!
This is just marketing to sell more magazines
Someone remind me what this ho does besides suckin rappers dicks, being annoying as fuck and looking like a dude?
You are really the drama and negativity that you see…what is coming AT you is really coming FROM you….
now amber i’m about to go H.A.M. on you for the simple fact you said you didnt ask for this life it was given to you…. how does that sound?
The 2 million Ye gave you to shut the fuck up and you know Mr. Paper Plans is breaking that cash off to you also…
You a sack chaser…. groupie, skeezer…… dont hate play your part baby….. like the saying goes…
i see a “tell all” in her bleak future….. Lord knows she got enough material by now