Method Man x Ne-Yo Red Tails Trailer
July 29, 2011 @ 3:40 PM EDT

Method Man and Ne-Yo are starring in George Lucas’ next movie, Red Tails. The film is inspired by the events of the Tuskegee Airmen during WW II. Movie opens January 20, 2012.
We should put our money where our mouth is and support this.
Bubbles..we see u son! lol
Geroge Lucas >>>> James Cameron, great story, a helluva long time in the making…hope we support it…
Trailer looks impressive! See you in January
Im starting 2 think acting isnt so hard haha
I fuck with this tho
Dope! i will be their!
Where is Method Man in the trailer ?
Haha damn this movie is stacking with some good actors.
This is something to be proud of.
Cant wait to see it.
[…] RR says that Method Man and Ne-Yo will star in an upcoming George Lucas film titled Red Tails. The film is based on the events of the Tuskegee Airmen of World War II. The motion picture is slated to hit theaters on January 20, 2012. Tweet […]
Method Man wasn’t even in the trailer??
I remember the The Tuskegee Airmen movie with Laurence Fishburne back in 1995 good movie. This 1 looks great too.
Movie looks great!! George know s what’s up!! It’s to bad fagets like Tyler Perry can’t make quality films about black people!!! You should really take note you bitchass faget as these are the stories that need to be told to inspire black men!! Bravo Mr. Lucas Bravo!
Now if we could just get someone to make a movie on HANNIBAL !!
Terrence Howard next gig should a football coach that little speech got me ready to run through a brick wall.
George Lucas for creating Star Wars = was already the master in my book. George Lucas giving the brothas the rebel alliance steez in WWII = frrrrrrruck yeah!
Meth in this kind of movie?
but but but none of them are getting high ! ! ! i dont understand
Meth was the mechanic leaning on the plane.
I really hope brothas go out and support this and watch a movie based on real events of how when given the chance we are able to rise to the occassion. (Because many didn’t go see Miracle at St. Anna) Inspiring.
Bart Scott voice:
yea meth is in the trailer for like 3 seconds at the 1.18 mark. third dude form the right.
Good look for Mef. He’s been typecast as the stereotypical Hip-Hopper/gangbanger/drug dealer/pothead. His role in this film is obviously a small one, but I’m still curious to see how he does.