New Music: Sublime With Rome x Wiz Khalifa “Can You Feel It”
June 22, 2011 @ 9:02 PM EDT

Smokers can rejoice as Wiz Khalifa lights one up over Sublime With Rome’s second single. You can find this on the group’s upcoming album Yours Truly on July 12.
i can feel it
Sublime sold out. I bet this shit was Rome’s idea.
@BJohn I agree. Rome is wack as fuck.
never heard of this group – is this the original band sublime ? who is rome ? someone help me please – Wiz handles the beat well, but overall this track didnt need him
Im glad i wasnt the only one who thought sublime was lame wit this rome shit they should have just called it quits these add ons never do the group justice word 2 black dude who tried to replace kurt
sublime didnt sell out, eric and bud did. sublime is bradley and no one else thats what they went to court ove. fuck eric and bud.
lost so much respect
yo, this is surprisingly not that terrible overall, wiz did a good job with what he was presented. however, you ppl who are goin shit, sell out!… go back and listen to sublime now that you’re not 14. and if you think their music is still legendary, or even good, then please stop sharing your opinions
^^^. Yea you are a fucking idiot “pooping is fun”. There music is timeless. Take gucci manes cock outa mouth and shoot yourself.
They probably needed money. That’s why they started it with Rome.
exclusive new wiz track produced by johnny juliano titled RESPECT
Wiz looks like Eazy-E
[…] second single that’ll appear of the groups Yours Truly album dropping July 12th. (Props to RR via MTV) […]
this song is gayer than fuck. Wiz in this dont belong that song just droped wizes statues big time
i hate wiz…honestly nowadays i don’t know what he is doing..
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@HollyWood No, fag. I did not express any opinion about any other music other than: if you think some heroin-addicted beach bro making cringe-inducingly embarrassing noises (BOH BOH BOH, my hiii-iina, brrrrrrrrrrruppppp!!!!!) over (extremely) pale imitations of reggae and punk rock is “timeless,” then your opinion on music is worthless. Don’t try to say sublime were innovators in any way, either, because you’re just flat out wrong on that front too. “I liked it when I was growing up” does not excuse things from criticism. Anyways, again, Wiz was fairly good, nowell corpse-fuckers continued to do the mediocre bullshit they’ve been doing for the last 15 years.
Sidenote: wouldn’t it be a better outcome for you if I kept gucci’s dick in my mouth while I shot myself? killing two birds with one stone? just sayin…
Don’t forget Lou Dog! The heart of Sublime = Brad and Louie, and both of them are dead. The best I can say for Eric and Bud is that they had barely enough class not to directly name this average new band “Sublime”.
@pooping get a new name first off secondly how’s it not timeless? Instill listen to 40 oz to freedom. And they weren’t innovators who was as successful as them in their ska/punk/reggae category? Nobody because it wasn’t done by anybody else who didn’t sound like shit. You sound like a fucking moron. So no keep guccis dick in your left hand and blow your head off with the right.
@you’re to tall:
Lou dog had his own backstage pass at their concerts, definitely big part of it. The whole reason its Sublime with Rome is because they tried to do it as” Sublime” and got taken to court by Bradley’s estate because he was the sole owner of the “Sublime”name and music. Eric and Bud are addicts that have ruined every band they’ve been in since.
I was listening to 40 oz. The other day and wondered if his son is making music.
sublime has been the one of the largest inspirations for dub rock and ska groups. if you think sublime wasnt great keep your opinion to yourself you have no idea what youre talking about.
rip bradley nowell….
Wiz is fucking
The West Coast Aint Dead
This is ok. This is defintaley on Wiz level. Nothing special. I am raps new critic.!/SlaughterJW
Damn I didn’t know that. I take back all the vaguely positive things that I said about Bud and Eric.
Have any of ya’ll heard of Vee? His DJ Drama hosted mixtape is coming is featured on Datpiff. Check it out!
If ya love Wiz your gonna love this song! Check out Estelle’s NEW hit single Ft. Rick Ross!!
@pooping guy
you are fucking stupid and i would like to see you make random noises and make money dumb shit and yeah he was a heroin head but guess what he is a legend he started his own genre pretty much the man was a musical genious so you can take gucci’s cock out of ur mouth and suck on mine you fucking tasteless faggot
@pooping guy
you are fucking stupid and have no taste in music and have you ever tried making money of off random noises and he might have been into heroin but he is legendary the man started his own genre pretty much he was a musical genious so i got an idea for you take gucci’s cock out of ur mouth and put in ur ass the suck on my dick you fucking tasteless faggot!