Alicia Keys Piano & I Concert In NYC
July 1, 2011 @ 12:07 PM EDT

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Last night, Ms. Keys performed at the Beacon Theatre in NYC as part of her Piano & I: A One Night Only Event With Alicia Keys. If you missed the special event, her full show is above. The 10th Anniversary of her debut album in stores now.
Best female artist out period!
great ,still not better than my girl beyonce tho……..#justsaying
@dapp… Beyonce don’t even write her own music, don’t play a instrument, and don’t produce music. Beyonce good but she really just a super model who took dance lessons. She a beast tho prolly second best but not fuckin Alicia… #JustSaying
Alicia Keys = Soul/Classical
Beyonce = R&B/Pop
Two different lanes. Can’t compare the two!
[…] Rap-Up Last night, Ms. Keys performed at the Beacon Theatre in NYC as part of her Piano & I: A One Night Only Event With Alicia Keys. If you missed the special event, her full show is above. The 10th Anniversary of her debut album in stores now. […]
I watched this entire thing…Aint fuggin wit Alicia Keys! She gonna be one of the greats…